DPG Workplan 2008
Snapshot of DPG Priorities
January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / DecemberJAST / TA Policy
New Dialogue Structure Agreed and in place
Division of Labour
MTEF projections
Preparation for Mid-Term Review and High-Level Consultative Meeting
Accra HLF / PD Survey
Analytical work and preparatory work (i.e. Nordic+USA Initiative) for Accra HLF
Results / Regular follow up/engagement on Institutionalized harmonized reporting system, Availability of data
Independent Evaluation
DPG / DPG engagement in key national events
HBS / Sector Reviews
Regular DCF meetings
Detailed DPG Workplan
- Priority Issues and Activities -
DPG Priority Areas/Work/Activities / Output / When: / Who: / What Achieved/CommentsQ1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
A.1. Priority 1: TA Policy
DPG stocktaking of DPs TA / Map of TA? / x / DPG Secretariat / PD 2008 provides an opportunity to do this (i.e. PD Indicator 4)
DPG special discussion on TA on a basis of a joint TA/TC study / x / DPG
Support GoT in producing a TA-policy / A draft TA Policy / x / x / TA Task Force
Engage in dialogue with GoT on TA Policy / Inputs/Comments on TA Policy,
Finalized TA policy / x / TA Task Force
A.2. Priority 2: Dialogue Structure / see below
See below
A.3. Priority 3: Division of Labour
Mapping bilateral in sectors and thematic areas / x / EU, Nordic+ USA / EU MS Code of Conduct
Division of Labour among UN bodies in DPG WGs / x / UN / UN Division of Labour
Internal stocktaking of DoL – mapping out DPs (revision of DPG DoL matrix) in light of new Dialogue Structure / Revised DPG DoL / x / DPG/DPG Secretariat
DPG WGs / After new Dialogue Structure is in place (April).
A.4. Priority 4: MTEF
Timely submission of joint DP MTEF projections / A joint DP MTEF projections / x / x / JAST WG
Encourage GoT-DP dialogue on MTEF projections through PER process and through new Dialogue Structure / x / x / DPG
A5. Mid-Term Review and High-Level Consultative Meeting
Preparation for mid-term review, Independent Monitoring, and High-level Consultative Meeting in Feb/March 2009 / x / x / JAST WG
A.6. Preparation for Accra High Level Forum 2008 and Monitoring of Aid Effectiveness
Dialogue with Government on preparation for Accra High Level Forum 08 / Format of Tanzania participation agreed (including possible presentation, etc.) / x / x / x / JAST WG
Timely and quality submission of Paris Declaration Survey 2008 / All DPG members submit the questionnaire / x / DPs / DP submission due on 22 Feb
Discussion on PD 08 Results and Inputs to Qualitative assessment and a brief to Accra HLF 08 (on progress in implementing the Paris) / DPG inputs to qualitative assessment and a brief to Accra submitted on time / x / DPG
Joint TF
Engage in dialogue with GoT on a basis of PD survey results / Constructive dialogue held with GoT on PD survey / x / DPG
Identifying and supporting key analytical work[1] to feed into Accra HLF / A few areas of analytical work identified and commissioned / x / x / x / e.g. dialogue structure, health, integration of global funds, incentives, etc.
Nordic+USA initiative can build on this
Preparation for regional meetings (?) / x / x / Regional meeting in April-June? (Regional consultative meeting took place in June. Tanzania did not participate)
Support Tanzania preparation to Accra and discussion and preparation for DPG participation (?) / DPG participation agreed / x / This will be informed from dialogue with GoT
Discussion on Accra Results, key actions and way forward for 2009-2011 / x
B. Dialogue Structure
Engage in dialogue with GoT on Dialogue Structure / Agreement on Dialogue Structure / x / DS Task Force
Mapping out of DPs in light of new DS (identifying gaps)– see JAST DoL / Revised DoL Matrix / x / DPG/DPG Secretariat
DPG WGs / Under JAST WG leadership
Engage in reviewing and revising ToRs for Cluster and Sector WGsin light of new DS together with GoT counterparts / Cluster and Sector WGs ToRs established, and revised ToRs for DPG WGs as needed / x / DPG WGs
B.4. Priority 1: Integration of DCF and linking technical dialogue to the political
Engage in regular DCF / Three DCF meetings held / x / x / x / x / DPG co-chairs/DPG
Sector Review: High-level engagement in sector review / DPG/DPG WGs
Further high-level dialogue explored and developed / DS Task Force
Regular briefing/interaction with HoMs / HoMs Special session on key issues, as needed?? / x / x / x / DPG
HoMs / DPG invitation to all HoMs for special briefing/discussion on key policy matters
C. Monitoring and Managing for Results
C.1. Priority 1: Institutionalized Harmonized Reporting System
Regular follow up with Harmonization Task Force / Regular update on progress provided to DPG / x / x / x / x / PMG / In order to ensure that the result feed the MDAs during the planning and budgeting process for 2009
Need for close engagement by PER Macro, DPG-PSR, DPG-PFM as well
DPG Session on Harmonized Reporting system / Presentation by GoT official / X / DPG
Selection of 3-4 MDAs for focused engagement by DPG on performance reports / X / X / PMG
Selected WGs
C.3. Priority 2: Availability of data
Effective, timely, and coordinated support to TSMP and national survey programme / Resources mobilized on time and coordinated / x / x / PMG
Support to M&E in sectors / X / PMG
Timely, transparent sector reviews – standardized definitions of satisfactory reviews / X / X / X / DPG / Not bunched up at same time as GBS review this year
C.4. Priority 3: Independent Evaluation
Informed on the work of the DAC Evaluation Network on Harmonization in Evaluation / x / DPG
Discussion on the priorities and institutional arrangements for independent evaluation to feed into the MKUKUTA Review / Agreement on priorities and institutional arrangements reached with GoT / x / x / x / Task Force
D. Aid Effectiveness in Zanzibar
Regular meeting with Zanzibar Core Group / x / x / x / x / Znz Core Group
Regular briefing to DPG / x / x / x / x / Znz Core Group
E. DPG Structure
E.1. Priority 1: Strengthened inter-linkages with DPG WGs
Bi-annual meeting with Chairs of DPG WGs / Meeting organized / x / x / DPG Co-Chairs
DPG WGs Lead
Regular communication with DPG WGs / DPG regularly informed on key activities/priorities of DPG WGs / x / x / x / x / DPG Secretariat
DPG session/workshop – Exchanging lessons learned and experience on JAST, Harmonization, aid effectiveness, etc. / Workshop organized / x / DPG Secretariat
E.2. Priority 2: Effective DPG engagement in key national dialogue fora and process
Mapping out of national dialogue fora and reports / DPG calendar updated with inputs from DPG WGs / x / DPG Secretariat
Timely DPG discussions and DPG engagement in key national events (PER, MKUKUTA Review/MKUKUTA AIR/PHDR, Sector Review, PPW, etc.) / Clear DPG statement made at key events / x / x / x / x / DPG
DPG WGs / Inputs of different WGs will be needed.
DPG may engage in selected key sector reviews of the year
Update/Briefing provided to DPG around major sector reviews/dialogue (See DPG calendar) / DPG informed and briefed on sector reviews and dialogue / x / x / x / x / DPG WGs
DPG / Inputs of different WGs needed. DPG may organize special discussions during monthly DPG meeting or special session, as needed
E.3. Priority 3: Strengthened DPG Secretariat
Financing and establishing DPG Secretariat and governance structure / Strengthened DPG Secretariat in place with a Steering Committee / x / x / DPs, UNDP, DPG Secretariat
E.4. Priority 4: Strengthened DPG External Communication
DPG WG External Media outreach / -DPG to host a pilot press conference with local journalists on one key DPG sector
-Collect and post all media coverage on the DPG website / X / X / DPG Secretariat
Development of the DPG logo and information package / Design a formal letter head and logo for the DPG to be used for joint external communication / X / X / DPG
DPG Secretariat
Develop a DPG communication strategy / The communication strategy should include Objective and Goals, Media Assessment, Audience, Key issues, Key Messages, Tools/tactics, Budget, Timetable, M and E / X / X / DPG
DPG Secretariat
Formalize bi-annual DPG WG Fact Sheets / Sector briefs updated regularly / X / X / DPG Secretariat
DPG – DRAFT Work Plan DPG 2008
[1] Four measures areas of discussions identified so far: (1) democratic ownership, capacities, and national leadership, (2) use, support and improvement of country systems (alignment), rationalization of donor practices in country (harmonization), management for results and mutual accountability.