Civic Engagement Meeting
October 20, 2009
- Mariatu- Bite of the Mango
- One of the more successful events that we have had
- Broke record attendance
- About 600 books sold (through Bookstore)
- Successful because it was a young adult novel
- It was about overcoming trials
- Tapped into the idea of helping children or victims of violence
- Reading faculty were involved from the beginning
- Faculty support in division meetings
- Helped that the bookstore was so accommodating in getting books for classes
- Mike and Tim were on the ball to find space for students the night of
- Nobody panicked
- It was good to be involved with the League of Women Voters
- Media did awesome!
- Mariatu did 8 class presentation
- Allowing questions to be asked from every room
- People should not be on the sides of the stage or in the aisles in the PAC
- Live Feed-make note of camera shots…
- Media has limited staff. One of our committee members would need to monitor what is being shown on the live feed.
- Venue was not set up ½ before show time
- Seats shouldn’t have been on stage
- Curtain needed to be lowered
- Lights didn’t work
- Media resolved this by using side lights
- Set a standard for “front of curtain event” and PAC will set accordingly
- Bill’s vacation pictures were used instead of the correct slideshow (ha ha)
- Started in the Spring, but contracts and details didn’t get done until the week of
- Communication about what is expected during class presentation (faculty and presentations)
- Be prepared with questions ahead of time… share those with the presenter
- The classes should share what they have done as preparation.
- International mailing is not a good idea
- Shipping for the books was way too expensive ($200+)
- The books sold probably won’t cover the cost of shipping
- Mariatu’s Foundation is legally the same as Mariatu as an individual, so to cut a check to the foundation would be to cut a check to Mariatu.
- How do we plan for future successful events
- Do we need to have a counter or tickets at the PAC door
- Mike suggests that there are times that we can guess if it will be well attended
- We can seat people gradually, asking people to scoot to the middle, and letting in a limited number at a time to avoid clots in the hall
- Mountains Beyond Mountains
A.It is about a doctor in Haiti,
B.Health care is a hot topic in the country
C.Does civic engagement want to do a connecting event? Or do we know of a discipline that would be interested
D.Nancy suggests if we could pick a narrow enough aspect that would foster learning and inspiration, maybe.
E.We did have an health care event last year that was successful
- Would we want the same panel back?
- The positions of panel members have changed
- Last year’s was geared more towards Hospital Administration
- We could do a panel on “the business of medicine”
F.Chris will put out a survey to potential faculty to gather interest
- What about an event connected to the other The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao?
A.Political violence
B.Perhaps a presenter on what dictators are today and historically
C.Mike thinks we can play as Civic Engagement, but it depends on what faculty are looking for
- One Book for 2010-2011
A.Meeting on Friday
B.As they decide what to do for next year, faculty development will be looking at lessons learned from this year
C.A Civic Engagement Team representative will attend
- AZ Supreme Court Justice (Berch)
A.Noel invited the AZ Supreme Court Justice to come to campus the 1st week of February
B.Has not confirmed
- Governor Jan Brewer
A.Invited to come 4th Wed of February
B.Has not confirmed
- Possible Sandra Day O’Connor event
A.She is doing a fundraiser at ASU, do we want to try to get her here?
B.How to have civil discourse in our communities
C.Cynthia will investigate costs
- Next Meeting, November 17th, 2pm in SC 113.