Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held 28th March 2017 in the Surgery
Present: / ZH (Chair), JB , MH, HVO, PH & RS
Apologies: / PC, AC, Sue Kavanagh (Practice Manager) & Dr T Turner, who had to leave after item 2
1) Report from Surgery: Dr Turner said that no progress had been made for relocating the surgery. The police station has been purchased by the Blenheim Estate and leased back to the police for two years. Any future relocation of the surgery is some years off and will depend on the housing developments around Woodstock and any Section 106 grants.
2) JB was thanked for producing a revised poster about the PPG and this is to be displayed in the surgery waiting room as soon as possible.
3) It was agreed that the PPG should try to get articles in all future editions of the newly invigorated ‘Woodstock and Bladon News’ (WBN). Copies would be sent to the editors of all the local news sheets (a list of these editors was compiled last year). JB is to produce an article about the PPG for the next issue of the WBN. PH and ZH would be responsible for future monthly articles, which could cover matters relating to the surgery and any health issues in conjunction with the doctors.
(Last year when this was discussed Dr Roskell offered to provide a note about Shingles)
4) HVO is organising a ‘Wellness Awareness Day’, to be combined with the Blood Pressure Awareness Day which the Rotary Club are organising on 6th May 9:00 to 14:00 in the Town Hall (coinciding with the Farmers Market). She will be contacting other appropriate organisations (e.g. Age Concern) and will arrange for other help on the day from the PPG committee.
5) RS felt it was important that the PPG are seen to be supporting minority groups. How this is to be done will be discussed at the next PPG meeting.
Date for next meeting: Tuesday 20th June 2017 in the surgery at 19:00
(subject to agreement with the surgery)