Whole School Policy on Relationships and Sexuality Education

(Adopted by the BOM March 2015)

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Definition of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) is a lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and understanding and of developing attitudes, beliefs and values about sexual identity, relationships and intimacy.

Relationship to School Ethos/ Mission/ Vision I Aims

St Mary's Secondary School is a voluntary Catholic Secondary School founded by the Sisters of Mercy and under the trusteeship of CEIST.

As a community, St Mary's is committed to developing each person's full potential in a positive, supportive and Christian environment.

In St. Mary's, the vision of Holistic Education of the individual is encompassed in the provision of a broad and balanced education in all its aspects - intellectual, emotional, physical, moral, spiritual and cultural.

Relationship of RSE to Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE)

At Post Primary level, Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) provides young people with information and skills to critically evaluate the wide range of information, attitudes and values to enable them to make positive, responsible choices about themselves and the way they live their lives.

In the school setting, RSE is taught in the context of the Social, Personal and Health Education programme, to provide opportunities for pupils to learn about relationships and sexuality in ways that will help them think and act in a moral, caring and responsible way.

Within SPHE, topics such as self-esteem, assertiveness, communication and decision making skills are addressed, which can positively support the delivery of RSE.

The Aims of RSE:

At St Mary's RSE is delivered within the overall; framework of SPHE at Junior Cycle and SPHE, Guidance, P.E and Religion at Senior Cycle.

The specific aims of the programme are to provide pupils with formal opportunities within a moral, spiritual and social framework:

• To help pupils understand and develop friendships and relationships

• To promote an understanding of human relationships and sexuality

• To promote a positive attitude to one's own sexuality and in one's relationships with others

• To promote knowledge and respect for reproduction

• To enable young people to develop attitudes, values and appropriate behaviours towards their sexuality in a moral, spiritual and social framework

What the school currently provides:

Various aspects of reproduction and human sexuality are covered in the subjects of Science, Home Economics and Biology.

At Junior Cycle, SPHE currently covers the following areas of RSE-

Building relationships, people in my life, Friendship, Bullying, Peer Pressure, Assertive, Passive and Aggressive behaviour, Male and female reproductive systems, menstrual cycle, Sexual intercourse, Fertilisation, Conception, Family Planning, Pregnancy, Development of foetus, Sex roles, Influences, Physical and Emotional changes in adolescents, Sexuality and Sexual attraction, Respect for human life, Body Image, Respect, rights and responsibilities in relationships, Conflict and Stereotyping.


At Senior Cycle, SPHE and Religion are currently covering the following

areas of RSE in their own subject contexts-

Assertive Communication, Resolving conflict, Responsible and caring assertiveness, Human reproduction, Human sexuality, Family planning, Parenthood, Implications of sexual activity, Peer Pressure, STIs, Sexual orientation, Qualities needed for relationships, Friendship, Marriage, Love and relationships.

Guidelines for the management and organisation of RSE at St Mary's:

(a) Timetabling:

The RSE programme will follow the general outlines for each year group drawn up by the NCCA. The content will be delivered as follows

(i) First, Second and Third Year: RSE will be an integral part of the SPHE programme which is timetabled for one period a week.

(ii) Fifth and Sixth Year: RSE will 6e' an integral part of the SPHE and Religion


(b) Informing and Involving Parents:

Parents are the primary educators of their children concerning relationships and their role in relationships and sexuality is seen by the school as very important. Parents will be kept fully informed of the development and presentation of the RSE programme. While all partners in the school are agreed on the programme, we recognise the right of any parent who wishes to request that his/her daughter should not participate in the programme. This should be communicated to the school in writing.

This policy has been designed in consultation with Parents’ Association representatives and the views expressed by parents will be taken into account when reviewing the policy. A copy of this policy will be published on the school website and will be made available to any parent on request to the school office. ·

(c) Offering Advice:

The school's function is to provide relationships and sexual education dealing with matters and issues and not to offer individual advice, information or counselling on aspects of sexual behaviour and relationships - however sources of professional information and advice will be identified if appropriate in liaison with the relevant partners.

(d) Explicit Questions:

It is usually not appropriate to discuss a pupil's questions on intimacy by dealing with it in front of the whole class. In practice this means that teachers should say that it is not appropriate to deal with a particular question at that time. If a teacher becomes concerned about a matter that has been raised he/she should seek advice from the Guidance Counsellor or the Principal.

(e) Confidentiality:

It is school policy that in circumstances where a pupil is considered at risk of any type of abuse (including moral, sexual and physical) or in breach of the law, the teacher must refer this immediately to the Principal. The Principal will decide whether to inform the parents and/or the appropriate authorities and may arrange for counselling.

(f) Sensitive issues:

Issues such as Homosexuality, Contraception and Abortion will be dealt with in an age appropriate and open manner and all teachers delivering RSE commit themselves to do so in the context of the Catholic Ethos of St Mary's and its characteristic spirit and mission.

(g) Visitors

As appropriate, teachers may invite guest speakers from outside agencies. Parents will be informed · of such visits in advance. While this can be very useful addition to the programme, the delivery of the RSE programme remains the responsibility of the teacher. The Principal must be informed in advance of all visiting teachers and the content of their presentation.

Ongoing Support, development and review of the RSE programme

Teachers involved in the delivery of the RSE programme will do so in the context of these guidelines. They will be encouraged to avail of suitable in-career development which might arise. The school will ensure that the relevant resources are made available for the effective delivery of the RSE programme.

Review and Evaluation

The teachers concerned will regularly evaluate the programme and it will be kept under review through consultation with the teachers, students and the Principal/Deputy Principal.

The policy will be reviewed annually and staff, students and parents will have an opportunity to suggest additions and amendment.