AIRS 2008 Work Plan: October Update
This document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2008 as approved by the AIRS Board on January 22, 2008. Over the course of the year, some additional projects emerge and are added to the work plan. Green highlight indicates changes since the last update in July.
Responsibility / Objectives/Deliverables and StatusBoard/Executive Committee
Chair: Jamie Moore
Georgia Sales, Richard Stahl, Tim Sylvia, Roberto Armijo, Faed Hendry / Overall objective
To exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Vice President. To coordinate activities of AIRS Committees
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To monitor the goals of the new AIRS strategic plan for AIRS.
Status/Activities: Strategic planning chart received from consultant and reviewed by related AIRS committees. Both AIRS Executive and Affiliates suggested that the process needed some ‘wrap up’ at the May meetings and this was completed.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To enhance Board and Committee recruitment through the implementation of recommendations from AIRS Executive Committee and Board.
Status/Activities: Only 2 people appointed to Board in May in order to allow time to implement suggested changes in nominations and selection process following Board Development session at the May Board meeting. A Board Development Committee was created and held its first meeting in September.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To monitor the performance of STAT against contractual responsibilities and to update the Board on results (including conducting membership customer service surveys in March and October)
Status/Activities:First membership satisfaction survey undertaken in April. 28% Extremely Satisfied with AIRS services over past 6 months (compared to 16% in October 2007 and 7% in April 2006); 56% Very Satisfied (compared to 56% in October 2007 and 60% in April 2006); 16% Somewhat Satisfied (compared with 21% in October 2007 and 29% in April 2007; and 3% Dissatisfied (compared to 4% in October 2007 and 3% in April 2006).New survey will be undertaken in mid-October.
To develop new contract with STAT by December 2009 (begin discussing issues earlier)
Staff support: Clive Jones / To conduct annual review of By-Laws
Status/Activities:Initial assessment complete. Following Board discussion, an ad hoc committee was formed to produce a recommendation which is ready for approval at the next Board meeting.Meeting held and final changes ready for Board consideration.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To encourage and facilitate the continued development of 211US in partnership with the United Way of America, the 2-1-1 Leadership Council and all 2-1-1 providers.
Status/Activities: Attended regular teleconference planning meetings for 211 US and face-to-face meeting in Indianapolis in April and Seattle in September. Participated fully in drafting of documents and other partner responsibilities. Oversaw re-launch of web site and the creation of web sites in partnership with UWA.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To address any issues relating to AIRS name, logo, trademark, copyright.
Status/Activities: Talked with attorney regarding the use of “AIRS” by another organization that is in a totally separate filed, but causes some confusion as they do Certification and training. It was decided we would continue to monitor and to not take any action at this time.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To ensure that all legal requirements for non-profit corporate registration are undertaken:
- D&O Insurance (February)
- General Liability Insurance (February)
- Corporate Tax Filing (May without extension, November with extension)
- Annual Incorporation Report to Arizona Corporate Commission (October)
Staff support: Clive Jones / To create a new web presence for AIRS through a system that integrates online membership database management with online communications and service delivery
Status/Activities: Structural work complete; data and pages loaded; design template complete. Waited until end of Conference and membership activity to transfer membership database which is currently underway.Final data transfer being organized by STAT and vendor and should be complete by mid-October.
Human Resources Committee
(The Executive Committee will absorb the functions of the Human Resources Committee) / Overall objective
To oversee implementation of recommendations on current personnel issues and to address issues related to staff recruitment, training, evaluation and support, and contract employees.
Board Support: Tim Sylvia / To analyze need and possible options for the creation of a new AIRS “Executive/Resource Director” type position.
Status/Activities: Task group looking at issue; budget decision not to implement any changes in 2008. Complete.
Resource Development Committee
(The Executive Committee will continue to absorb the functions of the Resource Development Committee) / Overall objective
A standing Resource Development Committee shall be appointed by the president. It shall have the responsibility for identifying potential sources of revenue for AIRS and training other members of the board in fund development.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To monitor federal grant project opportunities (with input from Public Policy Committee and Matz Blancato & Associates)
Status/Activities: RFP issued to assess interest of individuals to develop funding proposals.
To recognize support of Dammann Foundation for I&R
Status/Activities:Final report and two separate letters of thanks sent to Dammann Foundation. Complete.
To pursue foundation and other grant possibilities, Patricia Jordan was hired to identify prospects for grants related to AIRS credentialing programs and to develop specific proposal.
Status/Activities: Initial research underway. Draft baseline proposal complete. Discussions under way with certain Affiliates re: potential joint approaches.
Public Policy Committee
Chair: Richard Stahl
Members: Joan Phelps, Kathleen McHarg, Linda Daily, Lucinda Nord, Roberto Armijo, Theresa Lambert / Overall objective
To develop a national presence for AIRS that develops Federal relationships and enhances the potential to secure major funding on behalf of AIRS members.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council and 2-1-1 Leadership Council
Staff support: Charlene Hipes
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To implement terms of 2008 contract with consultants to include deliverables/initiatives and timeframes. Also to develop contract for 2009
Status/Activities: Ongoing
To identify key legislation and departments relevant to I&R and to develop relationships with staff, politicians and other national organizations (with input from other AIRS Committees where required)
Status/Activities: Per our 2008 agreement with Matz & Blancato six formal contacts will be conducted in 2008 with a federal agency (DHHS, DHS, etc., to inform about AIRS/I&R and explore funding/programmatic relationship.
To identify key areas on which position statements need to be created and to develop concepts on how to create those policies and quickly make those decisions when required.
Status/Activities: Position statement on non-political nature of I&R complete and approved.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain or develop relationships with national associations (AAS, ALA, CAN, Contact USA, FEMA, NACCRRA, NENA) whose members provide specialized I&R or related work (with communication to other AIRS Committees).
Status/Activities: Thanks to several members, we have a very strong relationship with a FEMA rep who is helping us spread the word about AIRS to others in FEMA; Jamie and Larry continue to serve on the CAN Steering Committee and Jamie met with the new staff person at CAN to educate him about AIRS; Clive has had several conversations with AARP on how we can support each other; AIRS was invited to present a workshop at the National Humane Society conference on how I&R can help in times of disaster; Charlene has had several conversations with Contact USA and National Travelers Aid regarding how we can support each other and we are trying to set up a time to meet. Marianne continues to represent AIRS with NENA NG911 Committee. We are in the process of transitioning attendance at those meetings to Bob Blancato.
Micki attended one day of the NENA conference. Larry represented AIRS at a CDC workshop on Pandemic Flu.
To redevelop relationship with military and understand any new circumstances
Status/Activities: Greg Case of AoA has been having conversations with DOD and we were asked to do a briefing on I&R/211 and how we can support returning vets.
To assist in the passage of the I&R Resolution and plan related activities for at the national and local level.
Status/Activities: H Res 895 has secured a sponsor in the House and is slowly gathering support in Congress. Information has been set up to members to help them encourage their representatives to sign on. More work need to be done to animate members.
Provide at least one workshop at the 2008 AIRS Conference related to Legislative Advocacy.
Status/Activities: Complete
Begin planning efforts and identify related costs for hosting a Day on the Hill in 2009.
Membership Committee
Chair: Nancy Findeisen
Members: Mel Favor, Sharon Doner, Cathleen Kelly, John Plonski, Tim Sylvia / Overall objective
To provide input to the Board of Directors and guidance to the staff on internal and external communications, organizational image, and marketing of products and services.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Status/Activities: With Doug Frank leaving the Board in May, Nancy Findeisen agreed to be the new chair. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes, Moayad Zahralddin, Sharon Galler and Clive Jones / To generate gross membership revenue of $297,000 with an approximate breakdown of 570 members at $50; 240 at $250; 200 at $350; 240 at $500 and 10 at $750 for a total of 1,260 members
Status/Activities:As of July 25th, have achieved gross membership revenue of $303,000 with an approximate breakdown of 531 members at $50; 121 at $250; 162 at $350; 348 at $500 and 16 at $750 for a total of 1,178 membersComplete.
To ensure (until the “new” site is completed) that the AIRS web site is updated within budget parameters to ensure membership information is readily accessible
Status/Activities: Ongoing
To conduct 2 mailings or contacts (via email, fax and/or mail) to AIRS members each month
Status/Activities:Complete to date (averaging 2-3 per month)
To conduct I&R salary survey update for members (April).
Status/Activities: Complete.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To continue to market accreditation to non-accredited 211 agencies and to other possible agencies
Status/Activities:Self-assessment document sent to all 211 services that are not yet accredited
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To promote Affiliate conferences and to share their content/programs; and when requested by the Affiliate, ensure that Board members or staff are able to attend.
Status/Activities: Undertaken survey of Affiliate conferences and encouraging cross-promotion of events. Listing Affiliate Conferences more clearly on new web site.
Staff support: Clive Jones / To update Products and Service Price List (February)
Status/Activities: Complete.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To promote use of Tele-Interpreters service amongst AIRS members in response to new contract from $1.54 per minute to 1.30 per minute (e.g. encourage Affiliates to spread word)
Status/Activities: Information on web site. However, Tele-Interpreters was taken over by its main competitor Language Line. Sine May, no new contracts are being honored at the AIRS rate. Attempts have been made to obtain firm information regarding the situation but business is in flux. But no reports on service problems.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To complete Annual Report
Staff Support: Dick Manikowski/Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To ensure that the annual edition of the AIRS Journal is published electronically in 2008.
Status/Activities: Will be released in October.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To market a “conference greatest hits” CD of workshop PowerPoint presentations (organized according to Tracks but minus the Aging Track)
Status/Activities: Orders taken as part of the Conference Registration form and filled after Conference. 98 orders in total. Complete.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To maintain online membership directory in its current form (i.e. June update).
Status/Activities:New web site will contain automatic online membership directory. Awaiting membership loading in 2-3 weeks time.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones /
I&R Toolkit
To ensure that best practices information is secured from the Accreditation review process and to implement the process to update the contentStatus/Activities:Section transferred to new web site and new material added when provided
To promote the Toolkit to eligible AIRS members to encourage its use
Status/Activities: New web site will make this feature much more accessible and in the radar of members.
To evaluate future of 211 Toolkit
Status/Activities: Information moved to new web site but needs to be subjected to a peer review to ensure continued relevance.
Staff Support: Moayad Zahralddin, Clive Jones /
To promote ABCs to non-members and to those members who are outside of the higher membership tiers at a base price of $450 for an electronic/print version, for a total value of $7,000.Status/Activities:$6,700 in sales generated in first half but ABCs have also helped Enhanced membership increase by 20% over budget. Complete.
Staff Support: Hannah Newton and Charlene Hipes / AIRS Newsletter
To produce and distribute 11 editions of the AIRS newsletter and advise on content (focus on news, membership information and human interest stories)
Status/Activities:Complete to date
To secure newsletter advertising to the value of $500
Status/Activities:Nothing obtained to date
Standards Committee
Chair: Faed HendryMembers: Beth Wick, Cathleen Kelly, Anne Forgoros, Fred Koss, Georgia Sales, Linda Daily, Randy Nicklaus, Bob McKown, Charlotte McHenry / Overall objective
The Standards Committee shall establish Standards which define the expected practices within the field of I&R and provide guidelines that communities or other jurisdictions can utilize in developing an I&R program. This is an umbrella committee as the Accreditation and Certification Committees are essentially sub-Committees of Standards. The Standards Committee is a “closed” Committee as per the recommendations of the Hamm Report.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Status/Activities:Greg Case at AoA helped to identify a new representative from the aging field. Complete.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/ Clive Jones / To hold annual meeting to allow Committee to discuss issues surrounding next edition of Standards, including the accreditation against those Standards
To publish Version 6.0 of the AIRS Standards.
Status/Activities:Final draft complete. Reviewed by Board and Affiliates. Currently with entire field for review. Specialized assessments undertaken and aging sector and 2-1-1.
To explore the process of having the AIRS Standards accepted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
To develop national problem/need categories:
Status/Activities: Complete.
Accreditation Committee
Chair: Bob McKownMembers: Debby Thornton, Georgia Sales, Lynne Engel, Roberto Armijo, Micki Thompson / Overall objective
The Accreditation Committee shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to develop and implement a formal detailed accreditation process. The Accreditation Committee shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for the accreditation program. The Accreditation Committee shall establish standards at a quality level that is appropriate for supporting broad improvements in I&R programs without presenting unrealistic barriers for future potential applicants in terms of compliance issues.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council who are with Accredited agencies
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To complete 20 accreditation applications
Status/Activities: 15 have been completed to date, and there are 7 in the queue for site visits.
To acquire 24 new/renewing applications with a revenue target of $100,000
Status/Activities:As of August, income of $53,000 and 14 new/renewing applicants
To recruit and train 6 new onsite review team members
Status/Activities: 3 new people have agreed to be trained as review team members.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To review and amend the accreditation process and criteria in accordance with the next version of the Standards, and in particular the concept of a ‘weighted’ scale of compliance.
Status/Activities: Work cannot begin until new Standards complete
Certification Committee
Chair: Cathleen KellyMembers: Anne Fogoros, Dana Long, Debbie Fagin, Edwina Reddick-Scott, Georgia Sales, Jacky Roddy, Joseph Amoroso, Maurine Strickland, Roberto Armijo, Stephanie Norrick, Bernice Hutchinson / Overall objective
The Certification Committee shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to design, implement and maintain a formal detailed Certification process. The Certification Committee shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for each Certification program. The Certification Committee shall utilize national benchmarks for professional certification programs as well as quality benchmarks desirable for certification programs relied upon by external stakeholders, mandated in AIRS accreditation, and linked to a 2-1-1 approval process.
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff Support: Clive Jones /Maria LeDoux / To acquire 600 new applicants and 500 applicants for re-certification