Triangle Neighbors Meeting
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
LVCC Offices – 867 W Buckingham, Lower Level
Attendees: Jim Ludwig, Carol Douglas, Sharon Lynch, Terie Kata, Brenda Vergara, Erik Rasmussen, John Becvar, Mary Head, Shane Landler, Matt Landler, Stuart Goodman, Bennett Lawson, Jennifer Dedes
7PM – Meeting called to order by President, Jim Ludwig
#1) SpacePark (815-817 W Roscoe Street), Jim Ludwig
- Fundraising efforts. The May “GimmeSpace” Golf Outing was a huge success. We raised, net of costs, $6000 which will be donated to our efforts for the Park. We are even discussing a future golf outing in August and will try to negotiate a better rate with the Chicago Park District. Special thanks goes to Sandra Klein who championed the event, organizing all of our efforts. Also, thanks goes to Joe Carlucci and “Take Five” for their sponsorship of the food/drink.
- We recently received a $50,000 donation from a patron who won the lottery. He has indicated an additional donation might be possible before the year’s end.
- We are actively working on a potential gift of another $50,000 from a Business Association. We are still working through if our Park falls within their boundaries.
- We are planning a Fundraiser to be held on July 13, 2006 for neighborhood Developers/Contractors/Real Estate Agents to be held at Johnny O'Hagans (cohosted by Irish Oak).
- We have been given two possible dates for a Cubs Roof-top fundraiser. After some discussion at the meeting, we voted to ask to hold the fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 2, 2006. We will prepare announcements to residents about the opportunity to see the Cubs play a 1:20PM game against San Francisco at the Rooftop located at 1048 Waveland. One hundred tickets will be made available at $125 (which include unlimited food and drink).
- Another fundraising opportunity is to hold an event following the closing ceremony of the Gay Games. The ceremony itself is at Wrigley Field on Saturday, July 22, 2006 from 1-5PM. Estimates suggest as many as 30,000-40,000 people will attend with a good percentage likely to head to our neighborhood on foot following the ceremony. We revisited the conversation at our last meeting and voted to support efforts to hold a formal event (subject to obtaining the necessary permits) centered around Roscoe Street – the site of the Park. We will likely charge a fee for admittance.
- As a reminder, there is still room on our Brick Fence to purchase an engraved brick. The fence, approximately 5ft. tall, will run on the east side of the Park along the alley. Donations for bricks are $500 apiece and include up to 6 lines of text (50 characters per line).
#2) 44th Ward Alderman Office Updates, Bennett Lawson
- We distributed a listing from the Alderman’s office of 44th Ward Summer Events for 2006. As a reminder, Alderman's Tunney's Bike Parade will be held at BlaineSchool onSouthport on July 23, 2006.
- City of Chicago Vehicle Sticker and Residential Parking Permits being sold at Alderman’s office on Tues. June 20th and again on Wed. July 5 from 9 to 5. Bring the notice you received in the mail and/or proof of residency. You can also obtain 383 passes and LV2 stickers these days.
- Summer calls to mind porch safety. We distributed a brochure from the Chicago Department of Permits and reminded residents to call ‘311’ if you suspect a neighbor’s porch may need inspecting. We distributed a handout concerning when a permit is needed for work you may be doing around your house.
- 800W – 900 W Roscoe Street repaving work continues. The Alderman’s office is still looking into the proper sewer and drainage solution. In the meantime, Roscoe Street will be paved June 21-23 in times for the Gay Pride Parade. The two speedbumps on Roscoe Street will be installed by end of summer.
- We reviewed the impact of the Gay Games on the neighborhood. Few sporting events will take place in LakeView. The exception is the Triathlonthat will likely close Lake Shore Drive. As details are known,we’ll get an update.
- Real Estate Property Tax increase- There will be a meeting at IllinoisMasonicHospital’s Olson Auditorium on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 7PM. All are invited to attend to learn how to file an appeal to your property tax. A question was raised regarding what special provisions for Landmark Status there are in relation to tax increases. Bennett will follow-up for us.
- We discussed on Mayor Daley’s Landscaping program.
- Compliment of 23rdPolice District and LVCCNeighborhood Protection Committee, we gave away door locks and window alarms. Additional locks and alarms are available in the LVCC office – free of charge, compliments of CAPS.
- Finally, we reviewed the work the 44th Ward Community Development Directed Council (CDDC) has been doing in drafting a Master Plan.
#3) Elections, Jim Ludwig presiding.
- We reviewed the names that were submitted and approved at the last Triangle Neighbors meeting. We asked if there were any “write-in” nominations from the floor. No additional nominations were presented. A vote was called and the nominations were unanimously approved as submitted.
- Mary Head- Treasurer and Alternate Representative to 44th Ward CDDC
- Sharon Lynch -Secretary
- John Becvar, Vice President Representative to 44th Ward CDDC and LVCC
- Jim Ludwig, President and Representative to LVCC
#4) New Business – None
#5) Next meeting is Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 7PM at the LVCC Office.
8PM – Meeting adjourned