Minutes of the20thAnnual General Meeting of
Park Hill Golf Club
Held in the Seagrave Suite
On Tuesday 11th Feb.2014 @ 7pm
Present: 40 members
Mr and Mrs Roberts, Mr and Mrs Wills, Mr and Mrs Rossiter, Mr G Barradell, Mr and Mrs Reynolds, Mr S Biddle, Mr J Biddle, Mr G Biddles, Mr and Mrs Dignan. Mr D Mee.
AGM 1401 Minutes:
The minutes of the 2013 AGM were taken as read and adopted as a true record and signed by the Chairman John Wright. Proposed by Mr K James and seconded by Mr P Footitt
AGM 1402Golf Committee Report:
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the 20th AGM.
Firstly I would like to thank the Committee who have supported me as chairman and you as members throughout the year.
My thanks must also go to the Captains for their hard work this year and all the Team Captains and the members who play for them week after week. We are still looking for a B Team Captain or Captains for next year. So if anyone is interested please let us know.
I also want to say a huge thanks to Matt & Matt for running the competitions over the winter and their help and support to us all throughout the year, as always.
I would also like to the Green staff who did an excellent job last year under adverse weather conditions and the other obvious problems that most of us endured. The course was still a good challenge although it needed some care and attention, which is starting to happen. We have had a successful and challenging year as a club. I will leave the highlights to the captains. The Mee family have shown their commitment to us with their investment in time, hard work and money which I know is beginning to take effect, but they know there is still along way to go.
Now it’s our turn to show our commitment to them as members.
I believe that the older the club gets, the better and stronger it gets, With a great diversity of members, who have stayed with the club through thick an thin, and in both the maturity of the course and the facilities we have at our disposal.
I am truly looking forward to the new golfing year and let’s hope it’s another good year. We are already seeing changes happening all around us and with a little patience and understanding from us all; I am convinced that we will have the best club in the county within a few years.
4. AGM 1403 Treasurers Report:
This year was a good year as we have made a small profit of £45 on the income from competitions but reserves carried forward are £633, but we need to build on this profit, as we have to update the Honours boards and computer system as soon as possible.
Frank thanked Martin Cox for auditing the accounts and Matt Ulyett and Matt Whelband for their help with the competitions every Saturday.
Matt Ulyett and Neil Roberts proposed the acceptance of the accounts as a true record.
AGM 1404 Lady Captains report:
David Alan & Jan Mee, Chairman John, Club Captain Rob, Vice Captains
Chris and Alison, members of Park Hill. Good Evening.
This is my Captainʼs report for 2013.
We only have a small ladies section, but we competed in several
competitions during the year. Our team Sue Rossiter, Di De Middelear,
Jane Walmsley, Mandy Horsley & Myself won the first round of the Mail
on Sunday Classic only to be knocked out in round two by a spin of a
coin due to adverse weather conditions. We also played in Daily Mail
Foursomes, Ladies County & Mixed Foursomes of which Rob was a
team member, he will no doubt give you the results of that competition
The Ping Competition winners were Fiona & Beth Johnson.
The Peugeot Coronation Foursomes winners were Jane Walmsley &
Vicky Carr.
We played 10 Friendly Matches 2 were AmAmʼs followed by 7 wins and
only one loss.
The Handicap League Matches organised by Angela Wright, we played 4
won 3 lost one, managing to stay in the same division.
Well Done Ladies great Results.
We also play Mixed Friendly Matches on Sundayʼs usually as AmAmʼs,
they have proven to be very popular with many club members.
We held 2 very successful Ladies Opens this year the first in August
with a Sale of Womenʼs Wear from ʻOne Up Golfʼ organised by Anna
which raised £480.00 plus raffle proceeds of £162.00 for our charities.
I would like to mention that a Home team of Fiona, Beth, Anna & Myself
picked up the First Prize on the day.
The winter Open in November included over a 100 ladies competing.
The weather was kind to us again and everyone enjoyed a great day.
Unfortunately my team Andrena & Judith from Hinckley and Roisin from
Rothley had to settle for second place.
Opens donʼt just happen, I would like to thank all the ladies for their
donations of raffle prizes the making of mince pies, cakes etc. for the
Half Way House which is supervised be our very own Spiros !!.
Lovely flowers from Chris Savage, Alison & Ralph for helping with raffle
which raised £228.00. The Proʼs Matt One & Two for organising the
prizes. Angela,Anna,Sue,Jane for help with Card Registration and
apologies to anyone else that I may have overlooked.
Thank you Rob for your help and support in attending most of the ladies
events in the past year, your efforts have been very much appreciated.
Ladies Away Day in August at Morley Hayes was very enjoyable, good
weather & food, great company and hospitality.
Our Weekend Away in September was held at Rudding Park, near
Harrogate. I originally thought the venue may have been too far away,
but The Hotel, super weather and facilities were all First Class, well
worth the extra miles.
Cate & I arrived a day earlier and were pleasantly surprised to be
offered an upgrade to a suite of rooms. We all enjoyed some great golf
played in a superb setting and eveningʼs spent wineing & dining in
excellent company. Well done to the overall weekend winner Vicky Carr.
The Silly Hat competition & Christmas Fayre were well subscribed and
thank you the team of ladies for there help in making up the hampers.
Good Luck to Chris and Alison for 2014.
AGM1405 Club Captains Report:
Lady Captain Mr Chairman Ladies and Gentleman, what a year we have had for many reasons, and I would like to take this opportunity to focus on some of the main achievements.
Firstly the obvious impact of the Mee Family. Notably the improvements to the course, bunkers, new machinery, decorations and of course the wood burner. The growing reputation I have felt and witnessedhopefully will kick on and take the club to the next level.
The new social atmosphere in the club with darts, quiz and poker nights have managed to attract and hopefully keep new members. However I must thank the hardcore of old members who have helped Maureen and myself enormously with fundraising etc. and their generosity should not be underestimated.
Thank you to the teams behind the scene, Professionals Matt and Matt and Aubrey. Nick Prentice who has departed for pastures new and of course the committee and in particular John Wright for all there help and support this year.
There has been a large amount of club success this year. Including Jamie Longstaff becoming County First Team Captain, a great honour for him and the club. Also the first team promoted last year to Div 3 have once again topped their division. My thanks go to Sam Gamble who has been an excellent captain. Thanks to B team Captain Adam Flowers and C team Captain Graham Barradell. Both these teams have had a great season.
Thanks to the Mixed Captain Anna Reynolds for the hard work raising teams for the Sunday matches, I even played and enjoyed a couple of them.
Thanks to Ken James, Senior Captain whose amazing team have played 30 won 17 lost 9 and halved 4. They have won the Bickley trophy for the first time in 4 years beating Lingdale.
The Seniors also had an away day and a weekend away at Rufford and Breadsall where John Seddon produced a hole in one (1gross with a shot 5 pts) Those were the days!!!!
Richard Holdsworth will be next years Captain we wish him well.
Greg Johnson was this years Junior Captain and they have all played more matches this year than in the last 8 years. Well done to the team.
They won all 3 friendlies inc. the ladies and won 2 out of 5 league matches.
Finally on behalf of Maureen and Myself I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and friendship over this last year and look forward to seeing you all at out Captains change over Dinner and Drive In on April 5th and 6th. Where we will be reflecting on our year , entertaining you royally and handing over the reins to Alison Seddon and Chris Olivier.
AGM 1406 Election of Officers 2014 Season:
a) Lady Captain Alison Seddon
b) Club Captain Chris Olivier
AGM 1407 Election of Committee Officers:
There being only 1 nomination:
Tak Fai Wan was elected to the committee
Proposed by John WrightSeconded by Glenda Yeldham
AGM1408 Election of Auditor:
Martin Cox agreed to stand as Auditor for another year and was accepted by the committee.
AGM 1409 Announcements:
a)Nomination of Vice Captains
- Lady Vice Captain Jane Allwood
- Mens Vice Captain Steve Bradley
AGM 1410 Proprietors Report:
Dave welcomed everyone to the AGM and thanked everyone for their support so far.
I would also like to thank the Captains and Committee for their hard work and support and all the Park Hill staff who have rallied round to help.
Thank You to Matt, Matt and Aubrey in the Po shop and the greenstaff for the course, we are the only course open at the moment, Thank you Dean and his staff.
The course this year has been fantastic and as promised we have bought all 5 pieces of machinery so this year the course should be even better.
The functions this year have been very well supported and thank you all for an amazing New Years Eve rounded off with an amazing firework display.
I would like to announce 50 new Junior memberships for the coming year to promote Junior Golf, sponsored by HSBC and England Golf .
There will be no change to the cost of subscriptions this year, and card payments can now be accepted.
A raffle was held costing £20. The prize being a Full Membership.
A big thank you to John Wright for the new website and for hishard work in the background helping the family move Park Hill Golf Club forward.
AGM 1411 Questions from the members.
No Questions from the members.
AGM 1412 A.O.B
Nothing to report.
There being no other business the meeting closed and 8.00 pm.