Meeting of Great Bentley Parish Council
Held 7.30pm on 7 July 2016


Present: Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr L. Edwards, Cllr R. Adams, Cllr P. Balbirnie, Cllr K. Plummer and Cllr G. Wright. Also in attendance were TDC Cllr L McWilliams, ECC Cllr Goggin and 12 members of public.

Public questions

  1. It was noted that there is no PCSO item on the agenda. The Clerk explained that as Chief Insp Russ Cole was due to attend the meeting it was unnecessary for a PCSO item.
  1. It was reported that there had been an accident at Chapel Terrace, Heckford’s Road yesterday when a vehicle knocked down a garden wall and drove in to the front of the property.


07.16.065Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Taylor and Cllr Drew.

07.16.066Minutes of the last meeting:

a) The minutes of the monthly meeting held on 2 June 2016 were proposed by Cllr Adams, seconded by Cllr Plummer and agreed as a true record.

b) The minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 16 June 2016 were proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Herbert and agreed as a true record of proceedings.

c) The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16 June 2016 were proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Balbirnie and agreed as a true record.

07.16.067Declarations of Interest:

a) Cllr Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 07.16.074a. Mr Dorling is his father-in-law.

b) Cllr Edwards declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 07.16.074a informing that he is a member of GBCC.

07.16.068Information & Reports:

The Clerk reported that further to the Annual Parish Meeting he has received letters of thanks Mr Peter Harry, Mrs Mary Maskell and Mrs Lynda McWilliams.

07.16.069Essex Police District Commander; Chief Inspector Russ Cole was scheduled to attend the meeting to update on local and rural policing but was not present.

07.16.070County and District Councillors Reports:

a) District Councillor: Cllr Lynda McWilliams provided clarification on the Local Plan. She advised that she is now the TDC member with responsibility for Leisure. Lynda attended the Essex VoY awards and reported that Great Bentley was presented with an award of merit.

b) County Councillor: Cllr Alan Goggin advised that he is currently attempting to assist with the issue of cutting the roadside verges at Frating Abbey Farm Rd. He referred to PCC meeting in Brightlingsea on 16 June and advised there will be another this time next year. Alan noted upcoming meetings of the Locality Board on 21 July his monthly Surgery meeting on 26 July.

07.16.071Other Reports:

a) TDALC: No report in Cllr Taylor’s absence.

b) Transport: Peter Harry encouraged residents to complete the ECC passenger transport survey, a copy of which can be accessed on the PC website.

c) Footpaths: David Gollifer provided an update on the Anglia level Crossing Strategy. Cllr Hills made plea to councillor’s and residents to complete the survey. Copies available at the Community Resource Centre.

David noted that the public footpaths are now strimmed just once per year by ECC and that is likely to take place in July. The footpath adjacent to Simmons Yard has a large branch blocking access.

d) Caretaker: Bobby McWilliams reported that lorries (possibly from Paynes Turf) have left a lot of soil on the road. The Clerk agreed to write to Paynes Turf asking for cooperation to keep the roads clean.


a) Coastal Communities Fund 4th Round: Noted.

b) Rural Infrastructure Survey by TDC: The Clerk had previously circulated the survey form he had completed and asked members to submit amendments and/or omissions before he submits the form.

c) Village Show – Request to erect publicity signage on the Village Green: Agreed.

d) Forge Lane Flooding – FoG: Noted. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways.

e) Petition to Reduce Suicides – Paul Lai: Noted. The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to the editor of the Parish Magazine and write to Mr Lai advising him of the action taken.

f) Churchyard Vandalism: Noted. Agenda item for next meeting and circulate Church’s letter with bundle.

07.16.073Parish Clerk Report: The Clerk invited questions relating to his previously circulated report, which is attached as Appendix A.

The Clerk advised members that the proposed projects to install soakaways and kerbing on Forge Lane is not budgeted in 2016/17. He was instructed to send a letter seeking quotations based on the specification previously prepared.

07.16.074Finance Report:

a) Monthly expenditure report: The monthly expenditure report attached as Appendix B was proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Adams and approved.

b) Monthly bank reconciliation: The Clerk summarized his report, which is attached as Appendix C and the contents were noted.

07.16.075Village Green Working Party: Cllr Herbert presented his report, which is attached as Appendix D. Councillors noted that the Fair did well not to cause more damage considering the inclement weather. Cllr Hills asked Cllr Herbert, if possible, to paint the goalposts.


a) Speed Watch: Cllr Plummer was asked to raise this matter with the Primary School.

b) Green Corner Safety Issue Complaint – Clive French: Noted. The Clerk was asked to include an agenda item ‘20’s plenty for us’ for the next meeting.

c) VAS on Heckford’s Road: It was noted that the VAS is defective. The Clerk was asked to report it Highways.

The Clerk was asked to write to Highways pointing out the poor quality pothole repairs at junction of Thorrington Road and Sturricks Lane.

07.16.077Provision of Street Lighting Services: The withdrawal of the current contractor was noted together with Cllr Taylor recommendations for a replacement contractor attached as Appendix E. Cllr Hills proposed the appointment of use A&J Lighting Solutions. The motion was seconded by Cllr Adams.

Resolved: To appoint A&J Lighting Solutions based on their quotation dated 9 June 2016.

07.16.078Electoral Review of Tendring District Council - Consultation Events: Noted.

07.16.079Future Agenda Items:

  • Village projects e.g. post office and pig champion.
  • Cllr Edwards asked the Clerk to have the Parish Council’s stationery amended.

07.16.080 Exclusion of press and public: Agreed.

Public questions

  • Several comments relating to the proposed level crossing closures.
  • It was noted that the 20mph road sign advising of a sharp l/h bend on Heckford’s Road contradicts the VAS.
  • It was noted that Mr Gibbs not received his award yet.
  • Mrs Bishop advised that she has contacted Mr B. Jenkins MP regarding the Forge Lane flooding issues.
  • Mrs Bishop reported a new feral cat issue at the Primary School.
  • It was noted that one of the fair vehicles parked had parked across a driveway.
  • The overhanging shrubs from Hollies House are now forcing pedestrians off the pavement on to the road in to the path of moving vehicles.
  • Further to item 076b, up to 7 accidents have taken place at Green Corner. The occupants now live in fear of the next accident. This is a long standing issue that appears to be getting worse with increased use. Action to improve/resolve the problem is required.
  • The verge cutting in Aingers Green has not been undertaken. It was advised that this is work in progress.


07.16.081Parish Clerk Pension Arrangement’s; Cllrs reviewed information & alternative proposals put forward by Cllr Adams. All agreed that the previous decision to base the pension on qualifying earnings was somewhat mean and gave out the wrong message, and it had previously been agreed to relook at is decision.

To review Proposal 2 of Minute 03.16.373– Part B Council Meeting 04/03/16

Proposal 2 - Revised to now use Column D of GBPC Pension requirements for GBPC Clerk REVISED document presented to PC by Cllr Adams 07.07.16

Resolved -. Extra 1% on Total Salary (approx. £13,000 pa) as the basis to calculate the contributions. Proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Edwards & carried unanimously.



7 JULY 2016

  1. Wayleave Request: BT Openreach has yet to respond to my letter informing that the PC is unwilling to allow a box to be erected on the Village Green.
  1. New Allotments – Erection of a Fence along the access way: The new fence along the access road to the new allotments has been erected.
  1. VAT: Repayment for 2013-2014 of £6097.02 has now been received. The 2014-2015 claim will be submitted in July 2016.
  1. Bank Account Complaint: A full response to the Chair’s complaint to the Co-Operative Bank regarding the closure of the Parish Council’s Fixed Rate Deposit bank account has been received. The bank advises that notice of updated terms and conditions of the account and requesting the completion of an instruction form. Further to this, the Clerk was advised of the situation via a telephone conversation. The situation arose because of new legal and regulatory requirements.

The Council’s funds have been transferred in to a ‘Business Select Instant Access’ Account. If the Council wishes to transfer the funds in to a fixed rate account then it must now reapply.

  1. Recording of Parish Council Meetings: The technical issues surrounding the Audio Minutes have yet to be resolved.
  1. Accident outside Tesco on 13 June 2016: Mr A Bishop informed that an accident occurred at 09.30 outside Tesco. An Arla delivery lorry exiting New Cut into Plough Road caught the New Cut road name sign with the rear of the vehicle damaging both his vehicle and the road sign. It is understood that the management of Tesco Great Bentley has reported the incident.
  1. Replacement bins on the Green: Further to the Councils’ instruction, a replacement dog bin and a waste bin have been ordered and will soon be installed on the Green near the Spinney.
  1. Allotments: Further to an inspection of the allotments one allotment tenant has been written to and asked to tidy-up his plot.
  1. Feral Cats: I have been informed that more feral cats have been found in the grounds of the Primary School. These are in addition to and different from the recently identified colony. The school is aware of this issue.
  1. Outstanding matters:

a) Preferred contractors list

b) Review standing orders using model documentation.

c) Authorised bank signatories

d) Forge Lane Kerbing – obtain quotations

e) Forge Lane: Drainage – Obtain a spec.

f) Village Green and Council land holdings documents (Cllrs Herbert and Taylor).

g) Car Park Improvements: Prepare a survey (Cllr Adams).

h) Southside Track: prepare a routine maintenance schedule.

i) Specification for memorial tree plaques.



Accounting Statement 30 May 2016
CRC Account Ledger
Expenditure / Income
Total in April 2016 / 7729.58 / Total in April 2016 / 28741.63
Total in May 2016 / 3302.84 / Total in May 2016 / 284.63
Total interest accrued / 5.33
11,032.42 / 29031,59
Bank Reconciliation
Balance at Bank 31 March 2016 / 38,201.29
Money Out / 10,517.83
Money In / 29,031.59
Balance at bank at 27 May 2016 / 56715.05
Unpresented Cheques
653 / 86.55
660 / 358.80
668 / 69.24 / 514.59


Green Report 0716

A meeting was held on Sunday 3rd July at 9.00am

Those present were Cllrs. R. Adams, B. Herbert and contractor M. Dorling.

We walked the area recently used by the Fair and found there were some indented tyre tracks and patches of dead grass. We felt they needed a roll over them, bearing in mind that our insurance company had to pay out for a depression on this part of The Green which was no worse than these are. Also the circus is soon to be on this area.

The Southside Track now needs levelling again.

Metal objects left on the football pitch have become jammed in the mowers. MD had some difficulty removing them, but they don`t seem to have caused lasting damage. These are hoops which are used to hold down the junior goalposts.

Mr. Dorling would like to meet Cllr. Wright to discuss the weed spraying that the PC agreed to earlier

Since 06/07/02016- Road crash at Chapel Terrace -garden wall destroyed- house badly damaged house occupant lucky to escape unhurt.


Street Lighting comment from Robert Taylor

Over a number of years we have had an adhoc street lighting contract with French Kier operating from Chelmsford and trading under various names for our Street lighting. This was a simple contract where they responded to our call outs and changed our bulbs on request about every three years when we considered they need changing from the number of outages we had.

Looking back over the past six years for Bulb changes (when there were two bulk lamp changes) and call outs this has cost us an average of £2824 per year.

The main downside has been that they took about two weeks to respond to a call out other than that the service has been good

French Kier have now given notice which has now expired that they are ceasing to carry our street lighting work. They completed a call out recently and there are no current outages known about.

Following receiving the notice they were ceasing trading I emailed all the Parish Council Clerks in Tendring to see who they use and recommended. Of those clerks who responded all who have street lights said that they used A&J lighting Solutions of Witham. One typical response was from Mistley and Lawford Parish Councils who have a contract with A&J Lighting– “during my 3-year period as Parish Clerk, I have found this company to be efficient, responsive and co-operative.”

There are few contractors who undertake locally this specialised work where they need authorisation to work on Electricity Company equipment i.e. replacing mains fuses.

Therefore I asked A&J lighting to give us a quotation which is attached to this note.

What does this mean for us? Obviously we need to look carefully at what they offer.

We have 114 lamps under our ownership variously mounted on Columns and poles and a variety of types of bulbs and control systems. We have an average of 14 call outs for failed lamps and controls each year which is limited by our three year lamp change arrangement.

So we have to take an average and thus estimate likely costs to see the implications.

The likely cost from A&J lighting as set out by them.

1) Annual inspection Clean and check working£741 per annum

2) Every three years at request for Bulb change£2850

3) Call outs during a yearaverage of 14£1120

We may be able to reduce this by bunching the calls

Likely cost per year cleaning and call outs£1861

Likely cost of a bulk bulb change in year 3 £2850

Thus likely average over a six year period£2811

Thus you will see that the quoted price from A&J lighting is much the same as we were paying in our expired contract with Kier