A multi-proxy reconstruction ofspatial and temporal variations in Asian summer temperatures over the last millennium

Feng Shi1, Quansheng Ge2*, Bao Yang3, Jianping Li4,5, Fengmei Yang6, Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist7,8,Olga Solomina9,10, Takeshi Nakatsuka11, Ninglian Wang3, Sen Zhao12, Chenxi Xu11, Keyan Fang13, Masaki Sano11, Guoqiang Chu1,Zexin Fan14, Narayan P. Gaire15,16, Muhammad Usama Zafar17

1Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;2Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;3Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China; 4College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; 5Joint Center for Global Change Studies, Beijing, China; 6China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing, China; 7Department of History, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; 8Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden;9Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 10Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia;11Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan;12State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 13Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Eco-geographical Process (Ministry of Education), Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China; 14Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yunnan, China;15Faculty of Science, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal; 16Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal; 17Laboratory of Dendrochronology and Plant Ecology, Federal Urdu University, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus, Karachi, Pakistan

*Corresponding author: Dr. Quansheng Ge

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This file includes:

The process of instrumental data

The selection of proxy records

The explanation of reconstruction method

The verification of reconstruction results

Supplementary information Tables. 1–3

Supplementary information Figures. 1–7

The process of instrumental data

The CRUTEM4v, 5°×5° gridded instrumental surface air temperature dataset, for the period 1920–1999 (Climatic Research Unit, CRU, Norwich, UK; (Jones et al., 2012)), is used in this study. The higher resolution CRU TS 3.10dataset, with 0.5°×0.5°resolution,is reduced to 2°×2°resolution for the reconstruction (Cook et al., 2013). However, the initial search radius of predictors is 1500km (Cook et al., 2013) and this distance exceeds two 5°×5°grid points,even at low latitudes in Asia. This indicates that the currently available proxy records may not resolve such a high resolution.

Based on the spatial distribution of available proxy records, the reconstructed area of the eastern and south-central Asia is defined here as the area bounded by 0°-60°N and 60°-145°E; there is no instrumental data available between AD 1920 and 1999 infour of the land grid cells within the defined area (117.5°E, 2.5°N; 92.5°E, 17.5°N; 82.5°E, 37.5°N; 117.5°E, 42.5°N),so these are excluded from the reconstruction (Fig. S1). Accordingly, there are 132 grid cells left in CRUTEM4v,which represent the Asian land area (Fig. S1). The length of the timeseries in the grid cells varies and therefore the number of grid points possessing a value ineach year changes with time (Fig. S2). There are sixty-eight grid points over Asia within CRUTEM4v that reach back to AD 1920, mainly covering eastern and southern Asia (i.e. Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, East China and Japan; Fig. S1). From AD 1940 there are 112 records available which cover most of Asia, except for the Tibetan Plateau. There are only seven grid cells that cover the whole period AD 1920–1999. To solve the problem of incomplete temporal coverage, all available grid records are extrapolated or interpolated to cover the whole period (AD 1920-1999), using the RegEMalgorithm with ridge regression method(Schneider, 2001).The parameters employed are the same as those used byMann et al. (2008). The average length of extrapolation for the 132 grid points is 20 years.

The selection of proxy records

The selection of proxy records for Asia is based on three criteria: 1) the candidate records need to cover the period AD 1800-1975; 2) the non-tree-ring records must be sensitive to temperature change, according to the original publication that the record appeared in, and should have a temporal resolution greater than 30 years;3) the tree-ring chronologies need to contain more than 4 samples for every year and have a positive relationship with temperature. The tree-ring width usually increases with increasing temperature over a certain temperature range according to the tree physiology (Fritts, 1976)). The selection process ofproxy records is expounded in detail in the following section.

The 12 oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) records from ice cores above the upper tree limit on the Tibetan Plateau used in this reconstruction are well documented as temperature-sensitive records (Sherwood et al. 2009; Thompson et al. 2013; Yao et al. 2006). The available tree-ring chronologies in central and southeastern China that extend back further than 300 years are low replication(Duan et al., 2013) and are seldom in the dataset of Cook et al. (2013). There are abundant historical documents and composited records, which contain explicit temperature signals in eastern China(Ge et al., 2013; Wang et al., 1991; Wang et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2010; Zheng et al., 2006).

The dataset in Cook et al. (2013) does not include tree-ring chronologies fromnortheastern China. Some new chronologies fromnortheastern China and some chronologies that cover the past millennium in western China are included in this study. Tree growth is mainly influenced by the biological factors related to aging and environmental factors (including temperature, precipitation and soil moisture) (Fritts, 1976; Vaganov et al., 2011). Thus, the tree-ring measured series are standardized to remove age related effects and highlight environmental signals. In this paper, if the raw measurement are available, the signal-free detrending method (Melvin and Briffa, 2008)is used to effectively retain the low frequency signal.

As previously mentioned, higher insolation and temperatures lead to higher rates of photosynthesis during the growing season. Thus, a summer (June-July-August, JJA) temperature signal should be retained in tree-rings, as it influences the key processes involved in ring-width formation (i.e. photosynthesis), although the signal might be partly disturbed by others factors thataffect growth, such as precipitation. As regional temperaturesare reasonably consistent and there is a long correlation decay length across regions,a large-scale, common signal can be extracted from tree-ring chronologies (i.e. from two grid points with approximate distances;746-1389km in this study), which can be considered as a regional signal for summer temperature variations(Büntgen et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2013). While the non-tree-ring records in this study may respond to annual-temperature fluctuations, most of the records are tree-ring chronologies so, for consistency, JJA temperatures are reconstructed in this study.

Through a more stringent screening procedure, two groups of records are produced: A) all of the available 418 Asian proxy data network records, including those with restricted access (Fig. S3a); and B) only the 357 records publicly available from the World Data Centre for Paleoclimatology (Fig. S3b). All records with restricted accesshave been published and described in peer-reviewed literature and derived from the data repositories of Chinese research institutes, or provided by the original authors. The records in group A includes 392 tree-ring chronologies (51 tree-ring chronologies with restricted access), 12 ice core records, 8 historical documents and 6 composited temperature reconstructions from multi-proxy records. Group B recordsinclude 341 tree-ring chronologies, 11 ice core records, 4 historical documents and 1 composited record. For both groups, 341 of the tree-ring chronologies are the same,sourced from within a 422 tree-ring network (Cook et al., 2013), shared by the Asia2K workshop. Within Cook et al. (2013), only 229 tree-ring chronologies, beginning in or before AD 1600, were used to reconstruct the temperature field. These chronologies are now available at the World Data Centre for Paleoclimatology (WDCP, In brief, we added 163 tree-ring chronologies and 26 non-tree-ring records to group A and 112 tree-ring chronologies and 16 non-tree-ring records to group B, that were not included in the 229 tree-ring network(Cook et al., 2013). Table S1 and S2 provide further information including the reference, site, species, time resolution, geographic coordinates and time period of every record.

The explanationof reconstruction method

Most spatial pattern reconstruction methods are based on an empirical orthogonal function (EOF), which can reconstruct all grid points from scarce proxy recordsand provides a good consistency between grid points,based on the first few principal components. However, with these methods local and regional information may partly be lost, because only the major principal components are retained for calculating the reconstruction. An alternative method, the point-by-point regression (PPR) approach, retains regional information better, because it can be configured to only use proxy data that is either close or even adjacent to each reconstruction grid point(Cook et al., 1999). This feature is especially important for the Asian region, given its complex topography and heterogeneous climate. PPR is very similar to the successive correction analysis used for objective analysis of meteorological data (Bratseth, 1986) and uses the same principle, which is that only proxy records close to a gridpoint should be considered as good predictors for the reconstruction of data at that grid point. Another advantage of PPR is that the spatial pattern in the reconstruction is independent from the pattern in the instrumental data; in contrast, while the reconstruction methods based on EOF assume that spatial features apparent during the instrumental period are also present in the past.The disadvantages of the PPR method are that it requires proxy records with a wider distribution and stronger relevance to work, since the predictor near the objective grid point is used to reconstruct temperature at the 95% confidence level using Student'st-test.

The direct linear regression (classic calibration) is, together with the closely related composite-plus-scale (CPS) method, the most common method used, because of its simple operation and clear explanation, i.e. the explained variance of the regression indicates how much climate information is explained by the proxy record. However, the bias of this method increases with the amount of noise in the proxies. Thus, the use of proxies with a low correlation to temperature can result in an underestimation of the reconstructed low-frequency variability, in particular(Christiansen and Ljungqvist, 2011; Von Storch et al., 2004). The indirect (inverse) regression can be used to mitigate the bias, but it instead overestimates the variability of the high-frequency band (Christiansen and Ljungqvist, 2012; Shi et al., 2012; Tingley et al., 2012).

Since the reconstruction results are sensitive to the choices of both the calibration and verification periods (McShane and Wyner, 2011), the reconstruction is calibrated against the full length of available instrumental data over the period AD 1920–1999 to take best advantage of the available instrumental data.Moreover, uncertainties related to the reconstruction methods still exist and are difficult to evaluate; these uncertainties include the influences of different calibration and verification periods (Frank et al., 2010), different model techniques (Smerdon et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014), and parameter uncertainties(Tingley et al., 2012; Tingley and Huybers, 2010), and the effects of interpolation, extrapolation and selection in climate records (McShane and Wyner, 2011). Although some novel approaches have been used to deal with the uncertainties in new ways (Hanhijärvi et al., 2013; Tingley et al., 2012), the residual standard deviation is still, traditionally, considered an effective way to represent the uncertainty of paleoclimate reconstructions(NRC, 2006).

The shortest common calibration period, AD 1951-1989 (Cook et al., 2013), is used for comparison. The reconstructed temperatures from this study,Mann et al. (2009) and Cook et al. (2013)after AD 1950, are all quite different in terms of mean values and amplitudes between AD 1951 and 1989 (Fig. 1b). The paleoclimate reconstruction is based on instrumental data during the calibration period to establish the transfer function (Bradley, 1999).In order to create a benchmark for comparison from the other constructions, the two results from Mann et al. (2009) and Cook et al. (2013) are matched to the variance of CRUTEM4v temperature between 1951 and 1989 (Fig. 1c).

The verification of reconstruction results

Of the 132 grid cells, there is no candidate predictor in the search radius, required to reconstruct summer temperature, for six (122.5°E, 17.5°N; 62.5°E, 57.5°N; 67.5°E, 57.5°N; 72.5°E, 57.5°N; 132.5°E, 57.5°N; 137.5°E, 57.5°N);these six cells are therefore considered as “invalid” and remain empty in the spatial reconstruction figures.

Some grids have RE or CE values below zero indicating limited reconstruction accuracy. The reconstruction is best suited to describe past temperature changes in most of Asia, where positive RE and CE values occur (Fig. S4). For group A, of the 126 grid cells, 90 and 76 cells have RE and CE values above zero, respectively, while for group B, there are 82 and 81 cells with positive RE and CE values. However, some grid cells have RE or CE values below zero, indicating limited accuracy in the reconstruction. Over central Asia the CE values are mostly negative and it is likely that the proxy network in those regions is not currently sufficient to accurately reconstruct temperatures.

Table S1. List of the 418 proxy series in version A.

No. / Author/Source / Site / C Code* / Lon. / Lat. / Start year / End
1 / Asia2K / AT-AAT1LS / 9000 / 87.56 / 50.05 / 1685 / 1998
2 / Asia2K / AT-AAT2LS / 9000 / 87.56 / 50.05 / 1588 / 1998
3 / Asia2K / AT-AKTALS / 9000 / 87.37 / 50.25 / 1607 / 1995
4 / Asia2K / AT-AKTEWD / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
5 / Asia2K / AT-AKTEWW / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
6 / Asia2K / AT-AKTLWD / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
7 / Asia2K / AT-AKTLWW / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
8 / Asia2K / AT-AKTMND / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
9 / Asia2K / AT-AKTMXD / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
10 / Asia2K / AT-AKTTRW / 9000 / 87.35 / 50.25 / 1613 / 1994
11 / Asia2K / AT-CEMEWD / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
12 / Asia2K / AT-CEMEWW / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
13 / Asia2K / AT-CEMLWD / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
14 / Asia2K / AT-CEMLWW / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
15 / Asia2K / AT-CEMMND / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
16 / Asia2K / AT-CEMMXD / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
17 / Asia2K / AT-CEMTRW / 9000 / 85.38 / 51 / 1631 / 1994
18 / Asia2K / AT-CHUKLS / 9000 / 87.4 / 50.15 / 1772 / 1999
19 / Asia2K / AT-DJAZLS / 9000 / 88.06 / 49.37 / 1639 / 2000
20 / Asia2K / AT-JABELS / 9000 / 85.14 / 50.52 / 1637 / 1995
21 / Asia2K / AT-KUR2LS / 9000 / 87.5 / 50.18 / 1672 / 2000
22 / Asia2K / AT-KUR3LS / 9000 / 87.5 / 50.16 / 1653 / 2000
23 / Asia2K / AT-KURALS / 9000 / 87.5 / 50.1 / 1703 / 1999
24 / Asia2K / AT-MSALLS / 9000 / 87.17 / 49.1 / 1618 / 2000
25 / Asia2K / AT-NCHALS / 9000 / 87.5 / 50.1 / 1462 / 1999
26 / Asia2K / AT-TUJULS / 9000 / 88.08 / 50.45 / 1741 / 2000
27 / Asia2K / AT-TUT2LS / 9000 / 87.55 / 50.07 / 1628 / 2000
28 / Asia2K / AT-UGBOLS / 9000 / 87.41 / 50.3 / 1705 / 1995
29 / Asia2K / AT-UGLALS / 9000 / 87.29 / 50.29 / 1582 / 1995
30 / Asia2K / AT-UKHEWD / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
31 / Asia2K / AT-UKHEWW / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
32 / Asia2K / AT-UKHLWD / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
33 / Asia2K / AT-UKHLWW / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
34 / Asia2K / AT-UKHMND / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
35 / Asia2K / AT-UKHMXD / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
36 / Asia2K / AT-UKHTRW / 9000 / 85.22 / 50.09 / 1605 / 1994
37 / Asia2K / AT-ULAGLS / 9000 / 87.58 / 50.41 / 1752 / 2000
38 / Asia2K / AT-UULEWD / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
39 / Asia2K / AT-UULEWW / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
40 / Asia2K / AT-UULLWD / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
41 / Asia2K / AT-UULLWW / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
42 / Asia2K / AT-UULMND / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
43 / Asia2K / AT-UULMXD / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
44 / Asia2K / AT-UULTRW / 9000 / 87.39 / 50.29 / 1636 / 1994
45 / Asia2K / BT-BHUTSP / 9000 / 90 / 27.27 / 1354 / 2005
46 / Asia2K / BT-BHUTTD / 9000 / 90.43 / 27.4 / 1475 / 2003
47 / Asia2K / BT-CAMGSP / 9000 / 89.68 / 27.38 / 1539 / 2005
48 / Asia2K / BT-CHELLG / 9000 / 89.19 / 27.23 / 1658 / 2005
49 / Asia2K / BT-DAMRSP / 9000 / 89.31 / 27.28 / 1712 / 2005
50 / Asia2K / BT-DHURPS / 9000 / 90.39 / 27.35 / 1354 / 2003
51 / Asia2K / BT-GASAJR / 9000 / 89.45 / 27.55 / 1757 / 2006
52 / Asia2K / BT-GAYTTD / 9000 / 90.39 / 27.35 / 1541 / 2003
53 / Asia2K / BT-GEYZSP / 9000 / 90.58 / 27.25 / 1573 / 2002
54 / Asia2K / BT-KALIPR / 9000 / 91.12 / 27.11 / 1674 / 2003
55 / Asia2K / BT-LAYAJR / 9000 / 89.45 / 27.57 / 1711 / 2006
56 / Asia2K / BT-LAYALG / 9000 / 89.45 / 27.59 / 1681 / 2006
57 / Asia2K / BT-NANGPW / 9000 / 90.42 / 27.27 / 1681 / 2003
58 / Asia2K / BT-NASPTD / 9000 / 90.44 / 27.4 / 1549 / 2003
59 / Asia2K / BT-PEMBSP / 9000 / 89.23 / 27.15 / 1565 / 2005
60 / Asia2K / BT-PHUMTD / 9000 / 90.46 / 27.42 / 1667 / 2003
61 / Asia2K / BT-TSHEAB / 9000 / 90.09 / 27.27 / 1753 / 2006
62 / Asia2K / BT-TSHEPS / 9000 / 90.09 / 27.27 / 1740 / 2005
63 / Asia2K / BT-TSHETD / 9000 / 90.09 / 27.27 / 1735 / 2006
64 / Asia2K / BT-ZACHTD / 9000 / 90.41 / 27.42 / 1632 / 2003
65 / Asia2K / BU-MAINGT / 9000 / 96.2 / 23.2 / 1630 / 2009
66 / Asia2K / CH-10GK_P / 9000 / 99.21 / 27.35 / 1518 / 2005
67 / Asia2K / CH-11YC_T / 9000 / 99.17 / 27.35 / 1658 / 2005
68 / Asia2K / CH-12YM_A / 9000 / 99.01 / 28.02 / 1661 / 2005
69 / Asia2K / CH-13YE_T / 9000 / 98.59 / 28.02 / 1642 / 2005
70 / Asia2K / CH-22DL_T / 9000 / 98.24 / 27.53 / 1612 / 2005
71 / Asia2K / CH-4YL_AR / 9000 / 100.14 / 27.1 / 1784 / 2005
72 / Asia2K / CH-5BT_PR / 9000 / 100 / 27.49 / 1651 / 2007
73 / Asia2K / CH-6HP1_P / 9000 / 98.55 / 28.15 / 1724 / 2005
74 / Asia2K / CH-7HP2_P / 9000 / 99 / 28.14 / 1765 / 2005
75 / Asia2K / CH-8YB_PR / 9000 / 98.46 / 28.24 / 1740 / 2003
76 / Asia2K / CH-9YL_PR / 9000 / 100.13 / 27.08 / 1658 / 2006
77 / Asia2K / CH-BARELC / 9000 / 107.48 / 33.45 / 1646 / 1992
78 / Asia2K / CH-BAWSIC / 9000 / 101.55 / 31.47 / 1651 / 2007
79 / Asia2K / CH-BEQURU / 9000 / 87.07 / 43.08 / 1750 / 1993
80 / Asia2K / CH-BIGKPS / 9000 / 82.08 / 42.53 / 1713 / 2004
81 / Asia2K / CH-BLKALS / 9000 / 93.18 / 43.51 / 1702 / 2002
82 / Asia2K / CH-BLKBLS / 9000 / 93.23 / 43.5 / 1746 / 2002
83 / Asia2K / CH-DAOSIC / 9000 / 100.05 / 29.17 / 1615 / 2006
84 / Asia2K / CH-DEZQIN / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.45 / 1345 / 2004
85 / Asia2K / CH-DLH1 / 9000 / 97.14 / 37.28 / 1050 / 2001
86 / Asia2K / CH-DLH2 / 9000 / 97.13 / 37.28 / 940 / 2001
87 / Asia2K / CH-DLH3 / 9000 / 97.32 / 37.27 / 812 / 2002
88 / Asia2K / CH-DLH4 / 9000 / 98.03 / 37.26 / 588 / 2002
89 / Asia2K / CH-DLH5 / 9000 / 97.47 / 37.27 / 760 / 2003
90 / Asia2K / CH-DLH6 / 9000 / 97.03 / 37.31 / 1279 / 2002
91 / Asia2K / CH-DQHZHO / 9000 / 100.04 / 35 / 1501 / 2004
92 / Asia2K / CH-DULAJP / 9000 / 98.05 / 36.18 / 896 / 1993
93 / Asia2K / CH-DUSHJP / 9000 / 98.05 / 36.39 / 849 / 1993
94 / Asia2K / CH-GHEGAN / 9000 / 101.32 / 37.56 / 1765 / 2000
95 / Asia2K / CH-GOUQIN / 9000 / 100.48 / 34.44 / 1376 / 2004
96 / Asia2K / CH-HBHXJP / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.47 / 1543 / 2002
97 / Asia2K / CH-HBLXJP / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.47 / 1566 / 2002
98 / Asia2K / CH-HBMXJP / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.47 / 1510 / 2002
99 / Asia2K / CH-HEBQIN / 9000 / 100.47 / 34.44 / 1577 / 2004
100 / Asia2K / CH-HSE / 9000 / 110.05 / 34.28 / 1505 / 2005
101 / Asia2K / CH-HSS / 9000 / 110.05 / 34.28 / 1555 / 2005
102 / Asia2K / CH-HSW / 9000 / 110.05 / 34.28 / 1504 / 2005
103 / Asia2K / CH-HUASPI / 9000 / 110.05 / 34.29 / 1583 / 1990
104 / Asia2K / CH-HXBURU / 9000 / 87.11 / 43.11 / 1719 / 1993
105 / Asia2K / CH-HYGJUP / 9000 / 99.41 / 38.42 / 791 / 2006
106 / Asia2K / CH-JIALPS / 9000 / 82.09 / 43.04 / 1629 / 2004
107 / Asia2K / CH-KENGPS / 9000 / 81.43 / 42.48 / 1727 / 2004
108 / Asia2K / CH-KUERPS / 9000 / 82.52 / 43.09 / 1688 / 2004
109 / Asia2K / CH-LAJQIN / 9000 / 100.43 / 34.43 / 1518 / 2004
110 / Asia2K / CH-MAXSIC / 9000 / 99.56 / 29.09 / 1539 / 2006
111 / Asia2K / CH-MIQAPS / 9000 / 87.55 / 43.46 / 1712 / 2002
112 / Asia2K / CH-MIQBPS / 9000 / 88.01 / 43.48 / 1685 / 2002
113 / Asia2K / CH-MQACJP / 9000 / 100.21 / 35.04 / 1134 / 2001
114 / Asia2K / CH-MQAXJP / 9000 / 100.21 / 35.04 / 1152 / 2001
115 / Asia2K / CH-MQBXJP / 9000 / 99.47 / 34.47 / 793 / 2002
116 / Asia2K / CH-MQDXJP / 9000 / 99.4 / 34.43 / 1318 / 2001
117 / Asia2K / CH-MQFXJP / 9000 / 99.41 / 34.45 / 1265 / 2002
118 / Asia2K / CH-MQRXJP / 9000 / 99.41 / 34.45 / 960 / 2002
119 / Asia2K / CH-PTCYUN / 9000 / 99.22 / 27.22 / 1600 / 2007
120 / Asia2K / CH-QML / 9000 / 96.08 / 33.48 / 1583 / 2002
121 / Asia2K / CH-QUMAJP / 9000 / 96.08 / 33.48 / 1583 / 2002
122 / Asia2K / CH-SANGTS / 9000 / 107.48 / 33.39 / 1725 / 1992
123 / Asia2K / CH-SHANGR / 9000 / 99.02 / 28.22 / 1676 / 2007
124 / Asia2K / CH-SHENJP / 9000 / 98.05 / 37 / 893 / 1993
125 / Asia2K / CH-SMASLY / 9000 / 99.48 / 27.37 / 1541 / 2007
126 / Asia2K / CH-SUNLZU / 9000 / 98.48 / 38.58 / 1663 / 2000
127 / Asia2K / CH-TANSIC / 9000 / 100.16 / 30.14 / 1451 / 2007
128 / Asia2K / CH-TDAXJP / 9000 / 100.48 / 34.47 / 1482 / 2002
129 / Asia2K / CH-TDBXJP / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.47 / 1500 / 2002
130 / Asia2K / CH-TIANMU / 9000 / 119.26 / 30.2 / 1669 / 2007
131 / Asia2K / CH-TIANPS / 9000 / 88.07 / 43.53 / 1722 / 2004
132 / Asia2K / CH-TJ1 / 9000 / 98.24 / 37.19 / 1178 / 2003
133 / Asia2K / CH-WEXYUN / 9000 / 99.18 / 27.2 / 1460 / 2007
134 / Asia2K / CH-WL1 / 9000 / 98.38 / 37.02 / 959 / 2003
135 / Asia2K / CH-WL2 / 9000 / 98.4 / 37.02 / 914 / 2001
136 / Asia2K / CH-WL3 / 9000 / 98.13 / 36.45 / 827 / 2001
137 / Asia2K / CH-WL4 / 9000 / 98.25 / 36.41 / 948 / 2001
138 / Asia2K / CH-WULANJ / 9000 / 98.41 / 37.02 / 150 / 2000
139 / Asia2K / CH-WXIYUN / 9000 / 99.18 / 27.2 / 1638 / 2007
140 / Asia2K / CH-XCHSIC / 9000 / 99.56 / 28.59 / 1607 / 2007
141 / Asia2K / CH-XGSURU / 9000 / 87.14 / 43.16 / 1769 / 1993
142 / Asia2K / CH-XIANGC / 9000 / 99.45 / 28.54 / 1597 / 2007
143 / Asia2K / CH-XINSIC / 9000 / 100.17 / 30.52 / 1711 / 2007
144 / Asia2K / CH-YCHAPS / 9000 / 76.59 / 37.36 / 1757 / 2001
145 / Asia2K / CH-YCHBPS / 9000 / 77 / 37.36 / 1659 / 2001
146 / Asia2K / CH-YINBPS / 9000 / 101.36 / 37.48 / 1734 / 2000
147 / Asia2K / CH-ZD31 / 9000 / 95.43 / 32.4 / 1359 / 2006
148 / Asia2K / CH-ZEDURU / 9000 / 87.03 / 43.13 / 1742 / 1993
149 / Asia2K / CH-ZHANGX / 9000 / 104.28 / 34.38 / 1610 / 2006
150 / Asia2K / CH-ZHD / 9000 / 96.17 / 33.43 / 1486 / 2002
151 / Asia2K / CH-ZHIDJP / 9000 / 96.17 / 33.43 / 1486 / 2002
152 / Asia2K / Hemant9 / 9000 / 76.59 / 9.34 / 1481 / 2003
153 / Asia2K / ID-BEKUTG / 9000 / 111.22 / -6.93 / 1777 / 2004
154 / Asia2K / ID-COMPTK / 9000 / 111.28 / -6.59 / 1707 / 2004
155 / Asia2K / ID-KLANTG / 9000 / 111.47 / -6.7 / 1712 / 2005
156 / Asia2K / ID-SAKLTG / 9000 / 111.45 / -6.7 / 1709 / 2005
157 / Asia2K / ID-SARATG / 9000 / 111.43 / -6.7 / 1746 / 2000
158 / Asia2K / IN-PHAAP / 9000 / 75.42 / 34.02 / 1657 / 1982
159 / Asia2K / IN-GANGCD / 9000 / 78.56 / 30.59 / 1567 / 1999
160 / Asia2K / IN-JANCD2 / 9000 / 78.1 / 31.22 / 1538 / 2004
161 / Asia2K / JP-BTK / 9000 / 142.14 / 44.25 / 1737 / 1992
162 / Asia2K / JP-KMD / 9000 / 133.07 / 33.44 / 1688 / 2001
163 / Asia2K / JP-KMD2 / 9000 / 133.07 / 33.44 / 1700 / 2001
164 / Asia2K / JP-KUNASH / 9000 / 145.36 / 43.53 / 1603 / 2000
165 / Asia2K / JP-LASAQD / 9000 / 143.25 / 44.1 / 1693 / 1993
166 / Asia2K / JP-MSR / 9000 / 142.11 / 44.21 / 1700 / 1999
167 / Asia2K / JP-MTASMD / 9000 / 142.33 / 43.46 / 1639 / 1997
168 / Asia2K / JP-MTASSP / 9000 / 142.33 / 43.46 / 1630 / 1997
169 / Asia2K / JP-ONB / 9000 / 145.28 / 43.13 / 1573 / 1998
170 / Asia2K / JP-ONNEPG / 9000 / 145 / 44 / 1720 / 2003
171 / Asia2K / JP-SJP / 9000 / 138.13 / 35.44 / 1692 / 2001
172 / Asia2K / JP-SJT / 9000 / 138.13 / 35.44 / 1618 / 2001
173 / Asia2K / JP-TKC / 9000 / 143.12 / 43.3 / 1518 / 1997
174 / Asia2K / JP-TSO / 9000 / 142.07 / 44.57 / 1600 / 1991
175 / Asia2K / JP-YKA / 9000 / 130.32 / 30.22 / 1220 / 2002
176 / Asia2K / JP-YKB / 9000 / 130.32 / 30.18 / 1769 / 2004
177 / Asia2K / JP-YKC / 9000 / 130.27 / 30.2 / 1520 / 2005
178 / Asia2K / JP-YKCOM / 9000 / 130.32 / 30.22 / 1151 / 2005
179 / Asia2K / JP-YKS / 9000 / 130.3 / 30.2 / 440 / 1999
180 / Asia2K / KG-AJTMJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.12 / 1473 / 1995
181 / Asia2K / KG-BONKJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1495 / 1995
182 / Asia2K / KG-ESPERG / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1340 / 1995
183 / Asia2K / KG-GEFKJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1660 / 1995
184 / Asia2K / KG-GRAKJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1609 / 1995
185 / Asia2K / KG-HOCKJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1391 / 1995
186 / Asia2K / KG-KJTRJT / 9000 / 71.28 / 39.55 / 1140 / 1995
187 / Asia2K / KG-MJTQJT / 9000 / 72.37 / 40.1 / 1578 / 1995
188 / Asia2K / KG-MURKJT / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 1328 / 1995
189 / Asia2K / KG-SHIESP / 9000 / 71.3 / 39.5 / 1340 / 1995
190 / Asia2K / KG-SHIYAT / 9000 / 71.3 / 39.5 / 969 / 1995
191 / Asia2K / KG-XJTCJT / 9000 / 71.3 / 39.5 / 969 / 1995
192 / Asia2K / KO-WHACKP / 9000 / 128.28 / 38.08 / 1693 / 1998
193 / Asia2K / KZ-ATBEST / 9000 / 76.21 / 41.13 / 1742 / 2005
194 / Asia2K / KZ-ENGILC / 9000 / 79.28 / 42.09 / 1341 / 2005
195 / Asia2K / KZ-KOELIU / 9000 / 79.03 / 42.12 / 1568 / 2005
196 / Asia2K / KZ-KOKKIY / 9000 / 78.58 / 42.25 / 1606 / 2005
197 / Asia2K / KZ-KUNWST / 9000 / 77.29 / 42.47 / 1755 / 2005
198 / Asia2K / KZ-NANENG / 9000 / 79.27 / 42.09 / 1689 / 2005
199 / Asia2K / KZ-ULKEPS / 9000 / 77.21 / 43.21 / 1791 / 2001
200 / Asia2K / LS-ANMPPM / 9000 / 102.48 / 18.1 / 1765 / 2005
201 / Asia2K / MG-ANKHLS / 9000 / 88.22 / 48.36 / 1565 / 2004
202 / Asia2K / MG-BAYHLS / 9000 / 101.19 / 46.19 / 1609 / 2001
203 / Asia2K / MG-BIARLS / 9000 / 90.59 / 49.58 / 1547 / 2005
204 / Asia2K / MG-BIGELS / 9000 / 91 / 49.58 / 1488 / 2005
205 / Asia2K / MG-BUGANT / 9000 / 107.34 / 49.24 / 1775 / 2008
206 / Asia2K / MG-BULGLS / 9000 / 90.58 / 47.06 / 1464 / 2004
207 / Asia2K / MG-DAYNLS / 9000 / 88.52 / 48.16 / 1664 / 2005
208 / Asia2K / MG-DKH_fi / 9000 / 106.22 / 50 / 1714 / 2009
209 / Asia2K / MG-DKN / 9000 / 106.12 / 49.56 / 1692 / 2008
210 / Asia2K / MG-Dadal / 9000 / 111.35 / 49 / 1716 / 2001
211 / Asia2K / MG-HENTLS / 9000 / 107.28 / 48.21 / 1032 / 2002
212 / Asia2K / MG-HORBLS / 9000 / 94.53 / 49.22 / 1615 / 1997
213 / Asia2K / MG-Hushree / 9000 / 101.57 / 46.47 / 1564 / 2009
214 / Asia2K / MG-INFERN / 9000 / 111.4 / 48.49 / 1703 / 1996
215 / Asia2K / MG-INFRPS / 9000 / 111.4 / 48.5 / 1703 / 1996
216 / Asia2K / MG-KHARLS / 9000 / 94.35 / 49.3 / 1670 / 1998
217 / Asia2K / MG-KHELLS / 9000 / 91.34 / 49.55 / 1407 / 1998
218 / Asia2K / MG-KHOGLS / 9000 / 99.52 / 48.1 / 1432 / 2000
219 / Asia2K / MG-KHOTLS / 9000 / 88.3 / 48.3 / 1502 / 2004
220 / Asia2K / MG-KHOVLS / 9000 / 88.48 / 48.42 / 1625 / 2004
221 / Asia2K / MG-MANDLS / 9000 / 100.07 / 46.49 / 1452 / 2002
222 / Asia2K / MG-OVOOLS / 9000 / 91.26 / 49.52 / 1462 / 1998
223 / Asia2K / MG-SODAPS / 9000 / 98.56 / 48.18 / 700 / 1999
224 / Asia2K / MG-SPKRLS / 9000 / 94.53 / 49.23 / 1465 / 1998
225 / Asia2K / MG-SUBALS / 9000 / 100.02 / 47.16 / 1426 / 1999
226 / Asia2K / MG-SUMELS / 9000 / 100.25 / 47.26 / 1613 / 2002
227 / Asia2K / MG-Shaamar / 9000 / 100.1 / 50.05 / 1786 / 2008
228 / Asia2K / MG-TELHLS / 9000 / 97.07 / 48.46 / 1645 / 1998
229 / Asia2K / MG-TERELJ / 9000 / 107.27 / 47.57 / 1622 / 2002
230 / Asia2K / MG-TUCHLS / 9000 / 91.33 / 49.42 / 1612 / 1995
231 / Asia2K / MG-UNDULS / 9000 / 103.13 / 48.59 / 1546 / 2002
232 / Asia2K / MG-URGNPS / 9000 / 110.33 / 48.35 / 1664 / 1996
233 / Asia2K / MG-ZMGLPS / 9000 / 97.24 / 48.15 / 1549 / 1998
234 / Asia2K / MG-ZNMDLS / 9000 / 107.3 / 47.47 / 1587 / 1996
235 / Asia2K / MG-ZSMDLS / 9000 / 100.16 / 48.08 / 1565 / 2001
236 / Asia2K / MG-ZURTLS / 9000 / 100.57 / 46.31 / 1506 / 2002
237 / Asia2K / NP-AGHERI / 9000 / 82.05 / 29.29 / 1587 / 1997
238 / Asia2K / NP-AHATYI / 9000 / 87.18 / 27.44 / 1761 / 1996
239 / Asia2K / NP-BHULAS / 9000 / 86.28 / 27.43 / 1651 / 1998
240 / Asia2K / NP-BHULJR / 9000 / 86.27 / 27.42 / 1570 / 1998
241 / Asia2K / NP-BUDOAS / 9000 / 87.17 / 27.45 / 1689 / 1996
242 / Asia2K / NP-BUDOTD / 9000 / 87.17 / 27.45 / 1698 / 1996
243 / Asia2K / NP-BURGPW / 9000 / 83.44 / 28.46 / 1331 / 1996
244 / Asia2K / NP-CHDAND / 9000 / 86.17 / 27.42 / 1601 / 1998
245 / Asia2K / NP-CHDUNG / 9000 / 86.41 / 27.16 / 1755 / 1998
246 / Asia2K / NP-DDANAS / 9000 / 86.2 / 27.44 / 1766 / 1998
247 / Asia2K / NP-DDANJR / 9000 / 86.2 / 27.44 / 1567 / 1998
248 / Asia2K / NP-DEORLA / 9000 / 83.42 / 28.23 / 1678 / 1997
249 / Asia2K / NP-DEORTD / 9000 / 83.42 / 28.23 / 1750 / 1997
250 / Asia2K / NP-ENEPAB / 9000 / 87.12 / 27.44 / 1561 / 1999
251 / Asia2K / NP-GHUNAB / 9000 / 88.01 / 27.3 / 1660 / 1999
252 / Asia2K / NP-GHURCH / 9000 / 82.07 / 29.28 / 1650 / 1997
253 / Asia2K / NP-KATKAS / 9000 / 82.01 / 29.3 / 1627 / 1997
254 / Asia2K / NP-KATKPS / 9000 / 82.02 / 29.3 / 1741 / 1997
255 / Asia2K / NP-KATKUW / 9000 / 82.02 / 29.31 / 1639 / 1997
256 / Asia2K / NP-KAUMAS / 9000 / 87.14 / 27.38 / 1785 / 1993
257 / Asia2K / NP-LAMIAB / 9000 / 87.59 / 27.3 / 1610 / 1999
258 / Asia2K / NP-LANGTD / 9000 / 85.26 / 28.11 / 1581 / 1994
259 / Asia2K / NP-LUKUTD / 9000 / 87.16 / 27.47 / 1269 / 1996
260 / Asia2K / NP-MUMBAS / 9000 / 87.12 / 27.4 / 1735 / 1996
261 / Asia2K / NP-NEHEAS / 9000 / 87.1 / 27.42 / 1760 / 1996
262 / Asia2K / NP-RACHAS / 9000 / 87.12 / 27.44 / 1594 / 1996
263 / Asia2K / NP-SALMAS / 9000 / 85.06 / 28.04 / 1750 / 1996
264 / Asia2K / NP-SALMTD / 9000 / 85.08 / 28.04 / 1750 / 1996
265 / Asia2K / NP-TRAGTD / 9000 / 86.35 / 27.35 / 1780 / 1994
266 / Asia2K / NP-YAKHTD / 9000 / 88.01 / 27.5 / 1586 / 1999
267 / Asia2K / PK-BAG1JU / 9000 / 74.35 / 36.02 / 1700 / 1993
268 / Asia2K / PK-BAG2JU / 9000 / 74.35 / 36.02 / 1587 / 1993
269 / Asia2K / PK-BAG4JU / 9000 / 74.35 / 36.02 / 1566 / 1993
270 / Asia2K / PK-BAG5JU / 9000 / 74.35 / 36.02 / 1713 / 1993
271 / Asia2K / PK-CHP1JU / 9000 / 74.02 / 36.2 / 1779 / 1993
272 / Asia2K / PK-CHP2JU / 9000 / 74.02 / 36.2 / 1283 / 1993
273 / Asia2K / PK-CHP3JU / 9000 / 74.02 / 36.2 / 1339 / 1993
274 / Asia2K / PK-ESPPAK / 9000 / 75.3 / 35.1 / 700 / 1993
275 / Asia2K / PK-MOR1JU / 9000 / 75.05 / 36.35 / 1220 / 1990
276 / Asia2K / PK-MOR2JU / 9000 / 75.05 / 36.35 / 1125 / 1990
277 / Asia2K / PK-MOR3JU / 9000 / 75.05 / 36.35 / 871 / 1990
278 / Asia2K / PK-MOR4JU / 9000 / 75.05 / 36.35 / 1336 / 1990
279 / Asia2K / PK-SAT1JU / 9000 / 75.3 / 35.1 / 1639 / 1993
280 / Asia2K / PK-SAT2JU / 9000 / 75.3 / 35.1 / 829 / 1993
281 / Asia2K / PK-SAT3JU / 9000 / 75.3 / 35.1 / 1193 / 1993
282 / Asia2K / RU-KODEWD / 9000 / 117.15 / 56.3 / 1721 / 1996
283 / Asia2K / RU-KODMND / 9000 / 117.15 / 56.3 / 1721 / 1996
284 / Asia2K / RU-SAREWD / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
285 / Asia2K / RU-SAREWW / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
286 / Asia2K / RU-SARLWD / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
287 / Asia2K / RU-SARLWW / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
288 / Asia2K / RU-SARMXD / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
289 / Asia2K / RU-SARTRW / 9000 / 106.53 / 53.11 / 1715 / 1996
290 / Asia2K / RU-SEVEWD / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
291 / Asia2K / RU-SEVEWW / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
292 / Asia2K / RU-SEVLWD / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
293 / Asia2K / RU-SEVLWW / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
294 / Asia2K / RU-SEVMND / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
295 / Asia2K / RU-SEVMXD / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
296 / Asia2K / RU-SEVTRW / 9000 / 109.3 / 55.15 / 1746 / 1996
297 / Asia2K / RU-TAKEWD / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
298 / Asia2K / RU-TAKEWW / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
299 / Asia2K / RU-TAKLWD / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
300 / Asia2K / RU-TAKLWW / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
301 / Asia2K / RU-TAKMND / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
302 / Asia2K / RU-TAKMXD / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
303 / Asia2K / RU-TAKTRW / 9000 / 114.4 / 56.2 / 1719 / 1996
304 / Asia2K / RU-TSCEWD / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
305 / Asia2K / RU-TSCEWW / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
306 / Asia2K / RU-TSCLWD / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
307 / Asia2K / RU-TSCLWW / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
308 / Asia2K / RU-TSCMND / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
309 / Asia2K / RU-TSCMXD / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
310 / Asia2K / RU-TSCTRW / 9000 / 118.5 / 56.5 / 1756 / 1996
311 / Asia2K / RU-TYNEWD / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
312 / Asia2K / RU-TYNEWW / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
313 / Asia2K / RU-TYNLWD / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
314 / Asia2K / RU-TYNLWW / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
315 / Asia2K / RU-TYNMND / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
316 / Asia2K / RU-TYNMXD / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
317 / Asia2K / RU-TYNTRW / 9000 / 89.35 / 54.14 / 1653 / 1994
318 / Asia2K / SK-NOGSAK / 9000 / 143.08 / 51.5 / 1625 / 2003
319 / Asia2K / CH2-CENTIB / 9000 / 92 / 29.21 / 1400 / 2008
320 / Asia2K / CH2-CHOLPB / 9000 / 98.52 / 31.57 / 1617 / 1996
321 / Asia2K / CH2-DENSJT / 9000 / 91.58 / 29.18 / 1243 / 1998
322 / Asia2K / CH2-GARTPB / 9000 / 98.31 / 29.4 / 1754 / 1993
323 / Asia2K / CH2-LHAMPB / 9000 / 99.07 / 31.49 / 1710 / 1994
324 / Asia2K / CH2-MAINJT / 9000 / 93.57 / 29.04 / 1421 / 1993
325 / Asia2K / CH2-NYINJT / 9000 / 94.4 / 29.37 / 1642 / 1993
326 / Asia2K / CH2-QAMDJT / 9000 / 97.02 / 31.07 / 880 / 2004
327 / Asia2K / CH2-QAMDPB / 9000 / 97.02 / 31.07 / 1636 / 1994
328 / Asia2K / CH2-RETIJT / 9000 / 91.31 / 30.18 / 1161 / 1998
329 / Asia2K / CH2-RIWOPB / 9000 / 96.29 / 31.14 / 1677 / 1994
330 / Asia2K / CH2-ZEGPAF / 9000 / 102.49 / 31.4 / 1783 / 1994
331 / Asia2K / TH-MHGSTG / 9000 / 98.56 / 19.17 / 1604 / 2005
332 / Asia2K / TH-NAMNPM / 9000 / 101.34 / 16.44 / 1798 / 1993
333 / Asia2K / TH-PHKRPM / 9000 / 101.53 / 16.54 / 1671 / 1993
334 / Asia2K / TH-PHUTPM / 9000 / 99.26 / 14.59 / 1750 / 2006
335 / Asia2K / TH-SALUPM / 9000 / 100.49 / 16.36 / 1765 / 2001
336 / Asia2K / TW-CILAUP / 9000 / 121.23 / 24.32 / 1064 / 2007
337 / Asia2K / VM-BDFLON / 9000 / 108.44 / 12.13 / 1200 / 2008
338 / Asia2K / VM-LPDVPD / 9000 / 108.44 / 12.13 / 1772 / 2007
339 / Asia2K / VM-MCCHFH / 9000 / 104.06 / 21.4 / 1599 / 2004
340 / Asia2K / VM-MCCHFH2 / 9000 / 104.06 / 21.4 / 1705 / 2003
341 / ITRDB extraction / mong003 / 9000 / 98.56 / 48.18 / 900 / 1999
342 / (Li et al., 2000) / Li91001 / 9000 / 88.18 / 47.07 / 1797 / 1983
343 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li92005 / 9000 / 84.59 / 41.03 / 1766 / 1983
344 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li92009 / 9000 / 85.29 / 40.58 / 1791 / 1983
345 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li93004 / 9000 / 84.26 / 41.16 / 1704 / 1983
346 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li93005 / 9000 / 84.34 / 41.15 / 1750 / 1983
347 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li93008 / 9000 / 84.44 / 41.13 / 1733 / 1983
348 / (Li et al. 2000) / Li94006 / 9000 / 83.23 / 40.46 / 1790 / 1983
349 / (Li et al. 2000) / Liah174l / 9000 / 90.07 / 47.02 / 1640 / 1981
350 / (Li et al. 2000) / Lih2l / 9000 / 93.18 / 43.2 / 1673 / 1979
351 / (Li et al. 2000) / Lih4l / 9000 / 95.02 / 43.01 / 1744 / 1979
352 / (Li et al. 2000) / Lih7u / 9000 / 93.21 / 43.49 / 1716 / 1979
353 / (Li et al. 2000) / Liwh003 / 9000 / 87.14 / 43.16 / 1769 / 1989
354 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liublkA / 9000 / 93.18 / 43.51 / 1595 / 1989
355 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liublkB / 9000 / 93.23 / 43.5 / 1587 / 1989
356 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liublkC / 9000 / 93.2 / 43.5 / 1700 / 1989
357 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liubngo / 9000 / 101.31 / 37.21 / 1731 / 1993
358 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liufukA / 9000 / 88.07 / 43.52 / 1720 / 1989
359 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liufukB / 9000 / 87.59 / 43.54 / 1640 / 1989
360 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liujmsr / 9000 / 89.11 / 44 / 1590 / 1989
361 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liumiqn / 9000 / 87.41 / 43.55 / 1690 / 1989
362 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liuqita / 9000 / 89.35 / 44.01 / 1563 / 1989
363 / Chinese Tree Ring Data set / liuqygo / 9000 / 100.23 / 38.08 / 1418 / 1993
364 / (Liu and Shao, 2000) / Zhenan / 9000 / 109.09 / 33.26 / 1673 / 1992
365 / (Shao and Fan, 1999) / Chuanxi / 9000 / 101 / 30 / 1650 / 1994
366 / (Esper et al., 2002) / Tianshan / 9000 / 72.35 / 40.1 / 686 / 1999
367 / (D'Arrigo et al., 2001) / mongolia composite / 9000 / 100 / 48 / 264 / 1996
368 / (Fan et al., 2010) / Gaoligong Mountains / 9000 / 98.4 / 27.8 / 1585 / 1996
369 / (Briffa et al., 2001; Mann et al., 2008) / MXD Age banded regional lowf added / 7500 / 97.5 / 32.5 / 1406 / 1996
370 / (Briffa et al. 2001; Mann et al. 2008) / MXD Age banded regional lowf added / 7500 / 87.5 / 27.5 / 1722 / 1996
371 / (Briffa et al. 2001; Mann et al. 2008) / MXD Age banded regional lowf added / 7500 / 97.5 / 27.5 / 1453 / 1996
372 / (Briffa et al. 2001; Mann et al. 2008) / MXD Age banded regional lowf added / 7500 / 82.5 / 52.5 / 1741 / 1996
373 / (Briffa et al. 2001; Mann et al. 2008) / MXD Age banded regional lowf added / 7500 / 87.5 / 52.5 / 1581 / 1996
374 / (Liu et al., 2009) / Dulan / 9000 / 98.18 / 36.18 / 1000 / 2000
375 / (Gou et al., 2007) / Xiqing / 9000 / 99.45 / 34.45 / 1173 / 2001
376 / Contributed by li and gou / YECHENG#1, XINJIANG / 9000 / 76.59 / 37.36 / 1780 / 2001
377 / Contributed by li and gou / YECHENG#2, XINJIANG / 9000 / 77 / 37.36 / 1680 / 2001
378 / CTRDC / Delingha, Qinghai / 9000 / 97.95 / 37.45 / 1010 / 2001
379 / Contributed by li GCB / HEBEI#1, QINGHAI / 9000 / 100.49 / 34.45 / 1370 / 2004
380 / Contributed by li GCB / HEBEI#2, QINGHAI / 9000 / 100.48 / 34.44 / 1400 / 2004
381 / CTRDC / SHENJP J. PRZEWALSK / 9000 / 98.05 / 37 / 920 / 1993
382 / CTRDC / WULAN, QINGHAI JUNI / 9000 / 98.41 / 37.02 / 20 / 2000
383 / Contributed by Qin / QUMALAI, QINGHAI JU / 9000 / 96.08 / 33.48 / 1600 / 2002
384 / Contributed by Qin / ZHIDUO, QINGHAI JUN / 9000 / 96.17 / 33.43 / 1500 / 2002
385 / Contributed by Fang / ZHANGXIAN, GANSU / 9000 / 104.28 / 34.38 / 1630 / 2006
386 / Contributed by Fang / Kongtong / 9000 / 106.85 / 35.9 / 1630 / 2009
387 / Contributed by Fang / Xiaolong / 9000 / 106.22 / 34.75 / 1630 / 2009
388 / Contributed by Fang / zhuoni / 9000 / 104.02 / 34.43 / 1630 / 2010
389 / (Zhu et al., 2009) / Dunhua / 9000 / 127.53 / 42.27 / 1750 / 2001
390 / (Zhu et al., 2011a) / Qamdo / 9000 / 97.1 / 31.9 / 1440 / 2006
391 / (Zhu et al., 2011b) / Bomi / 9000 / 94.46 / 29.52 / 1385 / 2002
392 / (Xu et al., 2013) / Phu Leuy mountain / 9000 / 103.55 / 20.17 / 1605 / 2002
393 / (Thompson et al., 2006a) / Guliya / 8001 / 81.29 / 35.17 / 1602 / 1987
394 / (Thompson et al., 2003) / Guliya / 8001 / 81.29 / 35.17 / 1005 / 1984
395 / (Thompson et al., 2006a) / Dasuopu / 8001 / 85 / 28 / 1602 / 1992
396 / (Thompson et al., 2000) / Dasuopu / 8001 / 85 / 28 / 1005 / 1991
397 / (Henderson et al., 2006) / Belukha / 8001 / 86.34 / 49.48 / 1255 / 1975
398 / (Thompson et al., 2006i) / Puruogangri
Core1 / 8001 / 89.05 / 33.55 / 5 / 1994
399 / (Thompson et al., 2006i) / Puruogangri
Core2 / 8001 / 89.05 / 33.55 / 5 / 1994
400 / (Thompson et al., 2006i) / Puruogangri
Core2 / 8001 / 89.05 / 33.55 / 1602 / 1997
401 / (Thompson et al., 2006a) / Puruogangri / 8001 / 89.05 / 33.55 / 1602 / 1997
402 / (Thompson et al., 2006a) / Dunde / 8001 / 96.24 / 38.06 / 1607 / 1982
403 / (Thompson et al., 2003) / Dunde / 8001 / 96.24 / 38.06 / 1005 / 1981
404 / (Wang et al., 2006) / Malan / 8000 / 90.4 / 35.5 / 1129 / 1999
405 / (Ge et al., 2010) / Central east / 5001 / 105 / 32.5 / 1 / 1990
406 / (Ge et al., 2003) / Central East / 5001 / 112 / 32.5 / 15 / 1995
407 / (Ge et al., 2003) / Central East / 5001 / 112 / 32.5 / 1505 / 1995
408 / (Ge et al., 2010) / Southeast China / 5001 / 114.58 / 23.89 / 1470 / 1990
409 / (Ge et al., 2003) / Central East / 5001 / 112 / 32.5 / 15 / 1995
410 / (Ge et al., 2003) / Central East / 5001 / 112 / 32.5 / 1505 / 1995
411 / (Graham et al., 2011; Karspeck et al., 2012) / Kyoto / 5000 / 135.73 / 35.02 / 1401 / 2005
412 / (Mikami, 2008) / Tokyo / 5000 / 139.76 / 35.69 / 1721 / 2010
413 / (Wang et al., 2007) / Southwest China / 3001 / 108.5 / 25.17 / 1000 / 1990
414 / (Wang et al., 2007) / South China / 3001 / 110.5 / 24.6 / 1000 / 1990
415 / (Wang et al., 2007) / central east China / 3001 / 114 / 33.5 / 1000 / 1990
416 / (Wang et al., 2007) / East China / 3001 / 116 / 33 / 1000 / 1990
417 / (Wang et al., 2007) / North China / 3001 / 118 / 37.5 / 1000 / 1990
418 / (Yi et al., 2012) / north-central China-tem / 3000 / 111.5 / 37 / 1470 / 2002

The following list provides the data type codes. A ‘1’ at the end of the code number indicates less than annually resolved data. ‘3000’ indicates the composites reconstructions from multi-proxy records; ‘5000’ isthe historical records; ‘8000’ isthe ice cores; ‘9000’ is the tree ring width and tree-ring isotope data.