Gender Equity Survey Information
Thisreportprovidesdataregardingstudentparticipationandexpendituresbygenderforthe 2014-2015 schoolyear. Thedata isself-reportedbyeachschooldistrictand submitted to the Department via a portal.
Itisimportanttonotethattheparticipationratescontainedinthereportmaybesomewhat inflatedduetothefactthateachlocalschool districtreportsparticipationbysportandnotby student. Therefore,ifastudentparticipatesin multiple sports, the student will be counted in the district’s participation rate more than once.
Title IX and Georgia’s Equity in Sports Act
EnsuringthatGeorgia’spublicschoolstudents,both boys and girls, enjoy equal access to athleticopportunitiesisanimportantpriority. Participation in athletics promotes many benefits, includingimprovedphysicalandmentalhealth and even improved academic performance. Research shows that participation in athletics can benefit both males and females, which reinforcesthecriticalimportanceofensuringgenderequityinourschools’athleticprograms.
Forexample,nationalstudiesindicatethatgirls who participate in sports can experience higher than average levels of self-esteemand graduate at significantly higher rates.1
SimilartotherequirementsofTitleIX,Georgia's EquityinSportsActprovidesaseriesof wide- rangingfactorsthataretobeconsideredindetermining whether equal athletic opportunities are available. Under the Act, local school systems must carefully consider:
"(1) Whether the selectionofsportsandlevelsofcompetitioneffectivelyaccommodatetheinterestsandabilities ofmembersofbothgenders;(2)theprovisionofequipmentandsupplies;(3)schedulingof games and practice time; (4) travel allowances;(5) opportunity to receive coaching and academic tutoring;(6)assignmentandcompensationofcoaches and tutors; (7) provision of locker rooms andpracticeandcompetitivefacilities;(8)provisionof medicalandtrainingfacilitiesand services;and(9)publicity."2 Thus,itisimportantthateachschoolsystem examinethedata containedinthisreportandotherinformation to ensure that it is offering equal athletic opportunities that are designed to meet the interests of students fromboth genders.
While competitive cheerleading is not considered a sport under Title IX, the 2014-2015 data providedinthisreportdoesincludecompetitive cheerleading. The Department and the State BoardofEducationchosetoincludethisdatain ordertoprovideamoreaccuratepictureofthe types of activities in which Georgia students choose to participate.
TheDepartmentispleasedtopresentthis annual report and looks forward to continuing to work with Georgia's school systems, including administrators, teachers, and parents, to ensure full compliance with the Equity in Sports Act.
1SeePresident’sCouncilonPhysicalFitnessandSportsReport:PhysicalActivitySportintheLives ofGirls,UndertheDirectionoftheCenterforResearchonGirlsWomeninSport,Universityof Minnesota,(Spring1997).
2 O.C.G.A. §20-2-315(c)
Figure 1: Interscholastic Sport Opportunities by Gender
*March 2015 FTE data
Figure 2: Funding for Interscholastic Sports
*Self -reported by local school systems
Figure 3: Participation in Interscholastic Sports
*Self -reported by local school systems
Figure 4: Percentage Opportunities, Participation and Funding
*Self –reported funding and participation/March 2015 FTE opportunities
Georgia Department of Education
January2016Page 1 of 26
Figures 5: Participation by Sport - Male
*Self –reported funding and participation/March 2015 FTE opportunities
Figures 6: Participation by Sport -Female
The following pages provide the self-reported data for Georgia school districts. Blank fields indicate missing/incomplete data.
Participation and Expenditure data for2013- 2014 and the 2014- 2015 data include competitive cheerleading.
Year / District / Female Offered / Male Offered / Female Participation / Male Participation / Female Expenditure / Male Expenditure2014 - 2015 / Appling County / 442 / 530 / 78 / 247 / $64,423 / $1,470,053
2013-2014 / Appling County (601) / 447 / 520 / 78 / 226 / $39,295 / $195,132
2014 - 2015 / Atkinson County / 207 / 212 / 83 / 125 / $252,530 / $105,315
2013-2014 / Atkinson County (602) / 232 / 221 / 77 / 120 / $46,924 / $132,093
2014 - 2015 / Atlanta Public Schools / 6088 / 5512 / 2014 / 3261 / $1,159,185 / $2,193,902
2013-2014 / Atlanta Public Schools / 6030 / 5485 / 3713 / 4556 / $10,752,544 / $11,300,199
2014 - 2015 / Bacon County / 273 / 270 / 79 / 160 / $1,520,956 / $4,507,746
2013-2014 / Bacon County (603) / 275 / 235 / 67 / 138 / $49,766 / $150,385
2014 - 2015 / Baker County / 46 / 31 / 10 / 22 / $3,193 / $3,360
2013-2014 / Baker County (604) / 41 / 32
2014 - 2015 / Baldwin County / 652 / 602 / 148 / 210 / $46,800 / $95,900
2013-2014 / Baldwin County (605) / 675 / 637 / 180 / 218 / $45,850 / $93,850
2014 - 2015 / Banks County / 418 / 453 / $31,579 / $64,389
2013-2014 / Banks County (606) / 421 / 417 / 143 / 242 / $22,079 / $33,506
2014 - 2015 / Barrow County / 1709 / 1857 / 545 / 650 / $72,053 / $111,770
2013-2014 / Barrow County (607) / 1713 / 1827 / 492 / 684 / $56,782 / $116,010
2014 - 2015 / Bartow County / 2056 / 2060 / 579 / 847 / $202,759 / $417,831
2013-2014 / Bartow County (608) / 2045 / 2064 / 594 / 873 / $220,144 / $488,067
2014 - 2015 / Ben Hill County / 397 / 394 / 105 / 270 / $39,875 / $162,378
2013-2014 / Ben Hill County (609) / 394 / 361 / 150 / 245 / $48,819 / $180,230
2014 - 2015 / Berrien County / 380 / 442 / 140 / 215 / $120,106 / $245,642
2013-2014 / Berrien County (610) / 394 / 418 / 118 / 214 / $103,833 / $214,560
2014 - 2015 / Bibb County / 3020 / 2963 / 696 / 1148 / $136,337 / $928,215
2013-2014 / Bibb County (611) / 3019 / 2949
2014 - 2015 / Bleckley County / 310 / 352 / 107 / 196 / $38,174 / $53,862
2013-2014 / Bleckley County (612) / 316 / 329 / 121 / 183 / $40,610 / $50,801
2014 - 2015 / Brantley County / 433 / 491 / 32 / 28 / $20,513 / $39,970
2013-2014 / Brantley County (613) / 439 / 510 / 135 / 175 / $19,125 / $34,055
2014 - 2015 / Bremen City / 291 / 297 / 145 / 246 / $121,450 / $228,963
2013-2014 / Bremen City (763) / 300 / 296 / 141 / 262 / $103,743 / $205,586
2014 - 2015 / Brooks County / 250 / 286 / 79 / 155 / $42,000 / $208,000
2013-2014 / Brooks County (614) / 283 / 277
2014 - 2015 / Bryan County / 1164 / 1258 / 316 / 473 / $476,893 / $840,951
2013-2014 / Bryan County (615) / 1103 / 1237
2014 - 2015 / Buford City / 599 / 581 / 333 / 466 / $657,938 / $1,753,370
2013-2014 / Buford City (764) / 579 / 547 / 311 / 424 / $822,304 / $1,986,694
2014 - 2015 / Bulloch County / 1284 / 1342 / 400 / 681 / $187,291 / $318,724
2013-2014 / Bulloch County (616) / 1289 / 1292 / 419 / 693 / $177,921 / $241,450
2014 - 2015 / Burke County / 570 / 581 / 100 / 206 / $25,756 / $80,986
2013-2014 / Burke County (617) / 566 / 567 / 108 / 209 / $228,469 / $244,761
2014 - 2015 / Butts County / 472 / 496 / 152 / 234 / $47,022 / $124,346
2013-2014 / Butts County (618) / 483 / 479 / 146 / 243 / $18,085 / $39,090
2014 - 2015 / Calhoun City / 508 / 547 / 212 / 329 / $2,199,191 / $2,278,191
2013-2014 / Calhoun City (765) / 491 / 499 / 32 / 23 / $1,565,248 / $1,885,248
2014 - 2015 / Calhoun County / 89 / 98 / 136 / 310 / $16,500 / $29,500
2013-2014 / Calhoun County (619) / 91 / 89 / 15 / $9,500 / $16,000
2014 - 2015 / Camden County / 1196 / 1244 / 227 / 447 / $411,322 / $801,823
2013-2014 / Camden County (620) / 1208 / 1286 / 225 / 460 / $435,416 / $800,670
2014 - 2015 / Candler County / 270 / 277 / 110 / 149 / $40,247 / $52,822
2013-2014 / Candler County (621) / 275 / 274 / 114 / 177 / $36,955 / $70,285
2014 - 2015 / Carroll County / 1958 / 2119 / 1121 / 2066 / $691,093 / $597,516
2013-2014 / Carroll County (622) / 1979 / 2099 / 612 / 1082 / $1,308,630 / $1,566,398
2014 - 2015 / Carrollton City / 698 / 713 / 286 / 407 / $378,681 / $571,443
2013-2014 / Carrollton City (766) / 659 / 675 / 292 / 392 / $383,418 / $480,772
2014 - 2015 / Cartersville City / 546 / 590 / 189 / 338 / $252,378 / $262,654
2013-2014 / Cartersville City (767) / 545 / 547 / 199 / 348 / $125,374 / $117,664
2014 - 2015 / Catoosa County / 1613 / 1704 / 461 / 741 / $106,322 / $227,198
2013-2014 / Catoosa County (623) / 1557 / 1683 / 449 / 687 / $174,538 / $264,327
2014 - 2015 / Charlton County / 192 / 233 / 62 / 142 / $49,308 / $222,903
2013-2014 / Charlton County (624) / 186 / 210 / 47 / 133 / $63,494 / $328,577
2014 - 2015 / Chatham County / 4493 / 4138 / 1175 / 1637 / $378,980 / $608,522
2013-2014 / Chatham County (625) / 4387 / 4028 / 945 / 1567 / $241,732 / $574,440
2014 - 2015 / Chattahoochee County / 190 / 266 / 84 / 177 / $16,004 / $60,843
2013-2014 / Chattahoochee County (626) / 188 / 257 / 68 / 161 / $17,128 / $79,493
2014 - 2015 / Chattooga County / 394 / 421 / 121 / 241 / $123,701 / $145,104
2013-2014 / Chattooga County (627) / 359 / 428 / 37 / 51 / $108,297 / $157,239
2014 - 2015 / Cherokee County / 5815 / 6107 / 1777 / 2623 / $1,405,701 / $2,631,395
2013-2014 / Cherokee County (628) / 5486 / 5795 / 1707 / 2440 / $1,366,047 / $2,384,268
2014 - 2015 / Chickamauga City / 226 / 244 / 127 / 156 / $59,210 / $132,635
2013-2014 / Chickamauga City (769) / 233 / 236 / 140 / 166 / $72,752 / $101,308
2014 - 2015 / Clarke County / 1519 / 1526 / 458 / 706 / $36,612 / $89,421
2013-2014 / Clarke County (629) / 1492 / 1450 / 458 / 678 / $33,982 / $79,206
2014 - 2015 / Clay County / 9 / 12
2013-2014 / Clay County (630) / 4 / 12
2014 - 2015 / Clayton County / 6921 / 7144 / 1344 / 2375 / $577,760 / $1,082,015
2013-2014 / Clayton County (631) / 6803 / 7079 / 1451 / 2476 / $2,737,607 / $2,980,674
2014 - 2015 / Clinch County / 169 / 173 / 66 / 115 / $60,487 / $84,722
2013-2014 / Clinch County (632) / 168 / 163 / 63 / 111 / $46,477 / $164,225
2014 - 2015 / Cobb County / 16506 / 17109 / 4363 / 6728 / $3,988,523 / $7,088,495
2013-2014 / Cobb County (633) / 16177 / 16798 / 4344 / 6853 / $4,225,563 / $6,807,471
2014 - 2015 / Coffee County / 1022 / 993 / 159 / 380 / $204,216 / $1,243,735
2013-2014 / Coffee County (634) / 1012 / 939
2014 - 2015 / Colquitt County / 1182 / 1184 / 279 / 382 / $113,829 / $623,928
2013-2014 / Colquitt County (635) / 1211 / 1176
2014 - 2015 / Columbia County / 3647 / 3722 / 1074 / 1499 / $452,703 / $705,751
2013-2014 / Columbia County(636) / 3649 / 3697 / 1269 / 1359 / $378,410 / $806,284
2014 - 2015 / Commerce City / 201 / 201 / 95 / 162 / $113,040 / $121,245
2013-2014 / Commerce City (771) / 206 / 194 / 106 / 177 / $87,516 / $98,826
2014 - 2015 / Cook County / 451 / 456 / 35 / $59,259 / $207,891
2013-2014 / Cook County (637) / 454 / 443 / 126 / 233 / $79,151 / $221,738
2014 - 2015 / Coweta County / 3387 / 3289 / 700 / 1253 / $304,025 / $490,565
2013-2014 / Coweta County (638) / 3392 / 3339 / 749 / 1328 / $1,859,815 / $2,155,699
2014 - 2015 / Crawford County / 211 / 221 / 73 / 114 / $27,716 / $44,827
2013-2014 / Crawford County(639) / 225 / 260
2014 - 2015 / Crisp County / 546 / 544 / 165 / 218 / $28,176 / $78,599
2013-2014 / Crisp County (640) / 549 / 538
2014 - 2015 / Dade County / 275 / 337 / 119 / 188 / $100,749 / $117,102
2013-2014 / Dade County (641) / 279 / 358 / 102 / 157 / $465,365 / $891,449
2014 - 2015 / Dalton City / 1023 / 1064 / 254 / 399 / $138,391 / $326,342
2013-2014 / Dalton City (772) / 975 / 991 / 503 / 751 / $571,770 / $1,264,039
2014 - 2015 / Dawson County / 490 / 558 / 212 / 255 / $214,003 / $258,699
2013-2014 / Dawson County (642) / 503 / 560 / 183 / 269 / $269,597 / $405,573
2014 - 2015 / Decatur City / 519 / 549 / 268 / 281 / $67,646 / $86,247
2013-2014 / Decatur City (773) / 495 / 487 / 229 / 275 / $75,736 / $99,715
2014 - 2015 / Decatur County / 699 / 737 / 187 / 313 / $37,196 / $115,181
2013-2014 / Decatur County (643) / 733 / 723 / 184 / 326 / $20,060 / $98,356
2014 - 2015 / DeKalb County / 13222 / 13527 / 4670 / 5544 / $359,507 / $944,022
2013-2014 / DeKalb County (644) / 13104 / 13536
2014 - 2015 / Dodge County / 454 / 433 / 116 / 179 / $47,907 / $86,956
2013-2014 / Dodge County (645) / 451 / 407 / 130 / 187 / $65,256 / $84,312
2014 - 2015 / Dooly County / 170 / 170 / 51 / 156 / $9,006 / $45,620
2013-2014 / Dooly County (646) / 166 / 197
2014 - 2015 / Dougherty County / 2052 / 1819 / 536 / 907 / $23,203 / $72,151
2013-2014 / Dougherty County (647) / 2099 / 1928 / 634 / 923 / $31,510 / $88,601
2014 - 2015 / Douglas County / 3833 / 4103 / 918 / 1619 / $463,879 / $722,407
2013-2014 / Douglas County (648) / 3748 / 4000 / 872 / 1541 / $466,778 / $815,556
2014 - 2015 / Dublin City / 336 / 303 / 118 / 182 / $86,549 / $252,865
2013-2014 / Dublin City (774) / 335 / 313
2014 - 2015 / Early County / 335 / 299 / 106 / 168 / $22,109 / $65,207
2013-2014 / Early County (649) / 325 / 331
2014 - 2015 / Echols County / 99 / 118 / 59 / 68 / $34,797 / $31,544
2013-2014 / Echols County (650) / 95 / 114 / 66 / 73 / $28,567 / $29,312
2014 - 2015 / Effingham County / 1620 / 1687 / 344 / 561 / $465,694 / $740,557
2013-2014 / Effingham County (651) / 1588 / 1689 / 365 / 562 / $409,692 / $631,097
2014 - 2015 / Elbert County / 411 / 381 / 138 / 200 / $75,295 / $253,640
2013-2014 / Elbert County (652) / 400 / 399 / 140 / 238 / $90,360 / $284,833
2014 - 2015 / Emanuel County / 478 / 546 / 157 / 319 / $64,610 / $186,906
2013-2014 / Emanuel County (653) / 525 / 554 / 152 / 285 / $50,348 / $182,223
2014 - 2015 / Evans County / 193 / 207 / 117 / 145 / $945,379 / $975,292
2013-2014 / Evans County (654) / 174 / 202
2014 - 2015 / Fannin County / 416 / 443 / 161 / 224 / $91,595 / $186,632
2013-2014 / Fannin County (655) / 391 / 439 / 179 / 210 / $190,779 / $261,211
2014 - 2015 / Fayette County / 3412 / 3548 / 1107 / 1925 / $493,192 / $796,448
2013-2014 / Fayette County (656) / 3389 / 3640 / 1133 / 1963 / $430,643 / $710,134
2014 - 2015 / Floyd County / 1382 / 1383 / 122 / 95 / $228,963 / $303,991
2013-2014 / Floyd County (657) / 1414 / 1398 / 643 / 896 / $287,357 / $375,750
2014 - 2015 / Forsyth County / 5897 / 6162 / 1676 / 2569 / $1,488,998 / $2,712,659
2013-2014 / Forsyth County (658) / 5551 / 5805 / 1659 / 2507 / $1,485,158 / $2,782,757
2014 - 2015 / Franklin County / 509 / 547 / 110 / 265 / $49,702 / $124,627
2013-2014 / Franklin County (659) / 498 / 528 / 98 / 257 / $46,738 / $102,641
2014 - 2015 / Fulton County / 14196 / 14125 / 3674 / 5763 / $4,856,062 / $7,827,959
2013-2014 / Fulton County (660) / 13886 / 13918 / 3748 / 5779 / $5,740,001 / $7,518,372
2014 - 2015 / Gainesville City / 920 / 952 / 233 / 392 / $91,123 / $240,291
2013-2014 / Gainesville City (776) / 873 / 893
2014 - 2015 / Gilmer County / 543 / 596 / 217 / 304 / $440,488 / $436,694
2013-2014 / Gilmer County (661) / 563 / 627 / 174 / 274 / $183,377 / $268,136
2014 - 2015 / Glascock County / 97 / 91 / 57 / 67 / $56,410 / $104,746
2013-2014 / Glascock County(662) / 103 / 95 / 50 / 68 / $24,781 / $55,354
2014 - 2015 / Glynn County / 1723 / 1710 / 306 / 637 / $54,008 / $274,331
2013-2014 / Glynn County (663) / 1639 / 1655 / 287 / 620 / $44,523 / $173,209
2014 - 2015 / Gordon County / 946 / 940 / 234 / 452 / $132,611 / $234,166
2013-2014 / Gordon County (664) / 916 / 911 / 305 / 426 / $173,016 / $128,398
2014 - 2015 / Grady County / 586 / 566 / 104 / 250 / $27,039 / $163,983
2013-2014 / Grady County (665) / 577 / 548 / 101 / 245 / $56,793 / $284,165
2014 - 2015 / Greene County / 245 / 272 / 81 / 166 / $7,272 / $16,649
2013-2014 / Greene County (666) / 242 / 273
2014 - 2015 / Gwinnett County / 25467 / 26475 / 5712 / 8876 / $5,342,675 / $9,458,286
2013-2014 / Gwinnett County (667) / 24590 / 25623 / 5921 / 8778 / $5,428,716 / $9,437,287
2014 - 2015 / Habersham County / 905 / 932 / 312 / 343 / $181,221 / $388,903
2013-2014 / Habersham County (668) / 878 / 937 / 300 / 410 / $282,098 / $577,490
2014 - 2015 / Hall County / 3820 / 4051 / 1073 / 1702 / $375,177 / $787,647
2013-2014 / Hall County (669) / 3674 / 3995 / 1064 / 1805 / $698,127 / $1,141,377
2014 - 2015 / Hancock County / 132 / 148 / 44 / 117 / $0
2013-2014 / Hancock County (670) / 151 / 155 / 50 / 102 / $9,440 / $36,979
2014 - 2015 / Haralson County / 522 / 522 / 178 / 185 / $28,299 / $47,670
2013-2014 / Haralson County(671) / 515 / 546 / 121 / 200 / $24,099 / $40,376
2014 - 2015 / Harris County / 805 / 819 / 179 / 298 / $136,678 / $199,279
2013-2014 / Harris County (672) / 787 / 790 / 235 / 440 / $108,068 / $145,593
2014 - 2015 / Hart County / 450 / 502 / 173 / 270 / $10,873 / $39,701
2013-2014 / Hart County (673) / 468 / 496 / 177 / 277 / $15,956 / $40,590
2014 - 2015 / Heard County / 292 / 292 / 106 / 261 / $40,900 / $73,650
2013-2014 / Heard County (674) / 280 / 298 / 89 / 176 / $34,500 / $581,657
2014 - 2015 / Henry County / 6734 / 6799 / 1819 / 2706 / $3,290,607 / $4,695,640
2013-2014 / Henry County (675) / 6553 / 6578 / 1609 / 2668 / $2,273,454 / $3,096,517
2014 - 2015 / Houston County / 3821 / 3982 / 995 / 1590 / $484,102 / $785,274
2013-2014 / Houston County (676) / 3769 / 3890 / 1044 / 1717 / $475,179 / $895,523
2014 - 2015 / Irwin County / 237 / 222 / 88 / 164 / $64,230 / $198,759
2013-2014 / Irwin County (677) / 216 / 219 / 79 / 154 / $68,033 / $188,887
2014 - 2015 / Jackson County / 999 / 1050 / 294 / 505 / $317,921 / $447,998
2013-2014 / Jackson County (678) / 956 / 1004 / 364 / 529 / $269,447 / $457,376
2014 - 2015 / Jasper County / 279 / 322 / 104 / 210 / $15,089 / $37,611
2013-2014 / Jasper County (679) / 294 / 300 / 122 / 187 / $28,118 / $41,833
2014 - 2015 / Jeff Davis County / 400 / 418 / 127 / 191 / $222,396 / $269,116
2013-2014 / Jeff Davis County (680) / 358 / 403 / 120 / 188 / $132,187 / $216,260
2014 - 2015 / Jefferson City / 445 / 484 / 196 / 326 / $7,358,498 / $7,404,399
2013-2014 / Jefferson City (779) / 407 / 453 / 191 / 318 / $56,338 / $113,445
2014 - 2015 / Jefferson County / 378 / 428 / 102 / 280 / $28,680 / $97,375
2013-2014 / Jefferson County (681) / 336 / 408 / 90 / 277 / $23,600 / $82,070
2014 - 2015 / Jenkins County / 181 / 180 / 73 / 118 / $32,000 / $55,000
2013-2014 / Jenkins County (682) / 172 / 208
2014 - 2015 / Johnson County / 164 / 162 / 60 / 118 / $10,107 / $15,335
2013-2014 / Johnson County (683) / 165 / 165 / 66 / 154 / $5,388 / $21,769
2014 - 2015 / Jones County / 755 / 750 / 202 / 349 / $35,203 / $127,721
2013-2014 / Jones County (684) / 763 / 772 / 161 / 219 / $13,973 / $110,233
2014 - 2015 / Lamar County / 372 / 366 / 204 / 220 / $228,268 / $285,586
2013-2014 / Lamar County (685) / 363 / 339 / 181 / 232 / $108,752 / $186,067
2014 - 2015 / Lanier County / 180 / 209 / 67 / 129 / $28,100 / $50,074
2013-2014 / Lanier County (686) / 161 / 208 / 63 / 108 / $10,500 / $21,750
2014 - 2015 / Laurens County / 912 / 855 / 281 / 472 / $128,996 / $329,646
2013-2014 / Laurens County (687) / 912 / 878 / 348 / 535 / $227,831 / $347,474
2014 - 2015 / Lee County / 883 / 935 / 196 / 404 / $179,310 / $166,940
2013-2014 / Lee County (688) / 845 / 875 / 238 / 440 / $144,675 / $162,689
2014 - 2015 / Liberty County / 1356 / 1352 / 287 / 649 / $97,480 / $364,400
2013-2014 / Liberty County (689) / 1364 / 1341 / 302 / 518 / $53,996 / $221,231
2014 - 2015 / Lincoln County / 163 / 192 / 99 / 190 / $57,151 / $93,143
2013-2014 / Lincoln County (690) / 160 / 191 / 88 / 153 / $72,248 / $144,665
2014 - 2015 / Long County / 386 / 422 / 109 / 176 / $76,660 / $190,186
2013-2014 / Long County (691) / 378 / 379
2014 - 2015 / Lowndes County / 1403 / 1407 / 186 / 439 / $143,895 / $466,534
2013-2014 / Lowndes County (692) / 1394 / 1446 / 179 / 275 / $145,150 / $490,456
2014 - 2015 / Lumpkin County / 500 / 536 / 177 / 340 / $115,063 / $244,227
2013-2014 / Lumpkin County (693) / 493 / 526 / 223 / 265 / $23,411 / $50,590
2014 - 2015 / Macon County / 240 / 245 / 62 / 178 / $30,936 / $151,664
2013-2014 / Macon County (694) / 246 / 218 / 67 / 129 / $13,327 / $35,106
2014 - 2015 / Madison County / 633 / 677 / 188 / 275 / $114,675 / $263,633
2013-2014 / Madison County (695) / 646 / 672 / 182 / 224 / $77,756 / $179,454
2014 - 2015 / Marietta City / 980 / 967 / 224 / 336 / $391,032 / $691,907
2013-2014 / Marietta City (781) / 1027 / 1027 / 283 / 355 / $376,259 / $554,995
2014 - 2015 / Marion County / 224 / 182 / 93 / 146 / $29,391 / $63,314
2013-2014 / Marion County (696) / 204 / 196 / 63 / 146 / $20,269 / $105,525
2014 - 2015 / McDuffie County / 570 / 602 / 146 / 267 / $37,558 / $154,582
2013-2014 / McDuffie County (697) / 548 / 581
2014 - 2015 / McIntosh County / 212 / 234 / 61 / 128 / $3,677 / $15,645
2013-2014 / McIntosh County (698) / 222 / 244 / 66 / 135 / $10,539 / $38,258
2014 - 2015 / Meriwether County / 387 / 422 / 87 / 230 / $42,570 / $108,573
2013-2014 / Meriwether County (699) / 392 / 414
2014 - 2015 / Miller County / 130 / 123 / 59 / 81 / $24,824 / $63,992
2013-2014 / Miller County (700) / 160 / 135 / 69 / 82 / $23,020 / $66,731
2014 - 2015 / Mitchell / 301 / 274 / 41 / 96 / $46,566 / $59,919
2013-2014 / Mitchell County (701) / 306 / 254
2014 - 2015 / Monroe County / 568 / 624 / 181 / 306 / $177,531 / $262,073
2013-2014 / Monroe County (702) / 549 / 614
2014 - 2015 / Montgomery County / 574 / 408 / 96 / 135 / $13,390 / $39,101
2013-2014 / Montgomery County / 274 / 219
2014 - 2015 / Morgan County / 501 / 490 / 180 / 382 / $117,588 / $224,521
2013-2014 / Morgan County (704) / 494 / 487 / 189 / 395 / $49,352 / $92,644
2014 - 2015 / Murray County / 1046 / 1081 / 279 / 491 / $143,241 / $292,958
2013-2014 / Murray County (705) / 998 / 1016 / 241 / 459 / $137,577 / $284,988
2014 - 2015 / Muscogee County / 4496 / 4368 / 1286 / 1925 / $242,772 / $515,429
2013-2014 / Muscogee County (706) / 4477 / 4284 / 1233 / 1889 / $276,033 / $509,101
2014 - 2015 / Newton County / 2706 / 2737 / 558 / 912 / $396,955 / $640,433
2013-2014 / Newton County (707) / 2633 / 2564 / 761 / 1408 / $542,878 / $695,943
2014 - 2015 / Oconee County / 1057 / 1176 / 557 / 708 / $362,105 / $594,646
2013-2014 / Oconee County (708) / 1028 / 1090 / 529 / 635 / $602,104 / $1,057,085
2014 - 2015 / Oglethorpe County / 325 / 351 / 15 / 26 / $57,500 / $92,700
2013-2014 / Oglethorpe County (709) / 322 / 368
2014 - 2015 / Paulding County / 4275 / 4381 / 1233 / 1851 / $1,712,616 / $2,474,270
2013-2014 / Paulding County (710) / 4163 / 4343 / 1182 / 1964 / $572,803 / $1,055,377
2014 - 2015 / Peach County / 487 / 467 / 124 / 200 / $40,142 / $137,526
2013-2014 / Peach County (711) / 501 / 484 / 113 / 169 / $42,445 / $98,182
2014 - 2015 / Pelham City / 216 / 232 / 83 / 159 / $53,208 / $103,401
2013-2014 / Pelham City (784) / 220 / 243
2014 - 2015 / Pickens County / 590 / 644 / 228 / 262 / $112,188 / $292,796
2013-2014 / Pickens County (712) / 596 / 677 / 199 / 276 / $145,393 / $291,969
2014 - 2015 / Pierce County / 519 / 536 / 143 / 277 / $209,798 / $266,471
2013-2014 / Pierce County (713) / 528 / 521 / 133 / 248 / $538,500 / $1,605,000
2014 - 2015 / Pike County / 520 / 581 / 175 / 264 / $102,453 / $100,233
2013-2014 / Pike County (714) / 522 / 559 / 162 / 294 / $92,216 / $173,549
2014 - 2015 / Polk County / 996 / 1004 / 296 / 451 / $128,538 / $359,566
2013-2014 / Polk County (715) / 958 / 986 / 279 / 442 / $163,642 / $295,076
2014 - 2015 / Pulaski County / 180 / 190 / 81 / 138 / $9,000 / $13,000
2013-2014 / Pulaski County (716) / 184 / 198
2014 - 2015 / Putnam County / 346 / 316 / 108 / 118 / $34,601 / $42,133
2013-2014 / Putnam County(717) / 349 / 319 / 102 / 142 / $46,297 / $66,045
2014 - 2015 / Quitman County / 38 / 29 / 40 / 36 / $5,000 / $5,000
2013-2014 / Quitman County (718) / 39 / 37
2014 - 2015 / Rabun County / 299 / 364 / 123 / 213 / $45,300 / $81,543
2013-2014 / Rabun County (719) / 279 / 352 / 133 / 221 / $90,200 / $201,765
2014 - 2015 / Randolph County / 174 / 150 / 78 / 102 / $14,463 / $31,125
2013-2014 / Randolph County (720) / 179 / 168 / 68 / 102 / $14,381 / $38,985
2014 - 2015 / Richmond County / 4154 / 3845 / 1279 / 1459 / $6,611,825 / $6,796,208
2013-2014 / Richmond County(721) / 4134 / 3928
2014 - 2015 / Rockdale County / 2502 / 2582 / 582 / 1088 / $237,764 / $412,529
2013-2014 / Rockdale County (722) / 2472 / 2537 / 543 / 1039 / $167,815 / $350,912
2014 - 2015 / Rome City / 803 / 801 / 179 / 349 / $81,794 / $247,606
2013-2014 / Rome City (785) / 791 / 737 / 159 / 308 / $47,895 / $212,231
2014 - 2015 / Schley County / 206 / 185 / 84 / 120 / $29,632 / $57,913
2013-2014 / Schley County (723) / 194 / 164 / 68 / 98 / $25,571 / $45,980
2014 - 2015 / Screven County / 331 / 326 / 96 / 154 / $43,752 / $78,942
2013-2014 / Screven County (724) / 327 / 307
2014 - 2015 / Seminole County / 236 / 224 / 67 / 107 / $44,650 / $133,024
2013-2014 / Seminole County (725) / 233 / 239 / 53 / 125 / $61,883 / $146,017
2014 - 2015 / Social Circle City / 259 / 255 / 150 / 223 / $653,366 / $1,299,410
2013-2014 / Social Circle City (786) / 236 / 244 / 136 / 190 / $1,222,790 / $2,443,334
2014 - 2015 / Spalding County / 1285 / 1312 / 415 / 471 / $31,874 / $145,339
2013-2014 / Spalding County (726) / 1292 / 1266 / 385 / 359 / $39,590 / $147,934
2013-2014 / State Schools / 94 / 108 / 65 / 91 / $18,846 / $35,596
2014 - 2015 / State Schools / 98 / 109 / 55 / 92 / $13,500 / $24,900
2014 - 2015 / Stephens County / 513 / 578 / 174 / 234 / $121,387 / $158,353
2013-2014 / Stephens County(727) / 515 / 558 / 101 / 227 / $39,771 / $135,119
2014 - 2015 / Stewart County / 66 / 66 / 33 / 60 / $19,212 / $30,798
2013-2014 / Stewart County (728) / 63 / 63
2014 - 2015 / Sumter County / 656 / 617 / 130 / 224 / $64,223 / $212,823
2013-2014 / Sumter County (729) / 657 / 604 / 186 / 235 / $55,250 / $143,750
2014 - 2015 / Talbot County / 81 / 75 / 88 / 160 / $13,199 / $31,858
2013-2014 / Talbot County (730) / 73 / 84
2014 - 2015 / Taliaferro County / 23 / 23 / 12 / 18 / $1,000 / $1,000
2013-2014 / Taliaferro County(731) / 28 / 27 / 11 / 14 / $6,750 / $6,750
2014 - 2015 / Tattnall County / 460 / 488 / 120 / 233 / $38,223 / $57,763
2013-2014 / Tattnall County (732) / 453 / 466 / 114 / 216 / $47,270 / $71,267
2014 - 2015 / Taylor County / 217 / 223 / 88 / 160 / $71,274 / $190,140
2013-2014 / Taylor County (733) / 207 / 236 / 98 / 192 / $22,972 / $47,088
2014 - 2015 / Telfair County / 226 / 230 / 63 / 125 / $4,234 / $5,245
2013-2014 / Telfair County (734) / 219 / 206 / 49 / 101 / $3,745 / $9,192
2014 - 2015 / Terrell County / 188 / 206 / 85 / 100 / $12,981 / $61,523
2013-2014 / Terrell County (735) / 193 / 203
2014 - 2015 / Thomas County / 852 / 798 / 223 / 174 / $193,929 / $308,917
2013-2014 / Thomas County (736) / 811 / 801
2014 - 2015 / Thomaston-Upson County / 638 / 639 / 213 / 310 / $53,933 / $134,508
2013-2014 / Thomaston-Upson County (745) / 631 / 599
2014 - 2015 / Thomasville City / 362 / 375 / 124 / 211 / $53,098 / $104,548
2013-2014 / Thomasville City (789) / 386 / 386
2014 - 2015 / Tift County / 1022 / 1109 / 304 / 470 / $77,893 / $273,515
2013-2014 / Tift County (737) / 1042 / 1010 / 393 / 570 / $195,474 / $384,366
2014 - 2015 / Toombs County / 402 / 418 / 128 / 229 / $80,822 / $242,959
2013-2014 / Toombs County (738) / 383 / 415 / 137 / 248 / $98,083 / $121,165
2014 - 2015 / Towns County / 161 / 161 / 96 / 119 / $41,488 / $94,194
2013-2014 / Towns County (739) / 176 / 164 / 62 / 103 / $46,157 / $112,240
2014 - 2015 / Treutlen County / 169 / 149 / 96 / 118 / $38,260 / $54,833
2013-2014 / Treutlen County (740) / 152 / 168 / 94 / 127 / $45,952 / $56,662
2014 - 2015 / Trion City / 205 / 224 / 94 / 177 / $160,115 / $205,591
2013-2014 / Trion City (791) / 216 / 210
2014 - 2015 / Troup County / 1688 / 1699 / 755 / 1214 / $260,300 / $515,789
2013-2014 / Troup County (741) / 1696 / 1708 / 758 / 1389 / $1,541,216 / $1,751,149
2014 - 2015 / Turner County / 213 / 198 / 81 / 130 / $25,022 / $42,489
2013-2014 / Turner County (742) / 198 / 190 / 76 / 160 / $17,395 / $38,350
2014 - 2015 / Twiggs County / 134 / 142 / 52 / 110 / $17,834 / $42,989
2013-2014 / Twiggs County (743) / 122 / 131 / 37 / 64 / $3,400 / $58,100
2014 - 2015 / Union County / 370 / 431 / 125 / 198 / $65,809 / $124,155
2013-2014 / Union County (744) / 376 / 391 / 128 / 171 / $53,163 / $128,716
2014 - 2015 / Valdosta City / 1031 / 950 / 495 / 882 / $57,789 / $185,780
2013-2014 / Valdosta City (792) / 1019 / 870 / 355 / 802 / $60,627 / $206,571
2014 - 2015 / Vidalia City / 359 / 348 / 139 / 229 / $142,484 / $168,441
2013-2014 / Vidalia City (793) / 378 / 336 / 175 / 235 / $168,040 / $210,410
2014 - 2015 / Walker County / 1175 / 1295 / 288 / 491 / $125,611 / $175,573
2013-2014 / Walker County (746) / 1179 / 1302 / 263 / 261 / $103,790 / $627,536
2014 - 2015 / Walton County / 1910 / 1967 / 645 / 848 / $389,731 / $641,246
2013-2014 / Walton County (747) / 1879 / 1871 / 672 / 864 / $408,726 / $593,687
2014 - 2015 / Ware County / 770 / 727 / 193 / 354 / $174,775 / $404,821
2013-2014 / Ware County (748) / 755 / 730 / 138 / 283 / $188,514
2014 - 2015 / Warren County / 69 / 70 / 31 / 60 / $11,456 / $30,542
2013-2014 / Warren County (749) / 72 / 67 / $12,026 / $30,732
2014 - 2015 / Washington County / 452 / 393 / 107 / 222 / $87,076 / $178,448
2013-2014 / Washington County (750) / 438 / 403 / 59 / 145 / $143,791 / $281,547
2014 - 2015 / Wayne County / 666 / 700 / 199 / 265 / $26,300 / $65,077
2013-2014 / Wayne County (751) / 604 / 707 / 172 / 247 / $22,500 / $46,700
2014 - 2015 / Webster County / 54 / 54 / 30 / 53 / $5,620 / $7,520
2013-2014 / Webster County (752) / 54 / 57
2014 - 2015 / Wheeler County / 136 / 121 / 76 / 98 / $15,681 / $36,315
2013-2014 / Wheeler County (753) / 129 / 131
2014 - 2015 / White County / 540 / 566 / 186 / 336 / $248,199 / $491,945
2013-2014 / White County (754) / 543 / 560 / 192 / 334 / $336,053 / $551,738
2014 - 2015 / Whitfield County / 1805 / 1973 / 623 / 978 / $318,310 / $567,856
2013-2014 / Whitfield County (755) / 1784 / 1958 / 585 / 954 / $317,013 / $553,903
2014 - 2015 / Wilcox County / 176 / 173 / 63 / 115 / $25,500 / $52,495
2013-2014 / Wilcox County (756) / 165 / 166
2014 - 2015 / Wilkes County / 218 / 238 / 120 / 194 / $24,758 / $69,222
2013-2014 / Wilkes County (757) / 225 / 211 / 127 / 205 / $23,732 / $96,242
2014 - 2015 / Wilkinson County / 198 / 221 / 40 / 90 / $17,439 / $36,780
2013-2014 / Wilkinson County(758) / 182 / 225
2014 - 2015 / Worth County / 469 / 422 / 102 / 187 / $18,706 / $32,537
2013-2014 / Worth County (759) / 465 / 452 / 116 / 214 / $40,147 / $93,720
Therese McGuire, Ed.S.
Program Specialist
Health and Physical Education
Georgia Department of Education
Suite 1754 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Phone: 404.651.7859
Georgia Department of Education
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