PRESENT Cllr. Colin Please (Chairman) Cllr Colin Ivison
Cllr Moira Trigger Cllr Colin Wells
Cllr Monica Raynor
APOLOGIES Cllr Ian Please
IN ATTENDANCE Cllr Derek Button, Cllr Ruth Burrow
Members of the Public
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Mary Rowe
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
04.64 MINUTES: The minutes of the previous Meeting of the Council, held on 13 September, 2004, having been previously circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.
04.65 MATTERS ARISING. Highways:
Clay Hill pot holes still have not been repaired – Highways to be contacted.
04.66 To receive a report from the Police.
September. 4 recorded crimes, namely 1 x burglary at South West Highways, Rockbeare Hill. 1 x theft from a motor vehicle at the Environment Agency premises near the Airport.
1 x theft of a caravan jockey wheel at Rockbeare Hill. 1 x theft of various equipment from a compound at South West Highways again, during the daytime. There were 15 recorded incidents.
October. 1x theft of plant equipment from the Environment Agency again near the Airport. 1 x theft of a jet ski and trailer at UGS Ltd, Rockbeare Hill. There were 14 recorded incidents.
04.67 To receive a report from County Cllr John Glanvill. There was no report as Mr Glanvill has been ill. It was the wish of the meeting that a card be sent to him wishing him a speedy recovery.
04.68 To receive a report from District Councillors Cllr Ruth Burrow and Cllr Derek Button. Both District Councillors have joined with Rockbeare Parish Council to appear at the Local Plan Inquiry commencing 16 November 2004. They thanked the Council for all the hard work undertaken in the preparation of the Proofs of Evidence. They also advised the Council that the District Council were looking at ways to cut £2M from their budget next year.
04.69 To deal with public questions raised. The question of communications with the village on Council Matters was raised. It is understood that Yer Tiz is no longer being published. This subject will be looked at to see what can be achieved. The meeting dates, minutes etc are available on the website.
1. Planning – to confirm the following:
Application no. 7/11/P2383/00139
Type of application Outline
Applicant Mr & Mrs Parnell
Location The Jack in the Green Inn
Proposal Renewal of unimplemented consent of demolition of skittle alley, extension and larger car park.
comment No objection
Application number 04/2723/TPO
Proposal Thin and reduce two oak trees, remove one limb from oak tree.
Location Brake View, Rockbeare Hill
Applicant Mr & Mrs Davis, Oaklands, Rockbeare Hill
Comment The council object to this application other than for work on dead, diseased or decaying wood. The applicant was aware of the trees (which were there before the house was built) when they recently bought the property. We are not aware that the owners of the trees have given their consent to this application.
Application number 04/2915/COU
Proposal Change of use – sale of used and new caravans and accessories.
Location former ESSO garage
Applicant Hillman Marine Transport Ltd
Comment The council object to this application as the site is not suitable for its use. This site is being used now and has been for many months with out planning permission,. The site is a former filling station; there is insufficient room for low loaders to enter and exit the site without holding up traffic on the London Road, again this has been going on for over a year and is unsatisfactory in road safety terms. This is a dangerous piece of road with several fatalities in the last few years. Also customer parking within the site is designated over a footpath which is used from this area by residents of the London Road to the post office in Rockbeare.
Decision Land at Southwood Farm, Rockbeare – recommend refusal of hedgerow notice.
Tanners farm Buildings – recommend refusal of planning permission for change of use of agricultural buildings for light commercial use/storage.
11 Rookswood Lane, conservatory – grant of planning permission.
Appeal decision – Land opposite the village Hall – appeal dismissed.
Affordable housing proposition – this was deferred
Devon County Minerals Local Plan - notice of Adoption
Devon Structure Plan 2001-2016 – notice of Adoption.
EDDC Local Plan Enquiry – The Council confirmed the decision to work with Councillors Ruth Burrow and Derek Button in a joint presentation at the Local Plan Inquiry which starts on 16 November, 2004 at the Sports Centre at Exmouth. The Proofs of Evidence for Sessions 1 to 21 have been prepared and sent to the Plan Office. Each Councillor has a copy of our Proofs. Councillor Monica Raynor is preparing a rota for Councillors to attend, and it was agreed that other people with particular expertise could also be part of the rota. The Expenses for attending the Inquiry were agreed – 49p per mile, car park charges and £7.00 for lunch. The costs so far for the Inquiry are £98.20 which covers paper, cartridges, photocopying and folders. These costs will appear under the relevant heading e.g. stationery, but a total cost of the Inquiry will also be kept.
04.70 Parish Council
1 Health and safety, - Children playing in the road by Rookswood, PC Tyrrell to have a word with the children’s parents.
2 Crime and Disorder –. An amount of rubbish was left in the Quarry Car Park. In the rubbish were some names and an address in Exeter. This information was given to the Environment Agency who presumably cleared the rubbish. Following a break in the Environment Agency have installed security lights at their premises near the airport. These lights are causing a problem to residents and they will be asked if they can be altered.
3 Councillor vacancies – There is still a vacancy on the council.
4 The Parish Field – A meeting was held with an EDDC officer, Alan Weeks, Cllr Colin Wells and the Clerk to look at the proposal to create a wildlife pond in the corner of the Parish Field. It was agreed that the site of the pond needed to be moved away from the edge of the field, that some of the trees recently planted should be relocated and that test pits should be dug to gauge the water holding properties of the area. Mr Weeks will mark the areas, then a small digger will be brought in to dig the pits, about two metres deep, a land drain inserted and the hole back filled to make the holes safe. Cllr Wells will liase with Cllr C. Please to prepare the holes. At the same time holes will be made at the field entrance for gate posts, for a gate that has kindly been donated to the project.
5 The Green, Birch End. – the gates will be fitted in due course by EDDC.
6 Rockbeare in Need Charity – The Rockbeare in Need Charity has been given permission to cease from 11 November, 2004. The monies will be divided between the School, the Church, and the two village halls.
7 Playground - the panels on the play equipment have been replaced by the manufacturers.
8 Remembrance Sunday – two wreaths were laid by the Parish Council one at the Church by Councillor Moira Trigger and one at the Marsh Green memorial by Councillor Colin Please. Maroons were used on the 11 November for the 2 minute silence – business and the school were notified before hand.
9 New Ethical Framework Regulations – to advise that local authority monitoring officers may carry out investigations into alleged breaches by members of their code of conduct which have been referred to them by an ethical standards officer prior to his or her having carried out or concluded an investigation. – noted.
10 Parish Remuneration Panel – next meeting will be held on 1 December when a representative of the Council will attend.
11 A Draft Budget was considered and a revised Council Budget for 2005/06 will presented at the next meeting.
12 Emergency Plan – it was agreed to hold a meeting of the Emergency Committee.
04.71 Consultations – Unlocking Exmouth – the Clerk to respond.
04.72 Outside Bodies – DAPC AGM. Cllr Colin Please attended on behalf of the Council. He advised the Council that the subscriptions were agreed with an increase of 71/2%. There was a strong emphasis on training for clerks and councillors and communications.
Village Hall Committee – Councillor Monica Raynor attended and advised the meeting that there were some committee member changes. Following advice the committee are forming a Community Club committee in order to run the bar facilities at the village hall.
Clyst Vale Group – the next meeting will be on Thursday 25 November at Ottery St Mary 7.3-pm
04.73 To consider items for payment;
· Cheque list 4
Payees name / Chq. No. / Details / Amount
Mrs M Rowe / 675 / Stationery / 44.32
inkjets / 100.64 / 144.96
Ms N Liddell / 676 / replacement cheque / 55.00
Mr. C Wells / 677 / Local Plan photocopying / 9.73
British Legion / 678 / Poppy wreath / 30.00
Mrs M Rowe / 679 / Mr A Weeks Tree conference / 10.00
Mrs M Rowe / 680 / Virus checker / 29.04
Mr R Rowe / 681 / Telephone / 38.78
Rent / 33.99
less / -52.80 / 19.97
Mrs M Rowe / 682 / Salary and back dated salary / 523.52
Rockbeare School / 683 / Rockbeare in Need Charity / 350.00
Marsh Green Village Hall / 684 / Rockbeare in Need Charity / 350.00
Rockbeare Church / 685 / Rockbeare in Need Charity / 350.00
· to sign cheques – agreed.
04.74 To receive such items, by permission of the Chairman, to stand without discussion until the next meeting of the Council. – there were none
Date of next meeting -17 January at Marsh Green Village Hall.
Part 11
Staff annual pay review – the report was adopted and it was agreed that the recommendations made by NALC and SLCC be adopted by this Council.
Meeting closed at 10.20 pm