Business Banking Support Group (BBSG)

2008 Recognition Plan: Selection Process Overview

Our Goal

In BBSG, our goal is to provide meaningful recognition to individuals within our organization who consistently provide extraordinary customer service—with the ultimate goal of increasing their level of engagement and productivity.

One way to provide meaningful recognition to BBSG team members is through our formal recognition program, AIM. The AIM Recognition Program has proven to be an effective channel to reward and track recognition.

Using the nominations submitted through the AIM Recognition Program, BBSG selection committeeswillfacilitate discussions and assist senior management in the selection of:

  • Quarterly winners
  • Annual Salesand Service Conference winners
  • AIM Recognition Event winners

Selection Committees

The following selection committees were created to support this process:

  • Support Groups (HR/L&D, Finance, Market Analytics and Compliance)
  • Technology
  • Loan Operations
  • Business Banking Resource Centers (BBRC)
  • Credit Services
  • Market Support

Business line leaders will identify individuals to participate on their selection committees. Committee members may serve on the selection committee for consecutive years, at the discretion of their business line leader.

At the beginning of each calendar year, the BBSG Communications & Recognition Team will facilitate an informal conference call to orient the selection committees on their role and responsibilities. An overview of the selection committees’ responsibilities are described in the following sections: Quarterly Winners, Annual Sales and Service Conference, AIM Recognition Event and Eligibility.

Quarterly Winners

Each business line will be allotted a specific number of quarterly winners (based on FTE) for the following award types:

  • Service Excellence
  • Star Manager
  • Diversity Champion

It is the responsibility of the selection committees to carefully review all nominations submitted within the prior quarter, discuss together which nominations are meritorious of the award and select the appropriate number of winners. Once approved by the business line manager(s), the quarterly winners will be recognized on the AIM website and receive compensation via cash (on their paychecks) or Premiere Choice Awards. Quarterly winners will also receive added consideration for the annual Sales and Service Conference and AIM Recognition Event.

Annual Sales and Service Conference

Approximately 2% of our population will have the opportunity to attend this event; Event Services will communicate the yearly allotment numbers for BBSG.

Based on FTE, the BBSG Communications & Recognition Team will allocate the number of winner spots for each selection committee. The proposed allocation breakdown will be sent to the senior management team for review and approval. If business line managers choose to hold an appropriate number of discretionary spots for their own selections, these numbers will be subtracted from the allotments communicated to the selection committees.

Selection committees will use the following criteria to identify recommendations for their business line manager(s).

  • Consider allwinners,from the previous calendar year, in the following categories:
  • Service Excellence
  • Star Manager
  • When reviewing this pool of candidates, committees should also take into consideration:
  • Previous year’s MPP achievement
  • Accolades from colleagues and internal/external partners and customers
  • Team members/managers that have not attended the annual Sales and Service Conference or the AIM Recognition Event within the last two years
  • Additional Service Excellence, Star Manager, Diversity Champion, Shining Star and On the Spot nominations

Selection committees will forward their winner AND alternate winner names (including brief summaries for each person) to their business line leader(s) for review and approval. After carefully reviewing their selection committees’ recommendations, business line leaders will send their approved winner and alternate winner names to the BBSG Communication & Recognition Team.

The BBSG Communications & Recognition Team will then send all BBSG winner and alternate winner names (including summaries) to Bob Worth for final review and approval.

AIM Recognition Event

Approximately 5% of our population will have the opportunity to attend this event. The allotment numbers are based on the FTE population as of June 30 of the current year.

Based on FTE, the BBSG Communications & Recognition Team will allocate the number of winner spots for each selection committee. The proposed allocation breakdown will be sent to the senior management team for review and approval. If business line managers choose to hold an appropriate number of discretionary spots for their own selections, these numbers will be subtracted from the allotments communicated to the selection committees.

Selection committees will consider nominations submitted in the third quarter of the prior year through the second quarter of the current year.

The AIM Recognition Event selection poolincludesnominees and/orwinners in the following categories:

  • On the Spot
  • Shining Star
  • Service Excellence
  • Star Manager
  • Diversity Champions

AIM Recognition Event (continued)

Taking into account candidates from this pool promotes a larger number of team members and managers for consideration. However, selection committees and/or business line leaders have the discretion to give special consideration to winners of specific award types (e.g. Service Excellence and Star Manager).

Selection committees are encouraged to consider candidates who have not attended the annual Sales and Service Conference or AIM Recognition Event within the last two years.

Selection committees will forward their winner and alternate winner names (including brief summaries for each person) to their business line leader(s) for review and approval. After carefully reviewing their selection committees’ recommendations, business line leaders will send their approved winner and alternate winner names to the BBSG Communication & Recognition Team.

The BBSG Communications & Recognition Team will then send all BBSG winner and alternate winner names (including summaries) to Bob Worth for final review and approval.


To be considered for the Quarterly Winner designation, annual Sales and Service Conference and AIM Recognition Event, team members/managers must be classified as active working status as of the final date of the consideration periodand have been on active status for at least 90% of that period to be eligible. Candidates must also have at least a level 3 performance rating and be in good standing (not be on any performance counseling)during the consideration period.

It is the selection committees’ responsibility to ensure the names they recommend for quarterly recognition and both events meet the eligibility requirements listed above.


For questions regarding the information provided in this document, please contact Carrie Newton.

Updated: 3.6.2008 1