Bid Form for Policy and Innovation Sessions
The Conference Planning Committee is seeking bids to run policy and innovation sessions at our 2014 Conference. Feedback from previous events shows that these are viewed as a cornerstone of the NCAS Conference.
Feedback has also expressed a clear wish for fewer speakers and more opportunities for dialogue during the sessions. It is very important you take this into account in terms of planning your session.
Innovation Sessions – these are an important opportunity to share examples of good practice and discuss future developments. The Conference Planning Committee will be particularly interested in bids from Local Authorities relating to examples of innovation and good practice. We also hope to develop an innovation hub to supplement these sessions which will operate late morning on Wednesday and Thursday.
Policy Sessions – NCAS has always included a strong policy sessions programme when there is an opportunity to look at policies, their applications and new and future developments. These will be held throughout the conference with six sessions running simultaneously. All sessions need to be of high quality and relevant.
When bidding for either a policy or innovation session you must use the form below and complete all sections as comprehensively as possible. Please do not exceed the character allocation or provide additional material as it will not be possible to transpose that onto the spreadsheet which will be considered by the Conference Planning Committee. It would be helpful if you could confirm that sufficient time will be allowed for debate and discussion during your session. Delegates will not be “talked at” but given an opportunity to participate.
Bid for Policy Session – NCASC 2014
1. Reference number – office use only
2. Session title
Enter session title
3. What issues you will be addressing
(maximum 1250 characters) – additional words will not be incorporated onto the spreadsheet.
Enter issues addressing
4. The likely format of your session e.g. drama, questions, panel etc.
Enter session format
5. Main participants - please give a clear indication of confirmed speakers
Enter main participants (max 3 suggested)
6. Please indicate if your bid is applicable to
b. Other Please specify if appropriate for 7b
7. Is this primarily an innovation or policy session bid?
8. Describe how your session is innovative (Innovation Session bids only)
Enter how your session is innovative
9. Organisation name/session organiser and main contact details
NameClick here to enter name
OrganisationClick here to enter organisation
AddressClick here to enter address
Tel FaxClick here to enter telephone/fax
EmailClick here to enter email
NB this will be used throughout the conference build up and it is very important we are notified of any changes to this key contact. Please donot rely on bounce backs.
10. Bid completed byClick here to enter nameDate Click here to enter a date