The information gathered on this form will be used to gauge the effectiveness of policies in the Cataraqui Source Protection Plan, as well as related compliance. By submitting this completed form, the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley will meet all source water protection reporting requirements and recommendations for the Cataraqui Source Protection Plan.

We appreciate your time to submit a form that is as complete as possible. If you have any additional comments, please provide those as well. We want to know about your source water protection implementation experience.

1.0Progress Scoring for Policy Implementation

Score / Meaning / Progress Statement
P / Progressing Well/On Target / Majority of policies have been or are being implemented within the provided timelines
S / Satisfactory / Somepolicies have been or are being implemented within provided timelines
L / Limited Progress / Few policies have been or are being implemented within provided timelines

Provide an overall implementation score for your municipality with a rationale for your response:

☐ Progressing Well/On Target / ☐ Satisfactory / ☐ Limited Progress
Scoring Rationale:

2.0Highlighted Success

Tell us about any source water protection successes or unique initiatives implemented by the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley during the preceding calendar year that you would like to highlight:

3.0Resources and Funding

How is the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley currently funding source water protection implementation? Check all that apply.
☐ General Revenue / ☐ Cost Recovery/User Pay / ☐ Both / ☐ Other
Funding Explanation:
What tools and resources has the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley been using to implement source water protection policies? Check all that apply.
☐ Education and outreach community of practice
☐ Education and outreach webinar
☐ Guidance materials (e.g. fact sheets, bulletins)
☐ Ministry information sessions (please specify):
☐ Ministry training (please specify):
☐ Resource Catalogue/Campaign in a Box toolkit
☐ Risk Management (RMO)Forum
☐ Source Protection Interactive Mapping Tool
☐ Other (please specify):
Comments on tools and resources:

4.0Restricted Land Uses

Restricted land use policies in source protection plans flag proposed developments to ensure that any Part IV prohibition or risk management plan requirements are met prior to processing a Planning Act, Condominium Act or development application. Refer to theRestricted Land Use Workflow Guide, the vulnerable area map and the restricted land use information sheet for more information.

Brockville intake Protection Zone
Policy 7.4.5-CW pertains to restricted land uses. Implementation is immediate and on-going with referrals sent to the Risk Management Official when applicable applications are received. Please complete the following:
Staff are using the referral process?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Not applicable
Comments on restricted land uses referrals:

5.0Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning Documents

The Clean Water Act requires that Official Plans and Zoning By-laws conform to the source protection plan by no later than April 2020.
Official Plan Update Status
☐ / Completed / Date: / Copy Provided/Made Available?
☐ / Completed but under appeal / ☐ / Yes
☐ / In Progress / ☐ / No
☐ / Not started / ☐ / Not Applicable
Zoning By-law Update Status
☐ / Completed / Date: / Copy Provided/Made Available?
☐ / Completed but under appeal / ☐ / Yes
☐ / In Progress / ☐ / No
☐ / Not started / ☐ / Not Applicable
Explanation of land use planning document update progress:
Land Use Planning Decisions
The Clean Water Act requires that decisions under the Planning Act and the Condominium Act comply with (CW) or have-regard-for (HR) source protection plan policies. Other policies are non-binding recommendations (NB).
Fill in the following table for the preceding calendar year:
Action Policy / Reporting Policy / Vulnerable Area / Required Action / Reporting / Number of Applicable Applications Received / Copies Provided / Made Available / Explanation of Progress
Risk management measures to reduce the risk of pollution
5.5.1-HR /5.5.2-NB / Highly Vulnerable Aquifers / Immediate and on-going / copy of decisions / Choose an item. /
7.2.4-HR / 7.2.7-NB / Intake Protection Zones (IPZs) / Choose an item. /
Prohibit land uses where they would be a significant drinking water threat
7.2.2-CW / 7.2.6-CW / IPZ-1 / Immediate and on-going / copy of decisions / Choose an item. /
7.2.3-CW / 7.2.6-CW / IPZ-2 / Choose an item. /
Low impact development measures
7.2.8-NB / IPZ-1 / April 2017 / Choose an item. /
Comments regarding land use planning policy implementation:
Transport Pathway Notification
Municipalities are to notify the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority of development proposals that may modify an existing transport pathway or create a new transport pathway in wellhead protection areas or intake protection zones. This is a direct requirement of Ontario Regulation 287/07 under the Clean Water Act.
Complete the following:
Staff are implementing the transport pathway notification procedure? / ☐ Yes / ☐No
Number of applications forwarded to the Cataraqui Source Protection Authority (care of CRCA)
Comments regarding transport pathway notification:


The source protection plan requires or recommends actions affecting municipal operations.

Fill in the following table to indicate how the operational-type policies were implemented over the preceding calendar year.

Action Policy / Reporting Policy / Topic / Implementation / Reporting Deadlines / Implementation Status / Materials and / or Summary of Results Provided / Explanation of Progress
4.3.2-CW / 4.3.3-NB / Update Emergency Spill Response Plans – WHPAs and IPZs / April 2017 / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
4.4.1-NB / Install Source Protection Road Signs – WHPAs and IPZs / April 2017 / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
4.4.4-NB / Municipal waste program / April 2017 / copy within 60 days of completion or Council endorsement / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
4.7.2-NB / Update Salt Management Plans – all areas / Three years after Code of Practice update / copy within 60 days of completion or Council endorsement / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
4.7.3-NB / Management of hauled sewage / April 2020 / timely update / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
5.4.1-NB / On-site sewage system maintenance - HVA / January 17, 2017 / details provided February 15th of the year following / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
7.2.1-NB / On-site sewage system maintenance - HVA / January 17, 2017 / details provided February 15th of the year following / Choose an item. / Choose an item. /
Comments regarding operation policy implementation:

7.0Education and Outreach

Policy 4.4.2-CW and 4.4.3-NB relate to supporting regional education and outreach efforts. Please use the following sections to describe any efforts or activities that have been initiated during the preceding calendar year that aim to reduce the risk that drinking water threats pose to source water:

Education / Outreach Activity Status: / Materials and summary of results provided?
☐ Completed/Implemented / ☐ Yes
☐ In progress / ☐ No
☐ Not addressed to date / ☐ Not applicable
Explanation of Progress:
What topics did education and outreach initiative(s) target? Check all that apply.
☐Drinking water issues
☐ Local threat / ☐Spill prevention / spill event
☐Threats (moderate-low)
☐Threats (significant) / ☐Transport pathways
☐ Other (please specify):
List the audiences your education and outreach efforts targeted.
What methods are being used to implement education and outreach policies? Check all that apply.
☐ Articles in publications / ☐ Methods not yet determined
☐ Collaboration with others / ☐ Podcasts or radio announcements
☐ Educational videos / ☐ Site visits
☐ Information kiosks / ☐ Websites and social media
☐ In-person workshops / ☐ Other (please specify):
Comments on education and outreach policy implementation:
Holly Evans
Phone: 613-546-4228 x233
Thank you for reporting.