Carter/Weston/Fricks Water October 22-26, 2012
Daily Opening Activities- SWBAT name the days of the week, months of the year, add number to number line, graph and analyze weather, say pledge.
Large Group
O: SWBAT recognize the chunk “sh” and its sound.
P: Use the puppet and basket items to introduce objects that contain the chunk. Write object names on the board. Illustrate. E: TO
O: SWBATname ways we use water and name things that need water.
P: Students will name ways they use water at home and name things that need water. Teacher writes ideas on chart paper under the headings: “Ways We Use Water” and “Things That Need Water.” E: TO
SC Streamline: A First Look at Water
Small Groups
O: SWBAT cut on curved lines and recall why we need water.
P: Students dictate the ending for “We need water ______.” Students will illustrate their writing.
E: Bathtub pattern
O: SWBAT copy sentences and identify letter sounds.
P: Students will copy “I am Happy Hippo.” Read the sentence. Color the letter character. Review the letter sound for “Hh”. The students will read the sentence when completed. E: Letter Book
Large Group
O: SWBAT stretch words and hear letter sounds.
P: Interview the “Safari Guide of the Week.” Have students name known letter sounds. E: Interview Poster and TO
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions. P: Read Not Enough Water in the Tubby Tedd Arnold. Ask questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT recall information.P: Teacher will assess for report cards.E: TO
O: SWBAT understand that water changes shapes.
P: Ask the students if the water can change to any shape. Fill several containers with one cup of water. What happens to the shape? Discuss how liquids change shape. Learn the liquid part of the “Matter Song”. Then have the students determine which container has the most water. Have them justify their answers. What shape does water have when we pour it on the cement?
Transition ****Recite “Too Many Kids in the Tub” by Shel Silverstein (written on chart paper). Fill a clear container halfway up with water. Ask your children what they think will happen if you put a block in the water. Check observations. Two blocks? Three blocks? Ask them to justify their answers. What does this mean for real life?
Large Group
O: SWBAT recognize the chunk “ow” and its sound.
P: Use the puppet and basket items to introduce objects that contain the chunk. Write object names on the board. Illustrate. E: TO
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read Umbrella by Taro Yashima. Ask questions. Discuss the terms repel and absorb. Teach chant: “Repel, repel, repel the water away, Absorb, absorb, and you’ll be wet all day.”
E: TO and questions
Small Groups
O: SWBAT determine if specific materials absorb or repel water.
P: Students predict if various objects will repel or absorb water. Put a spoonful of water on a dry sponge. What happens? Does all of the sponge get wet? Does all of the water disappear? Repeat with teaspoon, wax paper, tissue, plastic toy, paper towel. The teacher and the students will record the data using a check mark under the headings: “Absorbs and Repels.” The teacher will use a “chart size” data page for modeling. Discuss real life applications: Which things could you use for mopping up spills? What would be good for making umbrellas or shower curtains? E: Chart and TO
O: SWBAT copy sentences and identify letter sounds.
P: Students will copy “I am Inky Inchworm.” Read the sentence. Color the letter character. Review the letter sound for “I i”. The students will read the sentence when completed. E: Letter Book
O: Students will listen and comprehend.
P: Read Down Comes The Rain by Franklyn Branley. Ask questions.
Small Groups
O: SWBAT recall information.P: Teacher will assess for report cards.E: TO
O: SWBAT identify the number 16. P: The students will complete pg. 1 of Pumpkins Growing on a Vine. The students will write the number 16, and add 16 pumpkins to the vine. Practice writing 16 on white boards. E: TO and book
Transition: SWBAT sing “Raindrops” to the tune of “London Bridges.” Raindrops falling from the sky, From the sky, from the sky. Raindrops falling from the sky, On my umbrella.
Large Group
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read Who Sank the Boat? by Pamela Allen. Students will retell the story using a boat and character pictures. Ask questions. Discuss why the boat sank? Discuss real life applications. E: TO
O: SWBAT predict if objects sink or float.
P: Students will dance around a tub of water and recite “Dance aroundthe water. I brought a (object) today. Does it sink? Does it float? Let’s put it in and see today.” Student predicts and then checks. Sort into two groups (Sink and float). See if ice floats and decide why. E: TO
Small Group
O: SWBAT predict.
P: Place a plastic bowl in a container of water. Ask the students to predict how many pebbles it will take to sink it. (Use polished pebbles so the size and weight will be consistent.) Write predictions down. Then check prediction. Repeat with a plastic plate and an aluminum pie pan. Have students analyze results. (page 17 Quick and Easy Science Fun) (Real life applications)
E: Prediction page and TO
O: SWBAT copy sentences and identify letter sounds.
P: Students will copy “I am Jolly Jogger.” Read the sentence. Color the letter character. Review the letter sound for “Jj”. The students will read the sentence when completed. E: Letter Book
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read Grandpa, Grandpa by Joy Cowley. Ask questions. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT use fine motor skills to write words.
P: Students will write the word “we” and “it” on paper. E: TO
O: SWBAT predict and record data.
P: Students will demonstrate their predictions of whether an item will sink or float by using the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” signs. After checking their predictions, the students will record the results. (Cork, teaspoon, can, crayon, seashell, wooden spoon) Ask the students what would happen if they attached something that floats to something that sinks.
E: TO and data sheet
SWBAT count to 20 forwards and from 10 backwards.
Sequence numbers 0-10. Read and act out using numbers “Roll Over, Roll Over.
Large Group
O: SWBAT recognize the chunk “er” and its sound.
P: Use the puppet and basket items to introduce objects that contain the chunk. Write object names on the board. Illustrate.
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read The Story About Ping by Marjorie Flack. Ask questions. Discuss how feathers have oil on them and do not absorb water. Why is this important? E: TO
O: SWBAT observe that oil and water does not mix and tell how theyknow. P: Fill a clear plastic jar 3/4 full of water. Add oil to top of water. Have students make observations. Drop food coloring in the container. Let children see how the food coloring moves slowly through the oil and then moves quickly through the water. Discuss how the food coloring speed shows the difference between the oil and water. Discuss real life applications for feathered animals. E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT sort.
P: Students will sort items the same items in multiple ways. Use foam shapes of varying sizes and colors. Have the students determine one way the items could be sorted. Sort them in that manner using large plastic rings. Then have the students determine another way to sort. Sort the objects in that manner. Then ask for a third way to sort and sort using that suggestion. (Color, Shape, Thickness, Size) E: TO
O: SWBAT use phonics-based spelling to write sentences.
P: Students will write about the experiment with oil and water in science journal. Use writing process cards, alphabet cards, and magnifying lens for editing. E: TO and writing
O: SWBAT answer comprehension questions.
P: Read Swimmy by Leo Lionni. Ask questions. Have several students move together from one point to another while keeping one piece of cloth over all three students. (CE) E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT copy sentences and identify letter sounds.
P: Students will copy “I am Kicky Kangaroo.” Read the sentence. Color the letter character. Review the letter sound for “Kk”. The students will read the sentence when completed. E: Letter Book
O: SWBAT identify the number 17. P: The students will complete pg. 2 of Pumpkins Growing on a Vine. The students will write the number 17, and add 17 pumpkins to the vine. Practice writing 17 on white boards. E: TO and book
Transition SWBAT sing “Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play.”
Large Group
O: SWBAT listen and comprehend.
P: The teacher will read Pea Soup Fog by Connie MacDonald Smith. The teacher will use a large Mason jar, hot water, strainer, and ice cubes to create an eerie fog in the jar. Ask questions and review experiment. Relate this to real life. When do we have fog? E: TO
Small Groups
O: SWBAT dictate and illustrate a sentence.
P: The students will give their idea about how to get rid of fog. Write their idea on “fog” (cloud) shape. Students will illustrate. (Ideas: fan, sun, rain)
*Remind students about story ideas.
E: TO and writing
O: SWBAT recognize and graph shapes.
P: Teach the students an oval shape. Review circle, square, triangle, hexagon and rectangle. Take turns rolling a die with shapes on it. Graph the results. Analyze the graph. (Fill in the sentence: “There are more ______than ______.) Let the students fill in the sentence by drawing the appropriate shapes.
E: Graph
O: SWBAT listen and comprehend.
P: The teacher will readListen to the Rainby Bill Martin, Jr. to the class.
Review descriptive words used in the story to describe the sound of rain.
E: TO and questions
Small Groups
O: SWBAT dictate and illustrate a sentence.
P: Students dictate a positive sentence about the “Safari Guide.” Illustrate. Make into a class book.
E: “First Mate” paper
O: SWBAT make sets. P: Students will select a number and make a set using unifix cubes. Order the sets by length. E: TO
Transition SWBAT count using various patterns. 1,2,clap; 3,4 clap; … or 1,2, 3, 1, 2, 3, … or make patterns using body motions. Jump, jump, bend
Acceleration Activities
Play “Who Ate the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?” (numbers 0-10)
Play Alphabet Concentration (Letters Aa-Ss)
Fish for Numbers (0-10)
Play Shape and Color Lotto
Drama: SWBAT decide on a theme and act it out using available materials.
Science: SWBAT use a water tub and various objects to determine if they sink or float.
Books: Books with a water theme are available.
Math: SWBAT look at coins and sort them according to value.
Writing: SWBAT decide on a writing topic. They will draw a picture and write about it. Students will stamp the date on their work.
Blocks: SWBAT build a boat using a variety of large and small blocks.