7th Grade Mathematics Course Syllabus
Mr. Patrick Scully
Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math for Mathematics 2 as one of many resources I will use this year. The textbook is consumable and it is also available online. There is a link in the student’s My Portal page along with a link to their Schoology mathematics course.
Objective of Course: This class is designed to develop an understanding of mathematics in order to build numeric understandings that are necessary for interpreting and appreciating the inherently mathematical world around us.
Pacing Guide Estimation: During the first quarter we will work on expressions, equations, inequalities, exponents, scientific notation, proportional relationships, and functions. The second grading period we will begin our study of geometry followed by statistics, probability, and bivariate data in the third quarter leading up to our Florida State Assessment Test in April. We will revisit concepts as needed during the last month of school ensuring student readiness for Algebra next year.
Supplies Needed: A team supply list was created this year for you. The supplies for math included graph paper, a TS-30 calculator, and a pocket folder which I will keep in the classroom. The 3’ binder will have one section for math. We will use this for our notes and hand-outs mostly.
Grades: As a team we decided that every assignment will be graded equally and that categories will not be weighted. Grades will come from classwork, computer work, homework, group work, quizzes, tests, and projects if assigned.
Team Rules: S.O.A.R. and L.E.A.R.N.
My Expectations: Be Punctual, Be Prepared, Show Respect, Act Responsibly
Consequences: Please, see student agenda for an explanation of infractions and the coding of such. All teachers will be utilizing this system and you should look for codes in Saturday/Sunday columns for the week. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions on this.
Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to get the missing work from an absence. Please, don’t count on the teacher to remind you that you were absent. You can ask a classmate to see their agenda for the assignment, you can ask the teacher, or you can view Skyward for missing work. If out unexpectedly for multiple days, you can always just continue with the next section online in your HMH Go Math book.
Homework- may be to finish what we started in class, may be in Schoology or online HMH book, or may simply be to preview next section and to come to class prepared with questions.
Extra Help: TUTORING is available DAILY through our YMCA afterschool program. Contact the Main Office for additional information (352) 383 6101. Please, don’t be afraid to let me know in class when you don’t understand something. Questions are good!
Not Allowed: putting head down/sleeping in class, talking back to teacher when behavior is corrected (a simple “yes “sir” would be greatly appreciated), refusing to attempt problems in class, not following along, and talking while teacher is speaking. LISTEN, PLEASE!
Parents & Guardian- I highly recommend you check Skyward regularly to keep up with student grades. Please sign and date your student’s agenda for agenda checks on Mondays during class. My email is located at the top of this syllabus. Feel free to communicate as needed. Please, email me and let me know your email address so that we can work together to help you child achieve success. Thank you very much!