Standard: A.8.1--Use a variety of geographic representations, such as political, physical, and topographic maps, a globe, aerial photographs, and satellite images, to gather and compare information about a place
A.8.3 (A.8.7 link)--Use an atlas to estimate distance, calculate scale, identify patterns of land use, and compute population density
Learning Targets (LT): I can create and describe a detailed map using source documents and include all appropriate map criteria, geographic featuresand population features
NEED TO HAVE THE FOLLOWING… / 1Experimenting-Developing / 2
Near Mastery / 3
Mastery / 4
Exceeds Mastery
GEOGRAPHIC MAP FEATURES and Map (A.8.1&3) Criteria —37 pts
- Title and Map KEY: All necessary criteria, labeled & colored appropriately = 4
- accurate & realistic scale bar and compass rose =5
- latitude & longitude identified
- Orderly detailed map drawing = 3
- Drawn and named/labeledlakes, mountains, rivers, oceans = 8
- Color & identify correctly map elevations / map drawings =5
- 2 natural resources identified, & on KEY & 1 historical site =4
- Identified on map & named harbors or ports—if near water = 2
outlined/labeled neighboring countries, borders if landlocked=2 /
- Content is not very clear; missing many geographic features; neatness attempted for some parts; map features confusing; has ~60% of the requirements met
- some features are relevant, but lack of accurate drawings; descriptions attempted-- needs more details.
- Shows limited connections and applications of map features
- Demonstrates unacceptable to marginal achievement of the standard and LT
- Content is somewhat clear; ~half of the geographic features are present; neatness attempted for most; map features make some sense; has ~60-70% of the requirements
- Over half of the features are relevant; accurate drawings and descriptions attempted.
- Shows some connections and applications of correct geographic map features
- Begins to demonstrate expected level ofachievement of the standard and LT
- Content is clear; most geographic features are present; neatly done and meaningful features; has most of the requirements~80% of the time
- Relevant, accurate drawings and descriptions.
- Shows expected connections and applications of correct geographic map features
- Demonstrates expected level of achievement of the standard and LT
- Content is clear; all geographic features are present; neat and meaningful features; has all requirements~100% of the time
- Extremely relevant, accurate drawings and descriptions.
- Shows complete and detailed connections and applications of correct geographic map features
- Exceeds expected achievement of the standard and LT
- population = 2
- total area from scale
- country pop. density = 4
- identified location of 3-4 cities, towns, on map = 3
- city names, population of
- Content is not very clear; missing many population features; neatness attempted for some parts; population features confusing;
- some features are relevant, but missing accurate labeling; descriptions attempted-- needs more details.
- Shows limited connections and applications of population features and vocabulary connections
- Demonstrates marginal achievement of the standard and LT
- Content is somewhat clear; half of the population features are present; neatness attempted for most; population features make some sense; ~60-70% of the requirements met
- Over half of the features are relevant; some accurate information and vocabulary applications attempted.
- Shows some connections and applications of population features
- Begins to demonstrate expected achievement of the standard & LT
- Content is clear; most population features are present; has most of the requirements
- Relevant & accurate data while applying vocabulary concepts, minor errors that can be corrected.
- Shows connections and applications of population features and concepts ~80% of the time
- Demonstrates expected level of achievement of the standard and LT
- Content is clear; makes sense and is meaningful, has ALL requirements
- Relevant, accurate details and descriptions using precise vocabulary application and labels
- Shows complete connections and applications of population features and concepts ~100% of the time
- Exceeds expected achievement of the standard and LT
Student Name ______Grade ______