Grant Terminology & Acronyms
CAR: Campus Animal Resources. MSU division that provides oversight for animals used in research.
CGA: Contracts and Grants Administration. They support grants after they are awarded, or “post-award,” and are part of MSU Sponsored Programs and Administration (SPA).
COI Disclosure:Conflict of Interest Disclosure. More information.
Cost-sharing/matching: Refers to the portion of project program costs not covered by the funder, which can take the form of either cash or an in-kind contribution such as facilities, equipment, supplies, or personnel salaries. This is not always required, but it is common on federal grants. It demonstrated institutional commitment to the project.
DUNS number: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS). A DUNS number is a nine-digit number assigned and maintained by Dun and Bradstreet to identify unique business establishments.
ECORRW: Export Control and Open Research Review Worksheet. MSU must comply with a variety of U.S. Government statutes and regulations regarding export controls and trade sanctions.
F&A: Facilities and Administration.The Federal Government formally refers to this as Indirect Costs or IDC. It is also sometimes called overhead. It is the costs the university covers for expenses such as office space, the computer someone is using, the electric bill for the building they work out of, etc. MSU negotiates the rate with the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), which determines the rates. The F & A rate can be adjusted in KC if required.
FOA: Funding Opportunity Announcement relates to funding available through Grants.Gov. A solicitation, or notice, that grants are available to fund certain types of programs. Similar to a NFOA, RFA, or RFP.
Foundation Directory Online: This is a searchable, online directory very useful for seeking nonprofit funding. MSU employees have access to this foundation through the MSU library.
Grants.Gov: Online access point for over 1,000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.
HRPP: Human Research Protection Program. MSU regulatory body with the mission of protecting individuals who are the subject or research.
IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and use Committee. MSU division that provides oversight for animals used in research.
IDC: Indirect Costs. It is the costs the university covers for expenses such as office space, the computer someone is using, the electric bill for the building they work out of, etc. MSU negotiates the rate with the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), which determines the rates. It is commonly called F&A (Facilities and Administration).
IRB: Institutional Review Board.
KC:KualiCoeus – Research Administration System. The online system for submitting grants.
NFOA: Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement. A solicitation, or notice, that grants are available to fund certain types of programs. Similar to a FOA, RFA, or RFP.
NIH: National Institute of Health. Major federal funder of grants.
NSF: National Science Foundation. Major federal funder of grants.
OSP: Office of Sponsored Programs. MSU Office that support grants before they are received, or “pre-award.” Part of MSU Sponsored Programs and Administration (SPA).
RFA: Request for application. A solicitation, or notice for a grant, that funds are available to fund certain types of programs. Similar to a FOA, NFLA, or RFP.
RFP: Request for proposals. A solicitation, for contracts, that are available to fund certain types of programs. Similar to a NFOA, FOA, or RFA.
SPA: Sponsored Programs and Administrations. MSU’s central administrative unit for grants activity, and home to OSP and CGA.
VPRGS: Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. Office that provides oversight on MSU research including all types of externally funds grants and contracts.