To: Development Control Manager
Attention: Elizabeth Welch/Louise Herbert
From: Brian K Gibson, Senior Environmental Protection Officer
01304 872207
Subject: DOV/15/01221
Sessions House, Goodnestone Road, Wingham, Kent, CT3 1AR
My ref: WK/201534272
Date: 22nd December 2015
I refer to the proposals for residential development on land at the above location. Having visited the area and reviewed the Council’s contaminated land mapping I can confirm the following:-
The proposed development site is located directly adjacent to industrial land which is highlighted under the Council’s contaminated land strategy as a potential contaminated site under part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The ‘footprint’ of the industrial area does appear to overlap on to the development area but only marginally. In view of this it is not envisaged that a full blown contaminated land report will prove necessary, however I would recommend the following condition is included in any permissions granted:-
If during the course of development, significant contamination is suspected or found, or significant contamination is caused, works shall cease and the Local Planning Authority shall be notified in writing immediately. Where required, a suitable risk assessment shall be carried out and where necessary any remedial action shall be carried out in accordance with an agreed process and within a timetable approved by the Local Planning Authority. The remediation measures shall be implemented as approved and completed prior to the recommencement of works.
Reason - To secure the safe development of the site in terms of human health and the wider environment and pursuant to NPPF.
In terms of potential noise issues I note that this issue is not addressed in planning documents submitted to support the application. There are a number of industrial processes on the industrial site adjacent to the proposed development including Wingham Timber and more closer Brinkman Engineering some 29 metres away. Due to the above the following condition should be attached to any consent granted.
Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted the developer shall submit to the Local Planning Authority, and have approved in writing, a scheme of sound insulation measures such that the reasonable internal unoccupied noise levels detailed in Table 5 of British Standard 8233:1999 are met. These levels are:
Living rooms during the day (0700-2300 hours) 40dB LAeq (16hr) ;
Bedrooms at night (2300-0700 hours) 35dB LAeq (8hr)
Individual noise events in bedrooms shall not exceed 45dB LA(max) measured with Fast Time Weighting
The details as approved shall be implemented prior to the first occupation of the flats and thereafter maintained.
Reason: In order to safeguard the amenities of residential occupiers and the
details are needed prior to the start of work so that measures can be incorporated into the
Brian K Gibson
Senior Environmental Protection Officer