Finnin’s 7th Grade ELA Policies and Procedures
Beginning Class
1. Take care of your business before class (drinks, restrooms). Passes will only be issued for emergency situations.
2. Bring two (working) writing instruments
3. All book bags, backpacks, and purses need to be neatlyput on or under the table by the bulletin board when you enter the classroom. Please remove everything you will need for the class period first since you are not allowed to access your belongings again until I dismiss the class.
4. Begin Bell Work immediately.
5. Wait for further instructions from teacher.
6. If you finish your work early be respectful to fellow students/teacher and
- work on another assignment or
- read a book quietly
- go to an approved app or website on your electronic device
Ending Class
1. All materials are to be put away and litter put in trash cans
2. Push all seats in
3. Teacher dismisses you at the end of the period, not the bell!
4. Keep hands to yourself and your voice down while in the hallways and courtyards.
Consequences for not following class guidelines
For violation of class rules and procedures, the following consequences will be used:
1st Offense – Verbal or Nonverbal Warning
2nd Offense – Parent Contact by phone or email and Corrective Action Worksheet
3rd Offense – Teacher Detention with parental contact
4th Offense – Referral (teacher calls home to inform about the incident, tells Dean, and Dean calls home with consequence)
Quieting the class
Students will observe the Give Me Five! procedure. Teacher will stand in front of the class with hand raised and count down from 5 to 1. By 1, everyone should be silent. This is a school-wide signal for silence!
Voice Levels
0 – Silent, Independent Work
1 – Whisper, Dyad Work
2 – Speak Quietly, Group Work
3 – Addressing the Class
4 – Outdoor Voice
Missed Class
When you miss class, please check Finnin’s 7th Grade ELAblog. If there were any handouts, the blog will either link you to the handout or direct you to the relevant document in the relevant folder in Edmodo. Also check Progress Book to see if an assignment was posted for the day.
All assignments and homework will be posted with a due date on the Common Board Configuration at the front of the classroom. Students are responsible for checking this board daily and writing the objective and the homework assignments in their planner. Homework is also posted on Edmodo the weekend before the week it comes due. All out-of-class work is due at the beginning of the class period on the day it is due unless the instructor states otherwise.
Independent Reading
- Students will take an SRI test to determine their lexile level within the first few weeks of the school year. Students will also be assessed at the end of the school year.
- Students are expected to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each night.
- Students are to choose reading material appropriate to their lexile and grade level. Any questions as to title choice or content should be brought to my attention immediately.
- Students in Regular LA must earn 30 quiz points each quarter for their grade. Students in Advanced LA must earn 35 quiz points.
- “Reading Counts” quizzes have 20 questions and 70% correct is required to pass for regular students and 80% for advanced students.
- Students may retake a quiz only 1 time and they must wait 24 hours to do so. Quizzes should be taken after Independent Reading Book Reports are turned in, with the exception of the last book report due each quarter – quiz should be done before book report is turned in.
- Students in regular LA will be required to complete a minimum of two (2) Independent Reading Book Reports per marking period. Students in advanced LA will be required to complete three (3) Independent Reading Book Reports per marking period. Due dates will be posted on Edmodo.
- Students will also be required to do a weekly reading log.
Make-Up Work
If you are absent: You are responsible for any make-up work missed due to an EXCUSED absence. You have the number of days you were absent excused plus one to make up work. Ex. 2 days absent = 3 days to make upwork beginning with the day you return. It is your responsibility to check Edmodo and Progress Bookto see what you missed. If you are absent on a day an assignment is due that you were already informed of, that assignment is due the day you return – no extra time is granted. No credit will be given for assignments missed due to unexcused absences, nor will extra time be granted to complete assignments given during a student’s unexcused absence.
Late Work Policy
Work will only be accepted late with the following penalties:
- 25% off – if instructor collects work and you don’t have it, it will be considered late even if turned in later that same day.
- After 5 weeks or the Friday before the last week of quarter, no late work will be accepted.
- A five sentence paragraph for each assignment explaining why the assignment was late is required.
Turning in Make-Up or Late Work
Put assignments in the correct pocket of the red folder located on top of student bookcase.
Misplaced SpringBoard packet
Use one of the class set of textbooks but write your answers on your own paper. Do Not Write In The Borrowed Book!
Came Unprepared to Class
Don’t expect other people to give or loan you what is needed for that day’s class. It is your responsibility to come prepared; it is not our responsibility to reward you when you are not prepared. It wastes everybody’s time.
SWMS Tardy Policy
It is important that students arrive to class each period on time to ensure as few disruptions to learning as possible and to maintain the integrity of the learning environment. It is the responsibility of each individual student to arrive to class on time. If a student arrives late to any class, including first period, they will be sent to a designated sign-in area where they will be required to present their school ID and be given a consequence as listed below.
- 1st tardy: warning
- 2nd tardy: additional warning, notice of future consequences
- 3rd tardy: write a 50 word paragraph on the importance of being prompt
- 4th tardy: write a 150 word essay about the importance of being successful and in class on time
- 5th tardy: 30 minute Administrative Detention and phone call home
- 6th tardy: 30 minute Administrative Detention and phone call home.
- 7th tardy: 60 minute Administrative Detention and phone call home
- 8th tardy: 60 minute Administrative Detention and phone call home
- 9th tardy: 120 minute Administrative Detention and phone call home
- 10th + tardy: 120 minute administrative detention and phone call home.
This is not a per class situation. A student could potentially have 7 (seven) tardies in one day if he or she is late to each class on a particular day. Respect your teachers, your classmates and yourself. Be on time!
Bathroom Visits
Students should use the restroom before or after class EXCEPT for emergencies. If a bathroom pass is needed, please hold your planner up in the air. The teacher will either make a writing motion indicating yes, or shake her head no. Students must fill out, using ink,all of the pass in their plannerexcept for the signature, and bring it to the teacher. If you don’t follow this procedure, I will not authorize the pass. No passes will be given the first or last ten minutes of class. You must use your own planner.
Contacting the teacher
I can be contacted at the following email address: . My phone number is 407-370-7200 x 5252358. I try to answer emails within 24 hours. If you email me on the weekend, please do not be alarmed if you do not hear back from me until Monday.