Saturday and Sunday, July 16th and 17th, 2016

Pipe Band Name______

Address ______City ______State ______Zip______

Contact Person ______Tel. No.______Email address ______

Drum Major ______Pipe Major ______No. band members performing______


The Arizona Highland Celtic Festival is hosted by the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society at Foxglenn Park, Flagstaff, Arizona.

COMPETITION RULES: All events are WUSPBA sanctioned. The Grade V MS6/8 Competition (594) and the Grade IV Timed Medley Competition (491) will be held on Saturday. The Grade V Quick March Medley Competition (592) and the Grade IV MM/S/R Competition (492) will be held on Sunday.

Circle event(s) you wish to compete in:Event 594 G5 MS6/8Event 592 G5 Quick March Medley

Event 491 G4 Timed MedleyEvent 492 G4 MM/S/R

SIGN-IN AND TENT SPACE LOCATION: All bands are to sign in at the Chief Steward’s tent upon arrival and to pick up tent space assignments. Each band is provided with a 10’x10’ tent, one table, and 10 chairs.


ORDER OF PLAY AND TUNE LIST: The order of play for each day will be determined by a drawing on the day of the event not less than two hours before the contest. You will be notified at that time. Each Band must submit a registration form and a list of tunes they will be playing to NACHS at the address below.

MASSED BANDS AND TRAVEL/PERFORMANCE SUBSIDY: There will be Massed Bands formations on Saturday and Sunday. The subsidy is based on miles between a Band's home location and Flagstaff, Arizona as follows: 0 to 200 miles - $300; 201 to 500 miles - $400; 501 to 800 miles - $500; over 800 miles - $600. Payment is contingent on the Band performing in both ceremonies and competing both days.

PRIZES AND TROPHIES: Cash prizes will be awarded each day: Third place - $400; Second place - $500; First place - $700. An aggregate winner's trophy will be awarded Sunday, July 17, 2016.

HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: The Organization named above (hereinafter called “The Band”) hereby agrees for itself, the individual members, any successors and assignees thereof, to indemnify and hold harmless the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society from all claims, suits, or any other action for personal injuries, including death, and damages to property, real or personal, caused by The Band and/or acts or omissions of the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society arising out of The Band’s involvement in the Arizona Highland Celtic Festival (hereinafter called “the Games”), from all judgments and costs incurred in relation to said claims and suits, and from all expenses occurred in defending said claims or suits. The Band hereby releases the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society, all Sponsors and Officials, including their agents and employees, from liability including, but not limited to, any claim for personal injury or physical impairment or other claim of any type arising out of participation or involvement in the Games. The Band also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless those released above from any such claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorney’s fees and all court costs.

PHOTO RELEASE: The undersigned does hereby give consent to the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society and assignees to take photographs, make audio recordings, and/or video recordings of The Band and/or any individual band member at the Games and to use such photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings for such promotion, publicity or other lawful purpose as the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society deems appropriate. The undersigned further waives any rights or claims as to content approval or damages that The Band and/or any individual band member may have for use of their reproductions.

SAFETY AND SITE RULES: Clan Safety Rules and Regulations (and Vendor Safety Rules and Regulations, if applicable) apply to all individuals or organizations participating in the Arizona Highland Celtic Festival and must be adhered to. Copies are available for registered organizations.

1. No alcohol of any type may be brought into Foxglenn Park.

2. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed outside authorized areas designated by the Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society.

3. No firearms or illegal drugs are permitted on Foxglenn Park property.

4. No vehicles (other than carts and vehicles with written permission from Arizona Highland Celtic Festival)

are allowed on any field before, during or after the event.


1. All entrants to the facility will possess the proper ticket that is specified for that day.

2. All registered organizations that have a vehicle for transporting equipment will be assigned sufficient parking space in the south parking lot. Registered organizations will receive tickets and parking assignments by mail.

I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of the above rules, regulations, and procedures and agree to abide by them. This registration form is submitted for consideration by the Games Committee of the Arizona Highland Celtic Festival and does not guarantee acceptance.

Authorized Signature ______Date ______

Send completed form to: NACHS, 266 Alamo Street, Durango, CO 8130