20th July 2016

Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Warooka Memorial Hall, 1 Player Street, Warooka:

commenced at 7:30pm.


Joan Bannon, Steph Ball, Anthony Hart, Jane Lavery, Andrew Bannon.


Jo Forbes.


Joan opened the meeting, and welcomed everyone.


1.  Amendments to Previous Minutes.

2.  Oval BBQ.

3.  Dawn Service 2016: Legacy Club of Adelaide: re: 2016 Warooka Dawn Service Donation.

4.  Community Buildings:

4.1  Use of Consulting Rooms by Others;

4.2  Museum Cell Block.

5.  New Toilet at Warooka Oval Camp Site – Dump Point & CMCA.

6.  Town Centre Project:

6.1 Yorketown Area School Tech Studies Metal Sculpture;

6.2 Town Triangle Seats;

6.3 Information Board Shelter;

6.4 Windmill Fence Screening - Plants.

7.  Website.

8.  Equipment Storage Shed.

9.  Flag Lighting.

10.  Hall AV.

11.  New Fundraising Events.


1.  Amendments to Previous Minutes:

1.1 Business Arising From Minutes; 11.4: Should read Janice & Joyleen, not Janice & Theresa;

1.2 General Business; 2.: Should read 15th anniversary, not 25th.

2.  Oval BBQ: Anthony said he’d contacted Richie Tape for electrical disconnection of the BBQ. Jane suggested the equipment be turned off at the circuit box located on the end wall of the Sports Club Toilet Block. Andrew mentioned again that responsibility for the area may be better served by the Western United Sports & Community Club.

3.  Dawn Service 2016 Legacy Club of Adelaide Donation: see 7a. Correspondence: Received: 16., below.

4. Community Buildings:

4.1 Use of Consulting Rooms by Others: Barbarella decided against renting the space. See also ANY OTHER BUSINESS 2. below.

4.2 Museum Cell Block: To be reported to the next Committee after the AGM.

5. New Toilet at Warooka Oval Camp Site – Dump Point: CMCA accepted our application. We have received the Dump Point and the signs. Anthony will arrange the installation. In process.

6. Town Centre Project:

6.1 Yorketown Area School Tech Studies Metal Sculptures; They will be considered by the next Committee after the AGM.

6.2 Town Triangle Seats: In process.

6.3 Information Board Shelter: Underway.

6.4 Windmill Fence Screening – Plants:

6.5 Following the recent storm and removal of the trees, the committee discussed concepts for the area, including:-

·  the need to develop a concept design and to liaise with Mick Cartwright, YPC over the planning;

·  the installation (or not) of a playground;

·  the need to develop Terms of Reference to inform a community consultation process;

·  traffic calming designs for Rachel Street;

·  the idea of installing fitness/exercise equipment;

·  keeping the development simple and economic;

·  focussing the area for community/family use.

6.6 Joan, Steph, Jane and Andrew subsequently met with Mick Cartwright prior to the meeting, and reported a ‘mud map’ needs to be drawn. Andrew presented a ‘not-to-scale’ template. The Committee discussed a range of ideas, with examples presented. Final decisions go to the 2016-17 Committee. See GENERAL BUSINESS 3., below.

7. Website: Undiscussed – to the 2016-17 Committee.

8. Equipment Storage Shed: Letters asking for support have been sent to Warooka Bowling Club and Western United Sports & Community Club. The issue is on-going; to the 2016-17 Committee.

9. Flag Lighting: We are still awaiting Council’s response; to the 2016-17 Committee.

10. Hall AV: Steph announced we have been awarded a $5,000 grant from Community SA for the purchase of equipment, including a digital projector, projection screen and sound equipment. It was agreed Aaron be asked to recommend appropriate items. The meeting expressed its appreciation to Alison Barrett and Kristin for their success with the application. Equipment specifications and prices have been sought, and Steph reported that the grant won’t cover all the items on our Wish List. For example, Andrew priced large good quality projection screens (with/without remote control motorised retraction) between $1,500 and $8,000. Digital screens were more expensive. We discussed prioritising items, in order to build the system in stages, as becomes affordable. Therefore, it goes to the 2016-17 Committee.

11. New Fundraising Events: Several ideas were discussed, including:-

11.1 Film Night: With the success for the Hall AV grant, Steph discussed a concept for digitising archival local home movies. The Museum and local residents have several reels of Super 8, which could be converted for public showing and safer storage. The cost for 50 feet, translating to approximately 5 minutes is $60. Steph will follow up with the Museum Committee. The meeting was enthusiastic about the idea.

11.2 Motor Rally: Anthony reported that informal feedback for this idea has been positive. The committee would like to develop it further.

11.3 Raffle: Jo is following up the protocols with Council.

11.4 2017 Calendar: Steph proposed we produce a 2017 Warooka Calendar, depicting an historical theme, “Then & Now”. It would contrast old photos of Warooka with recent shots. The cost for a minimum run of 100 was discussed, and the committee agreed the project would be worthwhile.

11.5 There being a large amount of other business, Items 11.1 – 11.4 weren’t discussed. They will be considered by the 2016-17 Committee.

MOTION: That the Minutes of the previous meeting be accepted.



1.  Steph Ball: re: Lions Club International ‘Community 100’ program; grants for community projects.

2.  Melanie Little (): re: Condition of street benches (1).

3.  Emily Smith, CMCA: re: Countersigned Agreement and Dump Point Approval.

4.  Marilyn Mensforth, YPC: re: Museum/Consulting Rooms Final Readings – Utilities.

5.  Kristin Murdock: re: DVA Grant success.

6.  Steph Ball: re: Hall AV Grant received.

7.  YP Tourism: re: New Fishing Guide.

8.  Mary Herrmann, YPC: re: Heath Black – Yorketown Community Event (1).

9.  Jackie Reddaway, YPC: re: Council Agenda June 2016.

10.  YP Tourism: re: 2016 YP Tourism Awards Gala Night Reminder – Ardrossan Town Hall, 22nd June, 6:30 pm.

11.  Melanie Little (): re: Condition of street benches (2).

12.  Mary Herrmann, YPC: re: Heath Black – Yorketown Community Event (2).

13.  Rosemary Daller: re: Property transfer update.

14.  Letitia Dahl-helm, YPC: re: KAB Beverage Container Recycling Grants.

15.  YP Tourism: re: Tourism e-News, June 2016.

16.  Letitia Dahl-helm, YPC: re: Waste Skip Offer for Marine Debris Collection.

17.  Bobbi Pertini, YPC: re: Warooka Council Office Security Arrangements.

18.  YP Tourism: re: Media Release – 2016 YP Tourism Awards.

19.  YP Tourism: re: YP Tourism Awards - Survey.

20.  Melanie Little (): re: Condition of street benches (3).

21.  Jackie Reddaway, YPC: re: Council Agenda July 2016.

22.  Steph Ball: re: Warooka Town Centre – Mick Cartwright’s follow-up.

23.  YP Tourism: re: YP Tourism Conference & Tourism Committee Nominations.

24.  Steph Ball: re: RV Friendly Town endorsement.

25.  Steph Ball: re: Notice Board Systems.

26.  YP Tourism: re: YP Tourism Conference Registrations.

27.  Sandy Deakin, Hon. Sec., Legacy: re: Receipt of Dawn Service Donation & Thanks.

28.  YP Tourism: re: Tourism e-News, July 2016.


1.  Sandy Deakin, Legacy: re: ANZAC Day donation & cheque.

2.  Fiona Haselgrove, Principal, Yorketown Area School: re: Request for sponsorship for Men’s Health Week.

3.  Melanie Little (): re: Warooka street benches. (Reply to 7a.2. – (1).

4.  Rosemary Daller: re: Acknowledgement of Property transfer update.

5.  Steph Ball/Kristin Murdock: re: Forwarded KAB Beverage Container Recycling Grants.

6.  Steph Ball/Jo Forbes: re: Forwarded Waste Skip Offer for Marine Debris Collection.

7.  Executive Committee: re: Forwarded Warooka Council Office Security Arrangements.

8.  Melanie Little (): re: Condition of street benches (3) – process update.

9.  Marilyn Mensforth, YPC: re: Museum/Consulting Rooms; Signing Confirmation.

10.  Steph Ball/Jo Forbes: re: Fwd Emily Smith, CMCA: re: Agreement and dump point specifications.

11.  Warooka Bowls Club: re: Request for letter of support for erection of 4 bay shed.

12.  Western United Sports & Community Club: re: Request for letter of support for erection of 4 bay shed.

13.  YPC – via email: re: Request to hold a raffle forms and approvals required.


The Correspondence was tabled. The following items were discussed:-


2., 11., 20. Melanie Little (): re: Condition of street benches: This issue was discussed at length and a formal policy adopted. The cast-iron seats were purchased by the Association approximately 15 years old, and do not have ‘heritage’ status. Their condition is a product of natural aging. Steph proposed their replacement with bench seats of modern design and durable materials. She proposed that community members and families be approached to donate replacement seats, with an appropriately-worded brass plaque attached. It was agreed this be done by a ‘letterbox drop’. Also it was agreed that Steph propose available designs from which the Committee can choose.

MOTION: That the cast-iron seats be relocate to the Warooka Cemetery for the amenity of visitors, with replacement seats sponsored by community members.


Andrew will inform Melanie of the Committee’s decision.

13. Rosemary Daller: re: Property transfer update: We are waiting for Thiele & Co to complete the process.

14. Letitia Dahl-helm, YPC: re: KAB Beverage Container Recycling Grants: Pt Turton Progress, Wambana & Warooka Primary School have indicated interest in this project. Arrangements can be made once the schools’ 3rd term begins.

22. Steph Ball: re: Warooka Town Centre – Mick Cartwright’s follow-up: See GENERAL BUSINESS: 3. below.

24. Steph Ball: re: RV Friendly Town endorsement: This is still under consideration, therefore will go to the 2016-17 Committee.

25. Steph Ball: re: Notice Board Systems: These are being investigated. Final decisions will go to the 2016-17 Committee.


MOTION: That the Correspondence be accepted.



Steph presented the Financial Statement as at 30th June 2016.


1.  The Long Term Financial Plan 2014 – 2026 template was presented, showing how the process is to be developed. It will be considered by the next Committee after the AGM.

MOTION: That the Financial Report be accepted.



1.  AGM: Arrangements & setting of 2016 – 17 Subscription:

1.1 Please note the original date for this year’s AGM was August 17, however it is set for 24th August, giving an extra week to organise everything.

1.2 After discussion, it was agreed that the membership fee for 2016 – 17 should be set before the AGM.

MOTION: That the WPA Inc. membership subscription for 2016 – 17 be set at $5.00 per person.


(NB: The Constitution stipulates membership is open only to people 18 years of age or older.)

1.3 Steph, Jo & Andrew will arrange the requirements for the AGM in accordance with the Constitution.

2.  Flaherty’s Beach Sandbar Golf Classic and Family Fun Day 2017: It was agreed unanimously that Anthony chair the 2017 Organising Sub-committee. Andrew offered to organise the paperwork for the liquor licence, road closures, Yorke Peninsula Council, Yorketown Police, SAAS local Ambulance and Yorketown Hospital. The centralising of a cashier and use of a colour-coded ticket system for purchasing food, drinks, the golf, etc. was considered a good way to keep accurate accounts. The need to roster volunteers for set times on the bar and other tasks was also discussed.

3.  Warooka Town Centre Development Plan - Mud Map, Ideas and Public Consultations. Following discussions with Mick Cartwright, YPC, a concept plan (‘mud map’) needs to be drawn up to include ideas we wish to see developed. Reference to Mr. W. Baker’s original ‘village green’ concept was made, along with its uniqueness, as most local towns do not have a central public ‘common’. The Committee discussed the need for shade, ideas for trees, a BBQ area, seating, traffic calming/shared zone in Rachel Street, a safety barrier and footpath along Main Street and the maintaining of the area for flexible use and events. Final decisions go to the 2016-17 Committee. See BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6.5 & 6.6, above.


1. Information Board Shelter – Fascia Board Design: Anthony suggested the facia board would lend itself to a logo and welcome-type sign to enhance the structure.

MOTION: That we decorate the Shelter facia with the Progress logo and a welcome to Warooka sign.


2. Consulting Rooms Hire – Centrelink: Steph told the meeting Centrelink had approached us to hire the rooms for a day and a half to conduct interviews. The meeting was pleased the rooms are being used.

MOTION: That we charge Centrelink $50 per day for the use of the rooms.


3. Warooka Dollars – Motion from May meeting: The presentation of the vouchers to Russell Fleming (agreed at the May meeting) hasn’t happened. Steph will follow up.


Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, 24th August 2016, at 7:30pm

in the Council Chambers, Warooka Memorial Hall, 1 Player Street, Warooka.

MEETING CLOSE: The meeting closed at 10:18 pm.

Minutes 20/07/2016 Page 4 of 4