Scholarship Purpose

This scholarship has been provided by generous donation of Christian doctors and Zimbabwean medical students and their families, through the organisation Hope Zimbabwe in conjunction with HealthServe Australia. The aim of the scholarship is to strengthen relationships between Australian and Zimbabwean medical and dental students, provide Australian students with an opportunity to learn about diseases of poverty like HIV/AIDS and grow spiritually.

The scholarship is able to be taken over any 4-8 week period within the year in which it is awarded. It is not a requirement of the scholarship that it be counted towards the student’s medical studies, however students may use the scholarship to facilitate an overseas placement as an elective, provided all university requirements are filled. Regardless of when it is taken, the recipient of the scholarship will spend a large proportion of their time in health clinics and medical facilities in Zimbabwe, and is expected to work alongside local staff as they learn about local healthcare provision in Zimbabwe.

The scholarship is open to all Christian students currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Medicine or equivalent course in Australia. As it involves significant clinical experience, students in later years of the degree may be given preference, however those in earlier years are still welcome to apply.

What the scholarship provides

  • $1000AUD towards the costs of organising a medical mission trip to Zimbabwe
  • Accommodation provided by a Zimbabwean medical student and their family.
  • Contact details of Zimbabwean medical students and doctors prior to the trip, to allow communication and organisation of activities.

Responsibilities of the scholarship holder

  • Organisation of all transport to and from Zimbabwe, insurance, health check-ups and immunisations, administrative/university requirements and any other arrangements for travel, and coverage of all costs entailed.
  • Production of a short written report (500-1000 words) on the experience. This will be used by the scholarship providers in Christian Medical and Dental Foundation of Australia publications, and in ongoing promotion of the scholarship.
  • Involvement in a post-trip presentation on your experience in Zimbabwe to either a medical or Christian audience.

Personal Details




Year of study:

Previous mission experience? YES / NO

If yes please detail location, year and duration in the space below

Christian affiliations (e.g. church attended):


Please provide the name and contact details (phone and email preferred) of at least one Christian and one Medical referee whom you are happy for us to contact to discuss your application.

1. Name:




2. Name:





I am aware that I am solely responsible for the organisation of all transport to and from Zimbabwe, insurance, health check-ups and immunisations, administrative requirements and any other arrangements apart from my accommodation whilst in Zimbabwe (which is provided by the local Zimbabwean Christian medical student group)

I am willing to organise a post-trip presentation on my experience in Zimbabwe to either a medical or Christian audience, and provide a short written report (500-1000 words) on my experience to the scholarship providers for use in Christian Medical and Dental Foundation of Australia publications and promotions.

I am willing to be contacted by Hope Zimbabwe and HealthServe Australia in the future regarding their ongoing work in Zimbabwe and other nations.

[In the event of an inability to travel to Zimbabwe upon receipt of the scholarship, I agree to inform the scholarship providers, and to refund the full amount of the scholarship provided. I understand that I will still be eligible to apply for the scholarship in later years should I wish to do so].

Signed:Print name:Date:

Mission Details

Anticipated time of travel:

Medical elective: YES / NO

If so, please write below or attach information detailing the requirements of the elective

Medical experience to date (short summary e.g. hospital terms/clinical placements completed so far and any pre-university experience):

2 Written questions attached

a. How do you feel your experience in Zimbabwe will benefit you in the short and long term? (300 words)

b. How do you think you will be able to give to the patients and students you are working and living with in the short and long term? (300words)

Once complete, send application form and written statement by email (no signature necessary) and post (signed copy) to:

Nadia Fretze

5 Henderson St Norah Head NSW 2263

and email:

Closing date for 2011 scholarship: 30/09/2011

Scholarship awarded: 16/10/2011

Dates to travel in 1st December 2011-30th November 2012