Sartell Youth Hockey Association
General Membership Meeting
Monday, May 11, 2015
Call to Order – President Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:00pm.
SYHA Board Members in attendance – President Stuart Swenson, Vice President Dena Walters, Treasurer Bill McCabe, Matt Chrast, Jereme Fimrite, Henry Wieland and Michael Whitlock.
Other Members in attendance –Jason Cromwell, Eric Grahek, Darcy Kern, Jeremy Henkemeyer, Amy Peterson and Chris Plautz.
Consent Agenda – the following items were unanimously approved on a motion by Ms. Walters, seconded by Mr. Wieland.
May Agenda
April, 2014 General Membership Meeting Minutes.
April 23, 2014 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
MayTreasurer’s Report
This page covers paid items that were pre-approved as estimates,and now are being reported as exact amounts
Charitable Gambling Expenses Paid in Apr 2015
Games / $ 1,147.14
Compensation and payroll taxes / $ 5,482.87
Accounting Services / $ 665.00
Rent (GRB, RBD, Blue Line & HOP) / $ 2,707.10
Misc. - office supplies, bank service charges… / $ 268.39
Central Gaming - HOP machine, included in misc.
Cash long or short. / $ 14.00
Total Expenses during Apr 2015 / $ 10,284.50
Membership pre-approval: Expenses for June 2015
Games (pulltabs & meat raffle prizes) / $ 5,000.00
Compenstation and payroll taxes / $ 4,500.00
Accounting Services / $ 800.00
Premises Rent / $ 2,500.00
Misc. (office supplies, and etc.) / $ 300.00
Central Gaming - House of Pizza machine / $ 150.00
Total / $ 13,250.00
Membership pre-approval:
Sartell Youth Rec Center / $ 3,000.00
Celebration Lutheran Church - meat raffles / $ 1,600.00
Gambling Report, which includes
April Expenses of $10,284.50.
Pre-Approval ofJuneExpenses of $13,250
SYRC Payment of $3,000.
Celebration Church Meat Raffle Payment of $1,600
Payment to SYHA of $20,000.
Payment to SFM for $200 for work comp audit.
Ms. Brookins indicated we need to update signer card at bank. She and Sue Cook will remain as signers and SYHA President Stuart Swenson will be the new signer, removing John Michaud.
She reported that bingo is still doing okay at the Blue Line but it has slowed down considerably. She will need additional help for Bingo at the Blue Line as her newest employee resigned. Everything is going okay at River Boat Depot.
Gun Raffle – Ms. Brookins reported that we sold 1,536 tickets out of the 2,000 tickets and we will profit right around $20,000. Mr. Cromwell indicated he is willing to do it again and suggests we charge a convenience fee to allow for on-line sales.
Hairball – Mr. Erickson was in attendance and reported we profited $30,000 and had roughly 1,600 people come in the door. He gave comparison information versus last year and previous years. He stated we were approximately 50 volunteers short, no major issues and we will have them scheduled again next spring.
SYRC –Mr. Grahek reported the City Council gave approval to get a quote for a parking lot out front of the building and suggested we push to contact the City Council members. An email will go out to the membership from the level coordinators and managers explaining what we need from them for a push to the City Council.
Mr. Grahek updated those in attendance on the Mighty Ducks grant projects.
Association of MN Hockey Directors – Mr. Fimrite indicated Amanda Pickett’s plans have changed but she still wants to be a part of the association. Ryan Hacker will attempt to make an appearance. Dave Walters was also identified as someone potentially interested in this position. Eric Grahek will figure out if he is able to attend. JD Anderson was also mentioned as another potential attendee.
Handbook Updates –there was discussion of setting a meeting to update the handbook. Ms. Lund has submitted a list of items to start at our discussion meeting. Mr. Swenson also stated there would be some amendments to the mite structure included.
Assign Committee Chairpersons – committee chairpersons were reviewed and there will be a push to have these in place prior to July 1. Angela Stavos will act as Mite Coaching Administrator we will be looking for a coaching administrator for our travel teams. Ms. Peterson suggested we put the level certifications online so coaches know when their trainings take place.
Little Wild Registration – Megan Lund sent out information, registration opens May 26.
Sartell Parade – is someone interested in taking the lead and organizing. The girls coop will have a float in Sartell, Rice and Sauk Rapids parades. Amy Peterson volunteered and indicated she would take the lead.
Sponsorship – Nick and Jon are working together on some new items and they will once again be handing out water bottles.
Squirt Jersey Quotes – Megan Lund was assigned to get quotes to bring back at our next meeting.
Power Skating –Mr. Fimrite indicated he would visit with Trois to see if they will quote providing to our association.
Learn to Skate/Learn to Hockey – trouble will be in finding available ice.
Shinning Start Camp and Mite Dynamics – Megan will coordinate.
Adjourn – A motion was made to adjourn at 9:40 by Mr. Fimrite, seconded by Ms. Walters. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Dena Walters