- Textbook --> pp. 338-345
- What was President Lincoln's initial dilemma concerning the growing tensions over Fort Sumter in the early spring of 1861?
- Why did Jefferson Davis choose to go to war?
- What was the response of the border states to the outbreak of Civil War?
- Fill out the CHART analyzing the advantages and disadvantages that both sides had in terms of their readiness for war in 1861.
- What were the general military strategies adopted by each side?
- What did the Battle of Shiloh show about the future course of the Civil War?
- Why was General Grant a more effective leader than General McClellan?
- How was General Robert E. Lee's military style and personality different from General McClellan's?
- Why was the Battle of Antietam considered a turning point in the Civil War?
- Do you think that Lincoln's decision to fire McClellan was a good one? Explain your position.
/ * Fort Sumter / * Battle of Shiloh
* Anaconda Plan / * Admiral David G. Farragut
* First Bull Run (First Manassas) / * General Robert E. Lee
* General Thomas J.
"Stonewall" Jackson / * Richmond, VA
* General George McClellan / * Seven Days' Battles
* Army of the Potomac / * Second Bull Run (Second
* General Ulysses S.
"Unconditional Surrender"
Grant / * Battle of Antietam
- Textbook --> pp. 346-350
- The Emancipation Proclamation.
- What was the position of Great Britain and other European countries to the American Civil War?
- What were Lincoln's views of slavery at the beginning of the Civil War?
- How did his views evolve or change while the war progressed?
- What were the provisions of the Emancipation Proclamation? Describe Northern, Southern, and European responses to this document.
- How was the Emancipation Proclamation a part of Lincoln's military strategy?
- Why was compromise between the North and the South no longer possible after the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
- Define the term writ of habeas corpus. Analyze Lincoln's suspension of the writ during the Civil War.
- Why did conscription become a problem for both the North and the South?
- What factors played a part in the 1863 draft riot in New York City?
/ * Emancipation Proclamation
(1863) / * Homestead Act (1862)
* writ of habeas corpus / * Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)
* Copperheads / * National Banking Act (1863)
* conscription
* A rich man's war and a poor
man's fight.
- Textbook --> pp. 351-356.
- Scenes from the movie, Glory.
- Under what conditions did African Americans serve in the Union army during the Civil War?
- What was the significance of the Massachusetts 54th. Infantry regiment in terms of the lasting reputation and historical legacy of black troops who fought in the Civil War?
- How did African Americans in the South contribute to the war effort for the North?
- What caused food shortages in the South during the Civil War? What were the economic effects of such food shortages on the South?
- Why was the Civil War less damaging to the economy of the North than to that of the South?
- Why did so many prisoners of war die during the Civil War?
- Briefly describe the war crimes committed against prisoners at Fort Pillow and at Andersonville.
- What medical role did women play on the battlefields of the Civil War?
/ * Mary Boykin Chestnut / * hardtack
* 54th. Massachusetts Infantry / * Clara Barton
* Fort Wagner, SC / * Andersonville, GA
* Ft. Pillow, TN / * U. S. Sanitary Commission
- Textbook --> pp.357-365
- Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address."
- What did General Lee hope to gain by marching into Pennsylvania and invading the North in 1863?
- Why was it important that the Union hold on to the high ground in Gettysburg?
- Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a disaster for the South?
- What beliefs about the United States did Lincoln express in his Gettysburg Address?
- What were Sherman's objectives in marching his troops from Atlanta to Savannah? Why was the civilian population targeted by his men?
- Identify the presidential candidates and issues of the 1864 presidential election. Why did Lincoln choose a Southern Democratic as his running mate?
- List the terms of surrender dictated by Grant to Lee at Appomattox.
- Why do you think Lincoln didn't want to punish the Confederacy?
/ * Battle of Chancellorsville, VA / * "March to the Sea"
* Battle of Gettysburg / * Battles of the Wilderness
* General George Meade / * scorched-earth policy
* General James Longstreet / * National Union Party
* General George Pickett / * Sen. Andrew Johnson
* Little Round Top / * Appomattox Court House, VA
* Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain / * unconditional surrender
* Battle of Vicksburg, MS / * April 9, 1865
* Gettysburg Address / * Mathew Brady
* General William Tecumseh
- Textbook --> pp. 366-371
- 13th. Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.
- How did the power of the federal government increase during the Civil War?
- What political issue was resolved by the Civil War?
- How did the Civil War widen the economic gap between the North and the South?
- Besides the fact that the South lost the Civil War, why was their economy more devastated?
- What was the human cost of the Civil War?
- How were some of the military tactics used during the Civil War a prelude of those tactics that would be used by the combatants of both 20c world wars?
- Why was the 13th. Amendment to the U. S. Constitution passed?
- Explain the importance of Lincoln's assassination to the future of Reconstruction in the divided South.
- Imagine that you are a member of a group of Southern leaders who must rebuild the South after the Civil War. What are the key problems that had to be addressed? What would you recommend that the government do to help the South?
/ * Monitor / * American Red Cross
* Merrimack / * John Wilkes Booth
* 13th. Amendment / * April 14, 1865
* Arlington, VA / * Ford's Theater
* Now he belongs to the ages.