PDU Activity Group*Example of activity: PDU value (max) / Verification Documentation** / PDU ID# / Number of PDU Earned / N B C O T
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Total
Professional Service/Volunteering / 1
Self assessment: 1 PDU (1) / NBCOT self assessment form, online test
Professional Development Plan: 1 PDU (1) / Self assessment, goals (see above)
Volunteering: 5 hrs=1 PDU (18) / Verification letter from organization
Peer review manuscript/text: 2 hrs=1 PDU (18) / Letter from publishing organization
Mentoring: 2 hrs=1PDU (18) / Goals, objectives, analysis
Attending workshops/ classes/ independent learning / 2.1-8
Cont. education classes: 1hr=1PDU (36) / Certificate of attendance, workshop agenda
Indep study: 2 articles/chap=1 PDU (36) / Bibliography, report of impact to practice
Academic courses: 1 credit =10 PDU (36) / Official transcripts
Journal club: 2 articles/ch.=1 PDU (36) / Bibliography, report of impact to practice
Indep study w/assessment: 2 hours=1PDU (18) / Certificate of attendance, contact hours
Receiving mentoring: 2 hours=1PDU (18) / Goals/objectives, self analysis
Study group: 2 hours=1PDU (18) / Group attendance, goals, analysis
Presenting / 9-13
Prof pres (state/nat/internat.): 1hr=2PDU (36) / Presentation listing
Poster presentations: 1 poster=2PDU (18) / Presentation listing
Adjunct faculty: 1 credit=6PDU (36) / Date, course title, attendance, goals, hours
Professional in-service (local): 1hr=1PDU (18) / Presentation listing
Fieldwork Supervision / 14-18
Level I student: 1PDU/student (18) / Letter of verification from school, goals
Level II student: 1PDU/wk of supervision (18) / Letter of verification from school, goals
Publishing / 19-24
Non-peer-rev. journal: 1article=5 PDU (36) / Copy of published article
Peer-rev. journal/text: 1 art/ch=10 PDU (36) / Copy of published article
Practice area/news article: 1 art=2 PDU (36) / Copy of published article
Practice area text: 1 chapter=10 PDU (36) / Copy of published chapter or letter of ver.
Scholarly research: 10PDU/study (18) / Grant funding number or abstract or study
Developing instructional materials: 5 PDU (18) / Program description
Total number of PDUs
(Total number of PDUs must add up to at least 36)
*More information regarding acceptable professional development activities can be found in the NBCOT Certification Renewal Handbook, which can be accessed at Maximum PDUs are per three year renewal period.
**Verification documentation is specific to the PDU type. The items listed are common items you may need, but you should refer to the NBCOT Certification Renewal Handbook for specific information. You will not be required to submit verification documentation unless you are audited, or if certification has been inactive for more than one year.
Contact Hours*Example of activity: CH value (max) / Verification Documentation** / Number of CH Earned / IDFPR
Year 1 / Year 2 / Total
Volunteering for organizations: 2 CH per appt. (8) / Verification letter from organization
Attending workshops/ classes/ independent learning
Independent study: 50 min=1CH (4) / Title of course, author, time spent
Cont. education classes: 50 min=1CH (24) / Contact hours, certificate of attendance, agenda
Journal club: 50 min =1 CH (4) / Bibliography and report of impact to practice
Study group: 50 min =1 CH (4) / Group attendance, goals, analysis of goal attainment
Academic courses:
15 CH per semester/10 CH per quarter (24) / Official transcripts
Professional presentation, lecture, in-service: Presentation time + 2 hours prep time (12) / Program listing including presenters name, date, time, and location, goals and objectives of course/training.
Mentoring/Fieldwork Supervision
Mentoring program: 1 hr=1 CH (8) / Goals and objectives of mentor
Level I student: 2CH/student (8) / Letter of verification from school
Level II student: 6CH/student (8) / Letter of verification from school
Author of a book: 1 hr=1 CH (18) / Full reference for publication
Author of a chapter: 1 hr=1 CH (12) / Full reference for publication
Peer-rev. journal/text: 1 hr=1 CH (12) / Full reference for publication
Non-peer-reviewed journal: 1 hr=1 CH (6) / Full reference for publication
Editor of a book: 1 hr=1 CH (12) / Full reference for publication
Scholarly research: 1 hr=1 CH (12) / Purpose and objective of project
Developing Grants: 1 hr=1 CH (12) / Name of grant, certificate of completion
Specialty certification: 12 CH/ each specialty (12) / Certificate of completion
Total number of CH
(Total number of CH must add up to at least 24)
*More information regarding acceptable continuing education activities can be found in the IDFPR Practice Act/Rules, which can be accessed at Max CHs are per two year renewal period.
**Verification documentation is specific to the CE type. The items listed are common items you may need, but you should refer to the IDPR Practice Act/Rules for specific information. You will not be required to submit verification documentation unless you are audited.
Developed by the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association; May 1, 2009