Peer support for people living with or at greater risk of type 2 diabetes
Beersheba-Living Well is a not-for-profit community organisation providing peer support and mentoring for people living with type 2 diabetes. We aim to bring residents together to raise awareness about diabetes and support those who have been diagnosed to better manage their own health needs.
You are invited to attend our FREE 'Living Well Diabetes Network' sessions for Hackney residents. These events, which are funded by Hackney Giving are aimed mainly at Older people, Black, Asian, minority Ethnic and Refugee people, as these groups are often more at risk of developing the condition. However, this is an inclusive service where any Hackney resident with an interest in type 2 diabetes is welcome to attend.
Sessions will take place on the same day every fortnight during the daytime and evenings from Wednesday 23 September from 10 am to 12 noon and then from 6 pm to 8 pm up until March 2016. Sessions will be held at Navarino Mansions Community Hall, Dalston Lane, E8 1LB. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please contact Rosemary Jawara for further information about dates, booking a place etc.
Mobile: 07972 603026.
These events have been funded through Hackney Giving
Together we can make a difference.
Peer support for people living with or at greater risk of type 2 diabetes
Beersheba-Living Well is a not-for-profit community organisation providing peer support and mentoring for people living with type 2 diabetes. We aim to bring residents together to raise awareness about diabetes and support those who have been diagnosed to better manage their own health needs.
You are invited to attend our FREE 'Living Well Club' for Hackney residents. These events, which are funded by London Borough Hackney are aimed mainly at Older people, Black, Asian, minority Ethnic and Refugee people, as these groups are often more at risk of developing the illness. However, this is an inclusive service where any Hackney resident with an interest in type 2 diabetes is welcome to attend.
Sessions will take place every fortnight commencing Monday 05 October up until 14 December from 6 pm until 8 pm, and will reconvene in the New Year on Thursday 4 January 2016 until 17 March from 10 am until 12 noon.
Sessions will be held at Navarino Mansions Community Hall, Dalston Lane, E8 1LB. Light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Rosemary Jawara for further information about dates, booking a place etc.
Mobile: 07972 603026.
These events have been funded through London Borough Hackney
Together we can make a difference.
Peer support for people living with or at greater risk of type 2 diabetes
Beersheba-Living Well is a not-for-profit community organisation providing peer support and mentoring for people living with type 2 diabetes. We aim to bring residents together to raise awareness about diabetes and support those who have been diagnosed to better manage their own health needs.
You are invited to attend a series of FREE 'Diabetes Awareness'seminarsfor Hackney residents. These events, which are funded by Lottery Funding are aimed mainly at Older people, Black, Asian, minority Ethnic and Refugee people, as these groups are often more at risk of developing the illness. However, this is an inclusive service where any Hackney resident with an interest in type 2 diabetes is welcome to attend.
These events will run for four weeks on Thursday 01, 08, 15 and 22 October from 10 am until 12 noon. Sessions will be held at Navarino Mansions Community Hall, Dalston Lane, E8 1LB. Light refreshments will be provided.
Please contact Rosemary Jawara for further information, booking a place etc.
Mobile: 07972 603026.
These events have been funded through Lottery Funding
Together we can make a difference.