Wiebke Ziebis

Assistant Professor

Department of Biological Sciences

Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography

Geobiology ProgramE-mail:

3616 Trousdale ParkwayPhone: (213) 821-1198

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371Fax: (213) 740-1198


Vordiplom (B.S.): Biological Sciences, University Kiel, Germany, 1990

Diplom (M.S.): Biological Science, MarineBiology, University Kiel & Institute for Marine Research (IFM) Kiel, 1992, Excellent

Thesis Advisor: Professor Gerhard Graf

Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.): University Bremen, Dept. of Geosciences & Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Dept. of Biogeochemistry, 1997, Summa Cum Laude

Thesis Advisor: Professor Bo Barker Jørgensen


Assistant Professor: Marine Environmental Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (2003 – )

Research Fellow: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Life Research Group and Marine Research Division. Fellowship awarded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) (2001 – 2002)

Research Scientist: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Department of Biogeochemistry (1999 – 2000)

Postdoctoral Researcher: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Department of Biogeochemistry. Project funded by the European Union (MAST: Marine Science and Technology) (1996 – 1998)

Research Scientist: GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences (1992)


  • Research Fellowship awarded by the DFG (German Research Foundation) (2001 – 2002)
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship awarded by the European Union in the MAST III Program (Marine Science and Technology) (1996 – 1999)


  • American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)
  • American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  • European Geophysical Union (EGU)
  • International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME)


  • General: Biogeochemistry and microbial ecology of the ocean floor.
  • Specific research areas: Sediment-animal-microbe interactions and their impacts on biogeochemical processes and ecosystem functioning; transport processes (diffusion, advection, convection) and their effects on microbial community structure and activity; biogeochemical processes and microbial communities in extreme environments (hydrothermal vents, methane seeps, oxygen minimum zones); transport of oxidants and microbial activity in the subsurface biosphere in oceanic ridge flanks.

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS (Published and in press):

*corresponding author

1undergraduate researcher in my lab

2graduate student whose advisor or co-advisor I was or am

3post-doctoral researcher in my lab

Bertics2, V.J. & W. Ziebis* (2010) Bioturbation and the Role of Microniches for Sulfate Reduction in Coastal Marine Sediments. Environmental Microbiology12(11): 3022-3034DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02279.x

Treude3, T. & W. Ziebis (2010) Methane oxidation in permeable sediments at hydrocarbon seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel, California. Biogeosciences 7: 3095-3108

Bertics2, V.J., Sohm, J. A., Treude3, T., Chow, C.-E., Capone, D.G., Fuhrman J. A., Ziebis*, W. (2010) Burrowing deeper into benthic nitrogen cycling: The impact of bioturbation on nitrogen fixation coupled to sulfate reduction. Marine Ecology Progress Series (Feature Article) 409: 1–15

Bertics2, V. J. & W. Ziebis* (2009) Biodiversity of benthic microbial communities in bioturbated coastal sediments is controlled by geochemical microniches. The ISME Journal (International Society for Microbial Ecology) 3: 1269–1285

Rathburn, A.E., Levin, L.A., Gieskes, J.M., Tryon, M., Martin, J.B., Pérez, M.E., Fodrie, F.J., Neira, C.E., , McMillan, P.A., Adamic, J., Kluesner, J., Ziebis, W. (2009) Geological and Biological Heterogeneity of the Aleutian Margin (2000-4800 m). Progress in Oceanography 80: 22–50

Fike, D.A., Gammon, C.L, Ziebis, W., Orphan, V.J. (2008) Micron-scale mapping of sulfur cycling across the oxycline of a cyanobacterial mat: a paired nanoSIMS and CARD-FISH approach. The ISME Journal (International Society for Microbial Ecology) 2: 749–759

Levin L.A., Ziebis W., Mendoza G.F., Growney V.A., Walter, S. (2006) In-situ Experiments on the Recruitment and Response of Methane-Seep Macrofauna to simulated sulfide concentrations. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 330 (1): 132–150

Ziebis, W. & R.R. Haese (2005) Interactions Between Fluid Flow, Geochemistry and Biogeochemical Processes at Methane Seeps. In: Coastal and Estuarine Studies 60: Macro and Microorganisms in Marine Sediments. Kristensen, E., Kostka J., Haese, R.R. (Eds.) American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.: 267–298

Duplessis M.R., Ziebis W., Gros O., Felbeck H. (2004) Respiration and nutritional strategies utilized by the gill endosymbiont and the host lucinid Codakia orbicularis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (7): 4144–4150

Levin L.A., Ziebis W., Mendoza G.F., Growney V.A., Tryon M.D., Brown K.M., Mahn, C., Gieskes J.M., Rathburn A.E. (2003) Spatial heterogeneity of macrofauna at northern California methane seeps: the influence of sulfide concentration and fluid flow. Marine Ecology Progress Series 265: 123–139

Rathburn,A.E., Pérez,E.M., Martin, J.B., Day,S., Mahn,C., Gieskes,J., Ziebis, W. (2003) Relationships between the distribution and stable isotopic signatures of living foraminifera and cold seep biogeochemistry in Monterey Bay, California. G3 Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 4 (12): 1–28

Sievert2, S.M., Ziebis, W., Kuever, J., Sahm, K. (2000) Relative abundance of Archaea and Bacteria along a thermal gradient of a shallow-water hydrothermal vent quantified by rRNA slot-blot hybridization. Microbiology 146 (6): 1287–1293

Dando, P.R., Aliani, S., Arab, H., Bianchi, C.N., Brehmer, M., Cocito, S., Fowler, S.W., Gundersen, J., Hooper, L.E., Kölbl, R., Kuever, J., Linke, P., Makropoulos, K.C., Meloni, R., Miquel, J.C., Morri, C., Müller, S., Robinson, C., Schlesner, H., Sievert2, S.M., Stöhr, R., Stüben, D., Thomm, M., Varnavas, S.P., Ziebis, W. Hydrothermal studies in the Aegean Sea. Physics & Chemistry of the Earth, Part B - Hydrology Oceans & Atmosphere. 25 (1): 1–8

Sievert2, S.M., Brinkhoff, T., Muyzer, G., Ziebis, W., Kuever, J. (1999) Spatial heterogeneity of bacterial populations along an environmental gradient at a shallow submarine hydrothermal vent near Milos Island (Greece). Applied & Environmental Microbiology 65 (9): 3834–3842

Ziebis, W., Pillen, T., Unger, B. (1998) A diver observatory for in-situ studies in sublittoral sediments. Underwater Technology 23(2): 63–69

Huettel, M., Ziebis, W., Forster, S., Luther, G.W. (1998) Advective transport affecting metal and nutrient distribution and interfacial fluxes in permeable sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (4): 613–631

Aliani, S., Bianchi, N., Cocito, S., Dando, P.R., Niemeyer, A., Peirano, A., Ziebis, W. (1998): A map of seagrass meadows in Paleochori bay (Milos island, Aegean Sea), a marine area with hydrothermal activity. Rapport de la Commission International Mer Méditerranée 35: 512–513

Robinson, C., Ziebis, W., Müller, S., Eichstaedt, K., Dando, P.R., Linke, P., Varnavas S., Megalovasilis P., Panagiotaras D. (1997) In situ investigations of shallow water hydrothermal vent systems, Milos, Aegean Sea. Underwater Technology 23(2): 85-100

Forster, S., Huettel, M., Ziebis, W. (1996)Impact of boundary layer flow on oxygen utilization in coastal sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 143 (1-3): 173–185

Huettel, M., Ziebis, W., Forster S. (1996) Flow-induced uptake of particulate matter in permeable sediments. Limnology & Oceanography. 41(2): 309–322

Ziebis, W., Forster, S., Huettel, M., Jørgensen, B.B. (1996) Complex burrows of the mud shrimp Callianassa truncata and their geochemical impact in the seabed. Nature 382: 619–622

Ziebis, W., Huettel, M., Forster, S. (1996b) Impact of biogenic sediment topography on oxygen fluxes in permeable seabeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 140 (1-3): 227–237

Linke, P., Suess, E., Torres, M., Martens, V., Rugh, W.D., Ziebis, W., Kulm L.D. (1994) In situ measurements of fluid flow from cold seeps at active continental margins. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers. 41 (4): 721–739


Ziebis, W. (1992) The impact of the macrofauna on bottom-near particle transport, experiments in a flow-channel. (Diplom, M.S. thesis). Berichte aus dem Sonderforschungsbereich 313: Veränderungen der Umwelt - der nördliche Nordatlantik. 37: 1–83

Ziebis, W. (1998) The impact of the thalassinidean shrimp Callianassa truncata on the geochemistry of permeable, coastal sediments (Dissertation, Ph.D. thesis). Bericht, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen 113: 1–158


Date: January, 2011