My child and I have reviewed the information about Ms. Downey’s class. I have received the supply list and Ms. Downey’s contact information. I know the grading and behavior policies for this class. I understand and agree with what is expected of my child. I am aware that my child is required to take a North Carolina Final Exam developed by the state that is worth 25% of their final grade. I am also aware of the following information:

  1. Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 3:15. And, other days upon request (if I am not in a meeting.)
  1. Students have three days to turn in work assigned on the date of an absence without penalty. Work that was due on the date of the absence is due on the student’s first day back. Projects / Lab Reports will not be accepted late unless there is an emergency (illness with a doctor’s note or a death in the family).
  1. The science department believes that our job is not only to teach students science, but to also prepare them for life beyond high school. All students are required to take Earth and Environmental Science to graduate from high school. It is our desire to prepare students for college, trade school, military, workforce, etc. with both a strong academic foundation and a sense of personal responsibility. The ability to meet deadlines is an essential skill both in college and in the workforce. Therefore, homework, projects, and lab reports will not be accepted late. If you are in class, but do not have your assignment, it will not be accepted late. It may be necessary for students to complete a missing assignment in another classroom before participating in a lab activity.
  1. Field trips and athletic events are not acceptable excuses for missing deadlines. Assignments should be turned in before the student leaves for such events.
  1. There is a required five dollar fee for this class. This fee pays for lab materials, so it is important that it is paid as soon as possible.


To sign up for “Remind” text messages for EES class, text @downeye to 910-401-2581

Please also sign up for our class on Edmodo with the code wy9uvd


Please complete the following and return to Ms. Downey as soon as possible.

Method best reached:(circle best option) Home phone / Cell Phone / text / email

Phone Number / email address:



Student Signature DateParent Signature Date