Course Expectations Math 8

Eden Jr.-Sr. High School

Mrs. A. Porter

Fall 2017

Course Expectations- By the end of the students eighth grade year they should be better problem solvers and should be able to apply their math skills to real life situations. Students will be prepared to take the State Assessments in May 2015. For more information regarding the NYS Standards and assessments go to The course covers the topics developed by the Common Core Curriculum and the Eden Math Curriculum.

Class Supplies - should be brought to class every day.

Seven pocket folders with prongs – one for each Module

1/4” graph paper and lined paper

Scientific calculator -We use the TI 30X model for demonstrations is highly recommended

**Agendas need to be brought to class everyday

Grading Policy: Final Grade

Including Final Exam: 20% of First Quarter Mark + 20% of Second Quarter Mark + 20% of Third Quarter Mark+ 20% of Fourth Quarter Mark + 20% of Final Assessment Grade = Final Grade

If No Final Exam: 25% of First Quarter Mark + 25% of Second Quarter Mark + 25% of Third Quarter Mark+ 25% of Fourth Quarter Mark = Final Grade

Tests and Projects - 40%

These are announced and students are expected to study and hand in quality work. All tests will be handed back and corrections are to be made on the test.

Quizzes - 30%

There will be announced and unannounced quizzes. There will be at least one quiz per week. Students should review their notes, worksheets, and homework regularly to study for quizzes as well as tests. We will be using online quizzes in order to prepare for future State Testing online.

Homework and Class work - 20%

Homework will be assigned regularly. Quality work is to be handed in neatly and completed. Late and incomplete work will be completed and receive a grade of zero. Student binders may be collected and graded as a homework assignment. Class work includes group activities, partner learning, board work and participation.

Castle Learning – 10%

Castle Learning are online assignments that will be due weekly on Thursday. They reinforce the previous taught curriculum in the form of multiple choice and short response. Students may complete the Castle Learning assignments at home or in school.

Parent Portal – Student grades will be posted periodically throughout the quarter. Grades may change due to retesting, extra credit or for other special circumstances.

Behavior Expectations- Students should come to class on time, ready to learn, and prepared. Students should be considerate of each other’s space, possessions, opinions, and ideas. Students should come for extra help during advisement or make an appointment to stay after school for extra help when needed. Cell phones (must be off) and ipods or other electronics are not permitted in the classroom. If a student is not in class due to dress code violation, phone, behavior or any other infraction of school policy listed in the handbook they will receive a zero for all assignments, including tests, quizzes, etc… that occurred in class that day.

Communication: Communication is very important for students to be successful. If you have questions or concerns you can contact me via our school e-mail, which I check regularly, jot me a note, or contact me at school at 992-3600, if you need to reach me the office will take a message and I will contact as soon as possible.

Absentees- When you are absent you must make every attempt to get the notes and hand in missed work as soon as possible. If you are in school you must hand in the homework that day. You must come to class with homework before leaving for lessons and school appointments. If you are missing class due to a field trip, music lesson, meeting, or you are in the clinic, homework should be handed in the same day or it will receive a zero. If you missed a test or a quiz it should be made up during advisement that day or the following day. If a student does not have advisement they need to notify the teacher immediately and make arrangements to come in early or stay after to make up the test or quiz. If the student needs to make up the test during class it is their responsibility to make up the work they missed.

Please Note: All work completed should be done to the best of your ability and is to be your own work. If you are caught cheating in any form, which includes copying homework, using someone’s answers, talking during tests or quizzes you will receive a zero for that assignment or test, and your parents will be contacted. If it occurs a second time it will be turned over to the Assistant Principal for further disciplinary action.

Letter or Recommendations and Reference Letters: If a student is in need of a reference letter or letter of recommendation for a school or outside group, the individual should give ask at least two weeks prior to the deadline to be processed and delivered.

Please return by Friday, September 15, 2017.

I have read and understand the Course Expectations for Math 8.

Student Name (Please Print): ______


HR Teacher______Math MOD______

Parent Name (Please Print)______


Phone #______Cell Phone______


Parent Name (Please Print): ______


Phone #______Cell Phone______


Please e-mail me at your convenience to begin correspondence via e-mail.

Please be sure your e-mail and other information is current on Parent Portal/Powerschool. I occasionally send information regarding class, testing, and upcoming events.