Saftey of Use Message Shock Mounts 5-10kW TQG Sets
Tools Needed:
A. Shock Mounts - 3/4" or 19mm open end wrench and a 3/4" or 19mm socket and ratchet in a 1/2"drive, plus a ft-lbs torque bar.
B. Batteries and Terminal Lugs - 1/2" or 13 mm open end wrench.
1. Shut down generator set. Refer to 5kW TM-9-6115-641-24 &24P or 10kW TM 9-6115-642-24 & 24P.
2. Open all doors both side and back.
3. Remove both batteries and battery trays, using care in disconnecting the battery terminal lugs.
4. Remove the air cleaner assembly, leaving the air cleaner straps intact.
5. Using the two manuals above (Figure 23), remove the shock mount bolt, nut and washer from the generator mounts.
6. Place a 4"x4"x4" block of wood inside the right rear door and using a steel pry bar, lift the generator housing to remove the shock mounts (Safety Pre-caution: Place a 4"x4"x4" piece of wood under the generator housing while removing and installing the shock mounts.)
1. Install the shock mounts, making sure the snubber washers are installed on both the top and bottom of the shock mounts.
2. Torque the mount bolts to 45 ft-lbs.
3. Reinstall the battery trays and batteries, making sure the battery terminals and terminal lugs are clean,
4. Reinstall the air clearer assembly.
5. Start engine and check out set. The modification is now complete and the generator can be returned to service.