Litter breakdown as a proxy for ecosystem integrity assessment of streams affected by pesticides


Brosed Magalia,b, Lamothe Sylvaina & Chauvet Erica

a EcoLab, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, France

b ASCONIT Consultants, 7 rue Hermès, ZAC du Canal, Bât. A, 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne, France

Table S3 Relative abundance (%) of leaf-associated invertebrate taxa (including strict to occasional shredder*) and total invertebrate and shredder abundances after 21 days of exposure at the 12 sites. Values are means (SE) of the 6 experimental units per stream. S1: Boulouze, S2: Agros, S3: Gimone, S4: Tescou, S5: Orbe, S6: Touch, S7: Sausse, S8: Petit Midour, S9: Girou, S10: Bergon, S11: Ayroux and S12: Rieu-Tort.

S1 / S2 / S3 / S4 / S5 / S6 / S7 / S8 / S9 / S10 / S11 / S12
Aeshnidae / 0.1 (0.1)
Aphelocheiridae / 0.2 (0.2)
Asellidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.5 (0.3) / 3 (2) / 0.6 (0.6) / 0.4 (0.2)
Athericidae / 0.1 (0.1)
Baetidae / 1.4 (1.3) / 14.8 (6.3) / 0.5 (0.2) / 9.4 (6.5) / 2.7 (1.9) / 5.5 (0.6) / 0.9 (0.5) / 0.6 (0.6) / 0.7 (0.7) / 0.6 (0.5) / 0.5 (0.5) / 0.5 (0.5)
Brachycentridae / 0.3 (0.2)
Caenidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.7 (0.5) / 3.7 (1.7)
Calopterygidae / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.3 (0.2) / 0.4 (0.2) / 0.2 (0.2) / 0.6 (0.6) / 0.6 (0.3)
Capniidae * / 0.2 (0.2)
Ceratopogonidae / 0.6 (0.3) / 7.4 (2.7) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.8 (0.3) / 0.6 (0.2) / 1.8 (1.8) / 0.4 (0.4) / 1.5 (0.3) / 0.4 (0.4) / 1.2 (0.5)
Chironomidae / 40.4 (18.6) / 46.7 (13.5) / 20.7 (6.4) / 80.9 (12.2) / 87.9 (30.1) / 63.1 (12.8) / 92.8 (25.8) / 79.8 (66.3) / 61.8 (18.3) / 79.5 (17.4) / 86.6 (14.8) / 96.2 (13.2)
Corixidae / 0.2 (0.2)
Dytiscidae / 0.7 (0.3) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.7 (0.7)
Elmidae / 1.1 (0.5) / 7.5 (3.2) / 0.3 (0.2) / 3.2 (0.7) / 0.6 (0.6) / 0.5 (0.5)
Empididae / 0.3 (0.3) / 0.6 (0.6)
Ephemerellidae / 0.5 (0.3) / 0.3 (0.3) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.2 (0.2) / 0.2 (0.2) / 8.9 (2.6)
Ephemeridae * / 0.4 (0.4)
Glossiphoniidae / 0.9 (0.5) / 0.4 (0.4)
Gyrinidae / 0.7 (0.4) / 0.2 (0.2)
Heptageniidae / 0.8 (0.3) / 0.8 (0.4)
Hydrachnidiae / 0.5 (0.3) / 2.9 (1.4) / 0.3 (0.2) / 0.4 (0.3) / 10.4 (2.4) / 1.8 (1.8) / 0.4 (0.2)
Hydraenidae / 0.4 (0.2)
Hydrobiidae * / 6.9 (3.0) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.2 (0.2) / 0.2 (0.2) / 3.0 (2.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 8.9 (3.9)
Hydropsychidae / 15.8 (6.9) / 0.1 (0.1) / 1.7 (1.0) / 4.1 (1.4) / 0.6 (0.6) / 1.3 (0.6)
Table S3 (cont.)
S1 / S2 / S3 / S4 / S5 / S6 / S7 / S8 / S9 / S10 / S11 / S12
Hydroptilidae / 0.6 (0.5) / 0.2 (0.1) / 3.4 (2) / 0.6 (0.6) / 0.5 (0.3)
Leptoceridae / 0.2 (0.2)
Leptophlebiidae * / 0.5 (0.3) / 0.4 (0.4) / 1.6 (0.9) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1)
Limnephilidae * / 3.8 (2.3) / 5.4 (2.1) / 0.8 (0.5) / 2.9 (1.1) / 2.4 (1.3) / 0.6 (0.2) / 0.3 (0.2) / 0.6 (0.6) / 1.1 (0.7) / 0.1 (0.1)
Limoniidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1)
Lymnaeidae * / 0.7 (0.5)
Nemouridae * / 51.1 (34.3) / 9.5 (2.4) / 1.0 (0.6) / 2.2 (0.7) / 0.9 (0.8) / 0.4 (0.2) / 0.3 (0.3) / 2.2 (1.5) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.9 (0.9)
Oligochaeta / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.2 (0.2) / 1.3 (1.3)
Perlodidae / 2.4 (1.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.2 (0.2)
Physidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 1.2 (0.8) / 0.2 (0.2) / 3.5 (3.5) / 0.8 (0.5)
Piscicolidae / 0.1 (0.1)
Planorbidae * / 0.3 (0.3) / 0.4 (0.4)
Psychodidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.6 (0.6)
Polycentropodidae / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.4 (0.2)
Rhyacophilidae / 0.3 (0.1) / 0.3 (0.3) / 0.2 (0.2) / 0.2 (0.2) / 0.4 (0.4) / 0.5 (0.5)
Simuliidae / 1.8 (1.2) / 11.1 (2.6) / 0.9 (0.9) / 1.4 (0.9) / 6.9 (3.6) / 1.8 (0.7) / 8.6 (8.6) / 26.2 (6.3) / 1.3 (1.0)
Stratiomyidae * / 0.4 (0.4) / 0.1 (0.1)
Taeniopterygidae / 34.7 (7.9) / 0.2 (0.2) / 1.2 (0.7) / 0.3 (0.3)
Tipulidae * / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.1 (0.1) / 0.4 (0.4) / 0.4 (0.4)
Total invertebrates (no. individuals g−1 leaf AFDM) / 135.9 (77.7) / 54.2 (15.0) / 106.1 (30.0) / 70.3 (11.2) / 103.1 (34.2) / 50.2 (10.1) / 54.6 (15.4) / 22.0 (18.1) / 18.4 (4.4) / 56 (11.7) / 18.4 (3.4) / 22.0 (2.8)
Total shredders (no. individuals g−1 leaf AFDM) / 75.2 (49.7) / 14.0 (3.2) / 2.8 (1.2) / 5.1 (1.9) / 3.7 (1.4) / 0.9 (0.1) / 2.2 (1.4) / 0.4 (0.4) / 1.8 (1.2) / 2.6 (1.0) / 1.9 (0.8) / 0.4 (0.2)