Company Profiles and Reports

Hoover's Company Reports
Hoover's provides information on 16.5 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 43,000 public and non-public U.S. and international companies. Company information includes an overview and fact sheet, people, products and operations, history, industry information and competitors, news, financials, and SEC filings. Searchable by company, industry, and geographic region; summary reports with limited data available free online.

Company Reports, Profiles, and Contact Lists
This site provides access to company research from hundreds of sources. Reports include company profiles, contact lists, and information on corporate structure and business operations.

D&B Company Lookup / Prospect Lists
D&B Sales & Marketing Solutions database allows users to lookup specific companies or generate a prospect list based on type of company, location, industry, annual sales, number of employees, and other criteria.

D&B Company Profiles
D&B Company Profiles provide information on more than 14 million public and private U.S. businesses. Records contain company name, address, phone number, SIC codes, products, intercompany relationships, annual sales volume, executive names and titles, and more.
D&B Business and Credit Reports
D&B U.S. Business and Credit Reports provide information on public and private companies. Information available includes: line(s) of business and primary and secondary SIC codes; special events such as acquisitions, changes in ownership, and bankruptcies; D&B credit rating and payment patterns; recent financial history and public lien filings; business history, ownership, and key principals; overview of operations and customer base; intercompany relationships; number of employees; and a description of facilities and location.
ThomasNet is a free directory of industrial manufacturers, distributors, and service providers that is searchable by product, service, company, or brand name. The online database contains more than 67,000 product and service categories and over 650,000 distributors, manufacturers, and service companies. Available free online.

Merger and Acquisition Transaction Data

BIZCOMPS® Small Business Sales Transaction Database
Database includes over 9,600 small business sales with 20 searchable fields of information in each record. Primary focus is on small businesses priced at less than $1 million. Available in print, CD-ROM, or online versions.
IBA Market Database
Database includes over 30,000 sales of closely held businesses in more than 725 SIC codes. Access by individual SIC code for IBA members only.
Done Deals Online
Database contains transaction details for more than 7,200 private and public mid-market companies sold for purchase prices between $1 million and $1 billion, with approximately 79% of the selling companies being privately owned.
Pratt's Stats Database
Database provides comparable sale information on private business sales ranging in deal price from under $1 million to over $7 billion. Includes over 9,400 transactions in 700 SIC codes and 840 NAICS codes, with up to up to 81 fields highlighting financial and transactional details.



Sourcing the Deals
Doing Due Diligence
Valuing the Companies
Structuring the Term Sheet or LOI
Negotiating Transaction Terms / Doing the Definitive Agreement
Doing Post Merger Integration
Entity Corporate Governance
A Tool to Analyze The M&A Deal
Post Deal Consolidation Model