¡Listos! 1
Módulo 2 Tú y yo / Unidad 1 pp26-27 ¿De dónde eres? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about countries and nationality
Framework objectives / Launch: 7L4 (Classroom talk). Reinforcement: 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)).
Starters / Starter 1: Alphabetical order race (Ordering names of countries against the clock)
Starter 2: What nationality? (Forming masculine and feminine adjectives of nationality)
Plenary / Pupils list vocabulary they have learnt (countries / nationalities)
Grammar / ser (soy/eres/es) + nationality
soy de + countries/towns
adjectival agreement with nationality
en + countries/towns
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.1c knowledge of language
2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2g write clearly and coherently
3c apply grammar
3d use a range of vocab / structures / Gramática
3b, 4c
4b, 6
Contexts / Personal and social life; The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1-2 / Understand names of countries and nationalities / 1, 3a
Speaking / AT2/1–2 / Say names of countries, ask and answer questions about your nationality and country, make statements about where others come from / 2, 3b, 4a, 4c
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Pick out information from short written extracts about countries and nationalities / 5
Writing / AT4/2-3 / Write simple phrases about nationality and country / 4b, 6
Key language / ¿De dónde eres?
Soy de España.
Australia, Escocia, España, Estados Unidos, Gales, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Jamaica, México, Nigeria, Paquistán
¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?
De dónde eres?
Soy español(a).
Kylie Minogue es australiana.
australiano/a, escocés(a), estadounidense, galés(a), inglés(a), irlandés(a), jamaicano/a, mexicano/a, nigeriano/a, paquistaní
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 1, countries and nationalities.
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuaderno A & B, pp. 15 & 23 (ex.2)
Resources / Cassette A, Side 2 or CD 1, track 11
OHTs 5 & 6

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Módulo 2 Tú y yo


Unidad 2 pp28-29 ¿Dónde vives?

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Saying where you and others live and what languages you speak
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7W5 (Verbs present (+ past)); 7L4 (Classroom talk).
Starters / Starter 1: Spanish quiz (Testing cultural and geographical knowledge of Spain)
Starter 2: Verb revision (Conjugating 1st, 2nd and 3rd-person forms of ser, tener, vivir and hablar)
Plenary / Pupils write sentences about themselves, imagining they are Spanish
Grammar / vivir: vivo, vives, vive
hablar: hablo, hablas, habla
en + countries/towns
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2f initiate / sustain conversations
3d use a range of vocab / structures
4b communicate in pairs etc. / 1, 3a
2, 5a, 5b
5b, 5c
5a, 5b
Contexts / Personal and social life; The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1–2 / Identify cities in a country; understand where people live and which languages they speak / 1, 3a, 4b
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions about your name, where you live or about where other people live, and which languages you speak / 2, 3b, 5a, 5b
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Predict information about people by reading a simple file record / 4a
Writing / AT4/3 / Write interviews with imaginary people about where they come from and the languages they speak / 5c
Key language / ¿Dónde vives?
Vivo en Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia, Sevilla, Londres, París, Swansea
(No) vive en Valencia Viven en Barcelona.
¿Qué idiomas hablas?
Hablo alemán, catalán, español, francés, galés, inglés, italiano
Habla español y francés.
un poco (de español)
ICT Opportunities / Compilation of survey results in MS-Excel and creation of pie chart or bar graph, TG p. 43
ICT Pack: Activity 2, listen to personal information and fill in grid
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuaderno A & B, p. 16
Te toca a ti A, p. 118 (ex. 1)
Resources / Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 12

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Módulo 2 Tú y yo


Unidad 3 pp30-31 ¿Tienes hermanos?

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about your family
Framework objectives / Launch: 7L2 (Following speech); 7L3 (Gist and detail).Reinforcement: 7S4 (Basic questions); 7S8 (Punctuation).
Starters / Starter 1: Number revision (As you read out a text, pupils stand up when they hear a number)
Starter 2: Squashed sentences(Inserting spaces and punctuation in sentences about siblings)
Plenary / Pupils prepare three questions to test what they have learnt
Grammar / llamarse: me llamo, te llamas, se llama, se llaman
possessives: mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus
tener: tengo, tienes, tiene + family
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2f initiate / sustain conversations
3b sounds and writing
3c apply grammar
3d use a range of vocab / structures
4g use TL for engaging topics / 2, 5
6, 7a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Understand and note down information about family / 1, 2, 5
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask and answer questions about family / 4, 6, 7b
Reading and responding / AT3/2-3 / Understand phrases about family members and ages / 1, 3, 5
Writing / AT4/3 / Write interview about family from notes / 7a
Key language / ¿Tienes hermanos?
Sí, tengo un hermano. Sí, tengo una hermana.
Sí, tengo un hermano y dos hermanas.
No, no tengo hermanos. Soy hija única / hijo único.
Somos gemelos/as.
¿Cómo se llama/se llaman ...
tu padre/madre tus hermanos/hermanas
Mi madre se llama Clara. Mi padre se llama Rafael.
Mi hermana tiene 5 años.
ICT Opportunities / MS-PowerPoint interview presentation, TG p. 46
ICT Pack: Activity 3, carry out a survey about brothers and sisters
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuaderno A & B, pp. 17 & 23 (exs 1, 3)
Resources / Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 13
OHTs 7 & 8



¡Listos! 1

Módulo 2 Tú y yo


Unidad 4 pp32-33 ¿Tienes un animal en casa?

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about pets
Framework objectives / Launch:7C4 (Stories and songs).Reinforcement: 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7W6 (Letters and sounds); 7L1 (Sound patterns).
Starters / Starter 1: Sound spelling links (Listening for words containing the sounds ja, jo, yo, llo, ño)
Starter 2: Colour mixing (As you read out combinations of colours, pupils note which colour will be created by mixing them)
Plenary / Pupils list six invented animals, describing their colours.
Grammar / plurals of nouns
adjective agreement (singular and plural)
indefinite article: un / una (revision)
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2g write clearly and coherently
3b sounds and writing
3c apply grammar
3d use a range of vocab / structures
4f language of interest / enjoyment / 1a
3, 6a
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding /
/ Understand words for pets and colours, note pet descriptions from short conversations / 1a, 1b, 2, 4, 5
Speaking / AT2/1–3 / Ask and answer questions about pets and their colour / 3, 6a
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand and answer short questions on a song describing pets / 7
Writing / AT4/3 / Write a short text about their own and another person’s pet. / 6b, 8
Key language / ¿Tienes un animal en casa? Tengo / no tengo...
un caballo, dos caballos un pájaro, tres pájaros
un perro, dos perros un conejo, tres conejos / un cobayo, dos cobayos un gato, tres gatos
un pez, dos peces un ratón, tres ratones
una tortuga, dos tortugas
¿De qué color es / son?
Es / son blanco/a (s), negro/a(s), rojo/a(s), amarillo/a(s), dorado/a(s), atigrado/a(s), azul(es), verde(s), gris(es), marrón (marrones).
Es grande, pequeño/a / Son grandes, pequeños/as.
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 4, design a poster about animals and their colours
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, p. 18
Te toca a ti B, p. 119 (ex. 1)
Resources / Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 14; Song, PB p. 33
R&A File, Grammar 1, p. 23; R&A File, Hojas de trabajo 1-2, pp. 20-21; OHTs 9 & 10

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Módulo 2 Tú y yo


Unidad 5 pp34-35 Los ojos y el pelo

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Describing your eyes and hair
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 7W4 (Gender and plural); 7S1 (Typical word order); 7S3 (Adapting sentences).
Starters / Starter 1: Spot the mistake (Pupils correct adjectival agreements in sentences with deliberate errors on OHT)
Starter 2: Match up (Matching halves and adapting sentences relating to eyes and hair)
Plenary / Throw-and-catch game (Practising personal information questions, incorporating new vocabulary)
Grammar / Tener: tengo, tiene
Llevar: llevo, lleva
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2i reuse language they have met
3d use a range of vocab / structures
4b communicate in pairs etc. / 2a
5, 6
5, 6
2b, 2c, 5
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1–2 / Understand information about eye and hair colour / 1, 2a, 3
Speaking / AT2/1–3 / Ask about and give information concerning eyes and hair / 2b, 2c, 5
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Identify individuals from written descriptions of their eyes and hair / 4
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Describe eyes and hair of yourself and others / 2d, 6
Key language / ¿De qué color es tu pelo?
¿De qué color son tus ojos?
Tengo/ Tiene ... los ojos marrones / azules / verdes / negros
el ojo morado
Tengo/Tiene ... el pelo castaño / rubio / negro / pelirrojo
Tengo/Tiene ... el pelo largo / liso / corto / rizado / ondulado
Tengo/Tiene pecas
Llevo/Lleva barba, bigote, gafas
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: Activity 6, describe four people’s eyes and hair colour
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuadernos A & B, p. 19
Te toca a ti B, p. 119 (exs. 2a & 2b)
Resources / Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 15
R&A File, Hoja de trabajo 3, p. 22
OHTs 11 & 12

¡Listos! 1

Módulo 2 Tú y yo


Unidad 6 pp36-37 ¿Cómo eres?

/ Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about your size and colouring
Framework objectives / Launch:7T1 (Reading using cues); 7T3 (Checking before reading); 7T5 (Assembling text).Reinforcement: 7W4 (Gender and plural).
Starters / Starter 1: Drawing from written text (Pupils read text on OHT, then draw what they have read from memory)
Starter 2: Odd one out (Looking closely at genders and adjectival agreements)
Plenary / Pupils test each other on new language in Module 2 using the Resumen section
Grammar / ser (consolidation): soy / es
adjectival agreement (revision): masc. and fem. singular
(Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2c respond appropriately
2.2g write clearly and coherently
3b sounds and writing
3c apply grammar
4c use more complex language
4e use a range of resources / 1a, 4, 5
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1–2 / Identify people from descriptions of their size and appearance / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Ask about and describe people’s size and appearance / 1b, 3
Reading and responding / AT3/2–3 / Read and understand short descriptions of people / 2b, 4
Writing / AT4/2-3 / Write sentences describing people’s size
Write a short text describing a famous person / 1c, 5
Key language / ¿Cómo eres? Soy / es
alto/a, bajo/a, de talla mediana negro/a, blanco/a, moreno/a, pelirrojo/a, rubio/a
ICT Opportunities / MS Publisher: produce poster in ex. 5, TG p. 55
ICT Pack: Activity 5, record personal details
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Cuaderno A&B, pp. 20-22 , 24
¡Extra!, PB, pp. 40-41 (Extension)
Te toca a ti A, p. 118 (exs 2a & 2b)
Resources / Cassette A, side 2 or CD 1, track 16
R&A File, Skills 1 & 2, pp. 24-25