December 13, 2012 7:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Linda Steffen, Greg Bennett, Arlene Schmit, Dave Johnson, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Excused Absence: John Davidson. Sign-In sheet attached.

Agenda: Arlene Schmit moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Linda Steffen and the motion carried.


November 8, 2012 PC Regular Meeting Minutes amend/approve – Greg Bennett moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Arlene Schmit and the motion carried.

Public Input:


Correspondence Received:

Letters of Interest PC Positions expiring December 31, 2012: The Planning Commission received letters from Arlene Schmit and Greg Bennett stating they would like to continue their positions on the Planning Commission for another three years. The Planning Commission also received a letter from John Davidson whose term is also expiring December 31, 2012. Planning Commission Chair Dave Johnson read John’s letter which states he will be declining serving another three year term on the Planning Commission. Linda Steffen moved to accept John’s letter of declining to serve another three year term with regret as he has been a great asset to the Planning Commission and recommend approval to the Town Board of his decision, seconded by Arlene Schmit. The question was called and the motion carried. Linda Steffen moved to accept Arlene Schmit and Greg Bennett’s letters of interest to continue on the Planning Commission for another three year term and recommend approval to the Town Board, seconded by Yvette Adelman-Dullinger. The question was called and the motion carried.

The Planning Commission members will be thinking of residents that may be interested in the position. The Board will put an ad in the paper advertising this position.

Davis Variance Comment – Kyle Hartnett, MAT Attorney: At our previous Planning Commission meeting there was discussion in regard to Cass County permitting a Variance for usage. The MAT attorney responded back to an email Deputy Clerk Putnam had sent in regard to this stating it was not legal to permit a variance for usage. He stated someone could bring a claim in court to challenge the use as being inconsistent to the zoning and that the variance was improper. Kyle stated the person bringing forth the claim would be bound by statute of limitations on such claims which is usually six (6) years. Chair Dave Johnson stated he would visit with the Davis’s in regard to this matter.

New Business:

Survey Results: Chair Johnson stated he would like the Planning Commission at tonight’s meeting to evaluate what the survey told us. Other items we need to discuss are:

·  What are the next steps we need to take

·  We need to meet with Cass County at some point

·  Should we have a “live” panel

·  Do we go door to door

·  Meet with the businesses in Sylvan Township and leave them a survey

·  How to get the younger residents more involved

The Planning Commission members felt the results fell in line with what the current comp plan already has which is the environment, the land, the lakes and nature. Some surprises on the survey were: desire to have local government handle commercial and residential permitting; the differences in age cross tabs, historical sites for all age groups was not as important as other areas and no interest or little interest on community events. Parks and trails had a wide variety as far as age whether it was important or not.

Cleaning up the neighborhoods was a concern along with annexation and rapid growth.

The Planning Commission felt the new comp plan needs to have more specifics to it.

The Planning Commission also felt when we meet with Cass County, which is part of the grant, there should be discussion on managing growth, controlling subdivisions, etc.

The PC felt this meeting could be done toward the end of the process.

Adjournment: Greg Bennett moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Linda Steffen and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 7:50PM to take a break before reconvening for the joint meeting with the Town Board to continue the discussion on the survey.


DECEMBER 13, 2012 8:00 PM

The Planning Commission reconvened their meeting at 8:00 PM with the Board of Supervisors present. Chair Dave Johnson turned the gavel over to Board Chair Greg Booth who asked for roll call of the Town Board member.

Roll Call: Supervisors Jim Miller, Lee Shade, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger, Greg Booth and Clerk/Treasurer Faith Broberg. Excused Absence: Supervisor Roland Anderson. Sign-In sheet attached.

Agenda: Yvette Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Jim Miller and the motion carried.

Chair Booth thanked the Planning Commission members for agreeing to a joint meeting in regard to the Community Survey and revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. The Town Board felt it was necessary to keep moving forward on the survey and revisions of the Comp Plan.

PC Chair Dave Johnson presented the findings from the Planning Commission meeting held earlier. The PC felt the results of the survey are similar to the current comp plan. The Planning Commission members felt the following items need to be addressed before we start revising the comp plan:

·  Have meetings one on one with some individuals.

·  Getting more input from the younger residents as the majority of responders were in the middle to older category.

·  Discussions with businesses and having them participate in the survey.

·  Getting together with Cass County which is part of the grant.

·  A visioning session with around 40 people.

The Town Board and Planning Commission discussed ways in which to get more input from the businesses and residents.

Businesses - There are 11 or 12 businesses in Sylvan Township. The discussion was to hand deliver the surveys to the businesses and ask for their input and return the survey by mail. The PC felt this is something they could do.

Students - Get their opinions. There was discussion in regard to going to the school and presenting a classroom session stating why we are doing the survey. Give the students a survey to fill out but not in the classroom and mail back to the town hall. We would flag this somehow so we know it was taken by the students. Greg Bennett and Dave Johnson stated they would be interested in doing this.

Visioning Session – Picking a random group of about 40 residents – take names off the Cass County resident list that the Clerk has – invite them to the Town Hall and maybe have dinner or box lunch—have them RSVP. PC Chair Dave Johnson said that if we have this the second week in April he would be available to do this.

Cass County – There was discussion on interacting with the County to improve communication and cooperation. A question on the survey and a point of discussion was regarding who does residential permitting and what the cost to the Township would look like. We could have a sub-committee to work on researching this. It was decided that this research would not have to be completed at the same time as the Comprehensive Plan. Those from the County that we would ask to come to the meeting would be County Commissioner Neal Gaalswyk, John Ringle, and Paul Fairbanks from the Environmental Services Department and a couple of Cass County Planning Commissioners.

Timeline – There was discussion on setting a timeline in which to have each area listed above completed with the following decision being made:

January 20th, 2013 – High School Students – Greg Bennett and Dave Johnson

February 1, 2013 – Business Survey – Planning Commission

April, 2013 - Meet with Cass County

May l, 2013 – Vision Sessions

June 1, 2013 – PC/Board compiles and analyzes results

August 1, 2013 – Revisions to Comprehensive Plan rewritten.

Supervisor Jim Miller moved to approve the time line as listed above, seconded by Supervisor Lee Shade. The question was called and the motion carried.

Public Input: Lee Shade and Yvette Adelman-Dullinger gave a report in regard to the Community Outreach Day held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 which was sponsored by the Cass County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Tom Burch and some of his deputy’s were present along with Kerry Swenson with the Sheriff’s communication department. Jamie Richter, Director of Public Health Nursing of Cass County was also present to talk to residents.

Lee and Yvette talked with Sheriff Tom Burch and his staff regarding some questions the Township has regarding “group homes” and what some of their requirements are especially in the area of parking, and garbage. Lee informed them that the Sylvan Township Board of Supervisors would like to invite the different “group homes” to attend a Board meeting and discuss with them areas where we can work together. Sheriff Tom Burch said that his department would also like to participate in a meeting of this nature.

Lee stated there was discussion in regard to deputy response time to this area. The Sheriff and deputies stated for emergency response time it averages 13.1 minute. They stated they are adding an Investigator to this area,

There was also discussion on the dog problems in the Township. HART, an animal care facility will not come out and pick up dogs but residents can take them to HART which is located in Baxter.

The County Nurse explained that she is available to give flu shots and possibly set up a time to do them at the Town Hall. It was discussed that the Township should have her attend our annual Town Meeting to inform residents of the programs that are available through her office.

Announcements: Were read.

Adjournment: Yvette Adelman-Dullinger moved to adjourn seconded by PC Chair Dave Johnson, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 9:50 PM.

Minutes submitted by:


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk

PC Member ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by ______and the motion carried.



December 13, 2012 Page 2