Dear , (Parishioner)
Our parish is embarking on a new process of stewardship education. Through our efforts we will better ourselves, our parish and our community. The United States Catholic Bishops, in a pastoral letter, defined stewardship as a disciple’s response. Jesus Himself said “If you live according to my teachings, you are truly my disciples.” (John 8:31)
Jesus’ teachings regarding stewardship are very specific. Summed up, His teachings say “Love Me and Love one another.” These are His two greatest laws. When we love Him we seek to form a more perfect relationship with Him. The best way to develop a relationship with someone is by spending time with them, and conversing with them. When we talk to Jesus through prayer, we enrich our relationship with him.
I will be publishing articles in our bulletin. I ask you to read the articles carefully and prayerfully reflect upon the contents. The first article, “Ways to Pray” will contain the teachings of Jesus regarding prayer and create a vision of how prayer power can impact your life in a very special way.
Finally, I ask that you show your intention of embracing stewardship as a way of life by filling out your Prayer Commitment Cards and placing them in a sealed envelope in the offertory basket on Sunday, . You will do this as a visible sign of your intention to follow Christ and His teachings.
I embrace and endorse the process of living our lives as God intended, as good stewards of his bounteous gifts. I ask you to join me in this ongoing process of stewardship and be open to the grace to respond in a loving way.
May God bless you and your loved ones and every member of the parish family.
Sincerely yours in Christ,