My Colony

Geography Summative – 2011-12


This multilayer assignment requires that you apply the skills and knowledge presented throughout the course into one summative evaluation. Use the checklist at the end of the assignment to ensure that all components are complete and included in your final package.

Stage 1: The Year is 1800

Setting the Stage – Europeans are beginning to arrive in great numbers during the turn of the century (1800) and are populating the region that will become known as Canada. Certain areas, such as Montreal, Halifax, and Toronto, already have established populations. You and 50 fellow pioneers are moving out into the wilderness and will be the architects of a new community (village) in this vast and vacant land.

What you need to do:

  1. Identify your region: Selected in class.
  1. Sketch two maps of your region.

a)  The aerial view will need to include all major geographical landmarks (major lakes, rivers, elevations, beaches, forests, etc...)

b)  Identify and sketch where you would construct the essentials for the settlement of the 50 pioneers.

On the map include houses, roads/paths, occupational establishments, etc...

(Ex. farmers, blacksmiths, lumberjacks - be sure to consider the era you are addressing). See chapter 18, pg. 204-209.

Respond to the following questions:

  1. Justify the location of your village: Why did you choose to build your colony where it is?
  1. Land forms of the region: Describe the landscape of your region, how was it probably formed, and what are (if any) natural obstacles are there to overcome? See chapter 10 &11.
  1. Climate of your region: (a) Complete a climate graph for your region. Select a modern day city closest to your location and use that data, (b) using your climate graph and geographers instinct, identify significant weather occurrences that may/will affect you in the future. See chapter 12.
  1. Flora and Fauna: (a) Draw a diagram showing three major types of animals and three major types of vegetation found in your region, (b) describe how any of these will help/hinder with the development of your colony. Refer to the atlas and on-line sources.
  1. Primary Industries: (a) What sort(s) of primary industries will you focus on? Which ones do you need for survival vs. ones you need to drive your economy? (b) Predict devastation to your economy, describe its effects on the community, and explain steps you will take to overcome it. See chapter 20-25.

Stage 2: The Present – 2012

Setting the Stage – It has been over 200 years and your village has definitely evolved since its simple beginnings. The most visible change to your community is its size, most noticeably in the growth of your population and the introduction of more complex industries.

Complete the following:

  1. Population diversity: Many people have arrived to participate in your community’s growth.

Refer to Statistics Canada’s website on population change for your province from 1901-2001. Click on the Population Pyramids Animation 1901-2001 link. Describe how the population pyramid changes from 1901-2001 has impacted society, education, industries, and urban development.

  1. Primary changes: The core of your community is essential to its survival. What is the state of your primary industries and what challenges (specific to the industries) have needed addressing?
  1. Industrial evolution: (a) What secondary industries have developed? Why? (b) What tertiary industries have developed? Why? See pg. 242-243 in textbook.
  1. Updated Sketch: Sketch your village as it looks today. Using zoning expectations show the following: urban, suburbs, roads, green space(s), government, industrial, etc...

This will be the title page for your summative!

My Colony – Checklist

List of Requirements / Completed
(check when finished)
Stage 1: The Year is 1800
Choose a region
Geographical sketches
Arial sketch
Questions researched and answered
Climate graph
Climate interpretation
Images (flora and fauna)
Primary industry questions / o 

Stage 2: The Present – 2011
A population bar graph
Primary industry evolution questions
Secondary/tertiary industry questions
Updated sketch of community
Outside influences considerations / o 

Work Cited Bibliography – APA Format
to create a work cited document / o