(Case Study at Tunas Daud School Denpasar - Bali)
Prisca Kurniawati
Doctoral Program Educational Management, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Eni Wuryani
Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Management Audits need to be done at educational institutions to objectively evaluate management procedures and activities, in order to know that the available resources have been used effectively and efficiently. The audit of human resource management in education has an important role to start improving education services to improve the quality of education in schools. This study aims to determine (1) Measures of human resource management in education in schools; (2) The role of management audits in evaluating the human resource management in education in schools; and (3) The results of human resource management audits in education contribute to improving the quality of education in schools. This research uses qualitative approach with case study research design. The results of this study indicate that educational human resource management audits make a significant contribution to the improvement of education services in schools, and the results of human resource management audits in education can recommend possible improvements to evaluate educational processes and educational outcomes in order to improve quality education at school.
Keywords: Audit Management, Human Resource Management Education, Education Quality.
Background of Study
The most important resource in education is human resources (Fattah, 2004: 13). In an institution, human beings are the most important resource in the organization's efforts to achieve success. Human resources support the organization in various works, talents, creativity, and encouragement. No matter how perfect the technological and economic aspects without human aspects will be difficult organizational goals can be achieved (Kompri, 2015: 69). Human resources must be improved, especially in the era of globalization that requires the readiness of every nation to compete freely. The field of education plays a very strategic role to create the quality of human resources. Therefore, the development of the education sector becomes the main priority that must be done by the government, one of which is human resource management in education (Kompri, 2015: 70). A mature human resource planning can improve the work productivity of existing personnel. This can be realized through efforts such as: improvement of work discipline and skills improvement so that everyone produces something directly related to the interests of the organization (Siagian, 2008: 45). The assumption developed is that qualified human resources will be born from quality education systems and processes, and to realize quality education requires quality human resources in education. Thus, human resources in education is an active element, while other elements are passive elements that can be changed human creativity. Therefore, through the management of qualified human resources, it is expected to condition other elements to support the realization of quality education (Kompri, 2015: 223). In this regard, human resource management audits in education have an important role to start improving education services to improve the quality of education in schools. The research location chosen in this research is Tunas Daud school Denpasar - Bali. The uniqueness of Tunas Daud school is a one-stop school that has kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school and high school education with integrated human resources management under Menorah Abadi Foundation and has supporting regulations issued by the Foundation and obtained guidance from the Department of Labor of Bali Province.
Literature Review
The Operational Audit is conducted to examine some or all of the organization's activities in order to evaluate whether the available resources have been used effectively and efficiently. The final result of the Operational Audit is a recommendation to the management related to the improvement of the operation. This type of audit is also called Performance Audit or Management Audit (Hery, 2016: 13). Tandiontong (2016: 206) defines a management audit as an audit conducted by an independent auditor to obtain and evaluate evidence objectively on management procedures and activities, with a view to determining whether (1) The resources required to carry out activities have been authorized ; (2) The management system provides sufficient capacity to control activities; (3) The employees have performed their activities; (4) The activity is carried out in accordance with laws, regulations, management policies, procedures or other standards; (5) Resources have been used efficiently and sparingly, and communicate the results of their audit in the form of opinions, conclusions, and reports to superiors, examined and accompanied by: (a) Sufficient evidence in the report to convince the recipient that conclusions are made accurately; (b) A recommendation for improvement of inefficient activities.
Human resource management encompasses all managers' activities to attract and retain workers and to ensure that workers work at the best possible level and participate to the perfection of organizational goals (Bukhori, 2005: 165). Increasing interest among scientists about human resource management has a positive effect on managing human resources within the organization. All these developments can be summed up to a very fundamental principle, namely that man can not be treated equally with other means of production, but treated according to his dignity and prestige. All theories of motivation emphasize that human beings have very complex needs, not only about improving living standards in material sense, but there are other needs, such as security, social, prestige, self-development, to be fulfilled and satisfied. Humans are the most important element in any organization so that the success of the organization to achieve the goals, objectives and capabilities to face the challenges, both external and internal, is determined by the ability to manage human resources in the right way (Kompri 2015: 77-78). Umar (2000) points out the steps taken in human resource management, including:
1. Planning.
Planning is a way to define educational human resources for a given period both in quality and quantity in certain ways. This human resource planning in education is at the core of human resource management in education as it will direct selection, training and development activities, as well as other activities related to human resources in education.
2. Recruitment.
Recruitment is an activity to search for as many candidate human resource in education as according to available vacancy. According to Simamora (1995: 212) recruitment is a series of activities seeking and attracting job applicants with the motivation, ability, expertise and knowledge needed to cover the shortcomings identified in human resource planning in education. Stoner (1989: 71) states that the purpose of recruitment is to provide competent human resources candidates so that managers can select educational human resources with the necessary qualifications.
3. Selection.
The selection process is a systematic effort undertaken to better ensure that educational human resources received are deemed to be most appropriate, either by established criteria or by the amount required. Rachmawati (2008) states that the selection aims to select the desired human resource in education. Notoatmojo (2003) put forward the steps in the selection process, including: (a) acceptance of the applicant's introduction; (b) selection tests; (c) selection interviews; (d) reference checks; (e) medical test; (f) final interview; and (g) acceptance decisions.
4. Placement.
Placements are implemented to make adjustments between school needs and specifications of each educational human resource expertise. Sihotang (2007: 149) states the placement of human resources in education is an activity undertaken educational human resource manager to determine the position, location of an employee's work to do its work within the organization.
5. Performance and job appraisal.
A standard work performance is a work performance that meets the standard set of qualification of human resource in education that has been made by the school. Performance is the result of concrete, observable and measurable work. There are three kinds of performance including organizational performance, unit performance, and employee performance (Moekijat, 1994: 37). Performance appraisal is one of the educational human resources management processes, where each process has mutually supportive links that are planning, recruitment, selection, placement, performance appraisal, development, compensation and collective bargaining (Castetter, 1981).
6. Training and Development.
The training program aims to improve the mastery of various skills and techniques for the implementation of certain work for current needs, while the development to prepare educational human resources to be ready to assume certain positions in the future. Development is broader because it involves many aspects, such as an increase in science. The training and development program aims to cover the gap between educational human resources skills and job demands, in addition to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of human resource work in education in achieving job goals. To carry out training and development programs, management should conduct a learning analysis of the needs, objectives, learning objectives, content and principles of learning in advance so that the implementation of the training program is not in vain. Related to this, Sanusi (1998: 7) suggests that if the past century is called the century of product/service quality, then the future will be a century of quality of human resources.
7. Compensation.
One way to improve work performance, motivation, and job satisfaction of human resources in education is through compensation, which is something received by human resources in education as a reward for their work.
8. Safety Guarantee.
Work safety assurance needs to be considered to provide more conducive working conditions, so that human resources in education feel secure in carrying out the task. Guarantees that can be provided by the school system include: a fixed position, complaint procedures, academic freedom, and individual adaptation. This assurance is one form of responsibility of an organization that is moral and physical in relation to the performance of human resources in education, because if not paid attention will reduce the performance of human resources in education in performing its duties (Castetter, 1981).
9. Career Development.
Human resources in education is required to always develop their career in personal and group to improve professionalism. Kadarisman (2012: 322-323) argues that the development of an educational human resources career is a process and activity of preparing an employee to occupy positions in the organization, which will be done in the future, in ways that have been compiled beforehand.
10. Sustainable Service/Retirement.
Retirement means terminating, paying (Echols & Shadily, 2000: 483). The end of the human resources career in education is entering retirement, where the condition of human resources in education that does not work anymore, but received compensation from the government or foundation as a result of his work in serving in educational institutions.
According to Mastuhu (2004), quality is a dynamic term that continues to move; if moving forward the quality is said to improve, on the contrary if it moves backwards it says the quality is declining. Quality can be interpreted as superiority or excellence that exceeds the prevailing general standards. Something is said to be of quality if there is a match between the conditions possessed by the desired object and the intent of the one who wants it. For example the quality of the learning process matches what students expect; more far beyond what is expected to be more qualified, if it happens otherwise, the less qualified. Quality is the fulfillment of the requirements of excellence of a product/service dynamically or continue to move forward, exceeding the prevailing general standard, far beyond what is expected, with the aim to satisfy the customer, as measured by the recognition of the customer who states the level of satisfaction.
According to Kompri (2015: 155) the quality of education is a display of performance shown by educational institutions to meet the satisfaction or expectations of internal and external customers of a series of academic activities characterized by aspects of satisfaction of educators, education personnel, and students on the display of education, aspects of community satisfaction on the display of services to the community (stakeholders).
In the context of education, the definition of quality refers to the process of education and educational outcomes. In a qualified "educational process" involved various inputs, such as teaching materials (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), methods vary according to the teacher's ability, school facilities are supported by administration and infrastructure and other resources and the creation of a conducive atmosphere. According Suryosubroto (2004: 210), quality in the context of "educational outcomes" refers to the situation achieved by the principal at any given time whether at the end of each semester or the end of the year, 2 years or five years, even 10 years. Achievements or educational outcomes can be academic achievement tests, or achievements in a particular sport, arts, or skill, even school performance can be intangible, such as discipline, intimacy, mutuality respect, and so on.
The linkages between quality process and quality outcomes are interrelated, but in order for the good process to be not misguided, the quality in terms of output must be formulated first by the school, and it should be clear the targets to be achieved for each year or period others. Various inputs and processes should refer to the quality of the results to be achieved. The responsibility of the school is not just the process but the ultimate responsibility is the result of the students.
The previous research relevant to this research is (1) Willy Susilo, et al. (2012). Self Assessment of Corporate Culture Management, Using General System Audit Model of Audit System for Human Resource Management, found that the General System Audit's human resource management is important, useful, practical, feasible and recommended for enterprise application; (2) Willy Susilo, et al. (2012). Design of Model Audit of Human Resource Management, Using a Systems Approach, found that the implementation of the human resource management audit model has positive implications and its application can improve the functions of human resource management more effectively and directed, in addition to this human resource management audit model considered important, useful, practical, feasible and recommended to be applied in the company. Based on the findings of the above research, then the novelty of this study is the application of human resource management audits in education with the aim of improving the quality of education in schools; (3) Alžbeta Kucharþíkováa, Emese Tokarþíkováa, Martina Blaškováa. (2016). Human Capital Management – Aspect of The Human Capital Efficiency in University Education, found that the concept of Human Capital Management is more advanced compare with Human Resources Management, which considers employees as "cost". Human Capital Management assumes people in an organization are wealth and investment in the future, bringing in revenues; (4) Feodor Mikhaylov, Kolesnikova Julia, Salyakhov Eldar. (2014). Current Tendencies of the Development of Service of Human Resources Management, found that new approaches to human resource management should provide organic interaction between managerial administration and self development processes of organization. For this purpose, at least, the willingness of management, including human resources management system, is required to a significant change attitude towards feedback, for which this information is considered as the most valuable in making decisions regarding the strategic programs of social development organizations.