Global Studies Program 2

Global Connections Certificate Application

Please email your completed application to Alexandra Hellenbrand, Director of the Global Studies Program at . Please call 262-3177 with any questions about this application/program.

DEADLINES: Submit this application to the Global Studies Program when you do your grad check the semester before you plan to graduate. All work must be completed by the end of the semester in which you graduate. The portfolio must submitted by November 1 for December graduation of the same year; by April 1 for May/August graduation of the same year (i.e. submit the portfolio on November 1, 2012 if you intend to graduate in December 2012).

Date: Name:

ASU email Phone:

Major Minor

Advisor’s name

Advisor’s email

Anticipated Graduation Semester &Year Current GPA:

*You may include courses currently in progress or anticipated for the coming semester.

A. Foreign Language Courses: Students must complete the equivalent of at least two years of sequential college level course work in foreign language (the equivalent of four courses or twelve credit hours). Placement retrocredits do count.

Course Title and # Professor *Semester&Year taken

B. International Experience: Students must participate in an international service-learning program or in a short-term study abroad program in a location related to their language of study.

International Student Teaching OR

Course(s) abroad

Course Title and # Professor *Semester&Year taken

C. International Content: Students must take nine credit hours of "international content" course work in addition to the foreign language course work required in part A.

Course Title and # Professor *Semester&Year taken




D. Community Service: Students must complete at least 40 hours of service or outreach in #1 or #2 related to diversity issues, multicultural issues, and/or study abroad experiences.

1.  Service Learning course(s)

Course Title and # Professor *Semester&Year taken



Total service hours in SL course(s) =

2.  Documented Community Service

Hours / Agency / Signature

E. Portfolio and Reflection: Students will document their experiences in a portfolio that will include at least one final reflection paper (6-8 pages) specifically addressing the local and global connections of their experiences.

·  In approximately 100 words, please provide more detail about the focus and structure of your portfolio (e.g. what it will be based on/around, the experiences you intend to document/include).