Notes on Archive Items Reviewed National Archives, Edinburgh – Company Minutes
Ref. / Entry / Date / Topic / Text //1-27 / 880 / 1882/07/05 / Plant Replacement / The GM reported the number and description of Plant waiting for Replacement, and authority was given to ask for tenders (BoD)
/1-27 / 882 / 1882/07/05 / Parcel Post / Mr Thompson reported that the Railway companies have come to an arrangement with the Post Office (Conditionally on approval), the Railway Companies to receive 55% of receipts and the Post Office 45% (BoD)
/1-27 / 889 / 1882/07/05 / Locomotive Superintendent / Read Mr Drummond’s letter acknowledging receipt of his appointment as Locomotive Superintendent (BoD)
/1-27 / 915 / 1882/07/18 / Dubs & Co / Read correspondence with this firm as to the non-delivery of 5 Locomotives before the Fair Holiday.
Mr Brittain to see Ms Dubs & Co and get some definitive information as to their proposed delivery. (Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / 1882/07/25 / Tenders for Wagons / Accept Ms Claye:
80 8 ton Goods Wagons
30 Covered Wagons
30 Cattle Trucks
70 7 ton Mineral Wagons
Accept Ms Ashbury:
80 8 ton Goods Wagons
70 7 ton Mineral Wagons .(Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / 1882/08/22 / Old Locomotive Engines / Accept P&W Maclellans offer for:
Engine Nos 62, 69, 182, 294
Engine without Tender No 63
Tank Engine 527 .(Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / 1076 / 1882/09/05 / Gas for Carriages / Letters from peters accepting order to fit 50 Carriages for Gas Lighting.(Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / Tools for Locomotive Dept / Request Tenders (details not listed by JDM – the start of the Drummond era?)
/1-27 / 1261 / 1882/10/17 / Gas for Carriages / Letter from Pintsch’s offering to supply 6 double necked filling hose heads and 18 couplings, free of charge, to enable Pope’s Coaches to be gassed at Pintsch’s filling posts and vice versa (Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / 1263 / 1882/10/17 / Cattle Wagons / SI Claye’s letter asking liberty to complete the delivery of the remaining 10 wagons by 16th January 1883 instead of end of November 1882. (Loco & Stores)
Claye to be pressed to give delivery as soon as possible seeing we have given him the advances- all to be delivered not later than end of December.
/1-27 / 1302 / 1882/10/19 / Locomotive Works St Rollox / In relation to the intended extension of the works at St Rollox instructions were given to report the cost of the existing works as at this day, giving each one separately, including buildings, machinery and tools. The ground plan of the extension of St Rollox works was approved as far as it is shown. (BoD)
/1-27 / 1334 / 1882/11/01 / Locomotive Works St Rollox / Statement of cost of buildings and machinery at submitted.
Read Mr Drummond’s letter reporting on proposed improvements and additional accommodation at St Rollox and as to the mode of having the work executed. Relative plan submitted.
Read also draft of a letter to Mr Drummond from Mr Thompson in reply.
Resolved to approve generally of Mr Drummond’s proposals but to limit the expenditure to £60,000 and the Manager’s proposed reply was approved. (BoD)
/1-27 / 1402 / 1882/11/14 / Workshop at St Rollox / Chairman authorised to buy additional land required at 10/- per yard. (BoD)
/1-27 / 1441 / 1882/11/28 / Rolling Stock / Letter from Mr Drummond reporting that the Rolling Stock ordered to be fitted with Westinghouse Brake has been completed. He estimates the cost of fitting the remaining plant at £30,000 and recommends that £5000 be spent for this purpose each half year until the whole are completed.
Mr Drummond authorised to fit , with as much despatch as possible, plant to the amount of £5000.
He also recommends that certain numbers of Goods Engines, Passenger Engines, Carriages and Brake Vans be built by Contract to Revenue Account.
Tenders to be got for 15 Goods and 10 Passenger Engines to designs shown in each case. (Loco & Stores)
/1-27 / 1465 / 1882/11/28 / Mr Brittain / Mr Brittain’s letter expressing a wish to retire from the service of the company.
Resolved to accept with regret and to make him an allowance during the pleasure of the Board of £300 per annum in addition to the sum he is entitled from the Superannuation Fund (BoD)
/1-27 / 1473 / 1882/12/04 / Carriages in Replacement / Mr Drummond attended with plans of proposed Carriages.
Resolved that Mr Drummond ask for tenders for:
15 First Class, 35’6”, 5 compartments, 6 wheel
40 Third Class, 35’6”, 6 compartments, 6 wheel
5 Brake Vans, 4 wheel.
All charged to Revenue. (BoD)
/1-27 / 1548 / 1882/12/26 / Passenger and Goods Engines / Tenders opened, referred. (Margin Note added 27 Dec 1882)
Accept Neilson & Coy for 25 Engines @ £2900. (L& Stores)
/1-27 / 1609 / 1883/01/09 / Carriages and Brake Vans / Accept Brown Marshall : 40 Third Class Carriages
Accept Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon:
15 First Class Carriages
5 Brake Vans
/1-28 / 29 / 1883/02/06 / Wagon Wheels & Axles / Tenders for 100 sets of Wagon Wheels & Axles were opened but consideration delayed until information is obtained as to price for a larger quantity.(Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 57 / 1883/02/15 / Wagon Wheels & Axles / Accept Craven Bros & Co for 100 sets @ £24, delivered in 2 months, delivery to commence in 3 weeks (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 63 / 1883/02/20 / Old Engines and Tenders / Opened tenders for the purchase of the following Old Engines and Tenders:
No boiler nos. 64, 349, 683, 181 and 275.
Tank Engine 526
With tender and boiler 690, 686
Old boilers from engines 386, 418, 420
1 old carriage frame, wheels springs, 2 old iron tanks
Accept P&W Maclellan offer £1520 the lot. (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 64 / 1883/02/20 / Sleepers / Accept tender of Wm. Christie for 150,000 Baltic Sleepers @ 2/71/2 each delivered Greenhill.
75% to be 9 to 10 inch on top
25% to be 8 to 9 inch on top (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 112 / 1883/02/17 / Wheels & Axles / Accept tenders for 300 sets of Wagon Wheels and Axles (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 188 / 1883/03/27 / Penalties / Lancaster wagon Co., penalties for late delivery of Carriages and Wagons (Traffic)
/1-28 / 264 / 1883/03/30 / Goods Engines / Read Mr Drummond’s letter recommending that 10 Goods Engines be built at the Works and that 5 be ordered to be gone on with immediately.
Resolved to authorise the building of 5 Engines (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 292 / 1883/04/25 / Axles / Offers for 200 axles for each 8 ton Goods and 7 ton Minerals (not entirely clear if 200 or 400 is the total) (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 295 / 1883/05/01 / Heating of Trains / Approved the fitting of a train for heating with waste steam, as recommended by Mr Drummond,
Suggest an Edinburgh – Gourock train for trial (BoD)
/1-28 / 316 / 1883/05/01 / New Carriages / Recommend additional Carriages be ordered.
Ask for further information. (BoD)
/1-28 / 358 / 1883/05/22 / New Carriages / Authority asked for 60 new Carriages to replace a similar number which will wear out during the half year ending 31 July 1884. (Traffic)
Refer to Stores Committee to take tender and to report to Board as to proportions of various classes.
/1-28 / 423 / 1883/05/25 / Axles / Accept offer for supply of 200 Axles for Mineral Wagons
/1-28 / 455 / 1883/06/12 / New Carriages / Reference Traffic Committee of 23 May, Mr Drummond to prepare plans and specifications and submit these to the next meeting (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 563 / 1883/07/02 / Wagon Wheels / Offers for the supply of 1000 sets of Wagon Wheels (L&S)
/1-28 / 577 / 1883/07/03 / Coal Wagons / Accept offers for 600 8 ton Wagons – Coal:
Harrison and Camm – 125 @ £60 at Carlisle
Craven Bros – 350 @ £60 at St Rollox
S I Claye – 125 @ £61 at Carlisle (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 578 / 1883/07/03 / Coal Wagons / Accept offer for 400 10 ton Coal Wagons:
Craven Bros - £63 at Carlisle (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 579 / 1883/07/03 / Wheels & Axles / Accept offer for 600 sets of Wheels & Axles from Craven Bros (Loco & Stores)
/1-28 / 639 / 1883/07/19 / Carriages / Specifications submitted for:
20 First Class, 5 compartment
20 Third Class, 6 compartment
20 Third Class, 3 compartment with Brake
Tenders to be sent to:
Ashbury Carriage Co.; Brown Marshall & Co; Birmingham Carriage Co.; Craven Bros Co.; Lancaster Wagon Co.; Midland Carriage Co.; Metropolitan Carriage Co.; Oldbury Carriage Co.; Staffordshire Rolling Stock Co. (Loco &Stores)
/5-11 / 1 / 1883/07/25 / Rail Keys / Oak from broken up wagons to be used for rail keys
/1-28 / 688 / 1883/07/31 / Carriages / Opened tenders for 60 Carriages. (Loco & Stores)
Remit to Mr Drummond to examine and report.
/1-28 / 716 / Carriages / Meeting between Mr Bunten & Mr Drummond, resolved:
Ashbury - 20 Third Class
- 20 Third Class with Brakes
Midland – 15 First Class @ £645 10/-
- 5 First Class @ £648 10/- both as per specification
Offer for gas fitting not to be accepted from Carriage Builders but Pintsch Co. 20 Third Class, 6 lights and 20 Third Brakes, 4 lights, to be fitted at the Ashbury Works, Manchester.
Pope’s offer for 20 First Class, 5 lights to be fitted at Midland Coys work Shrewsbury,
/1-28 / 855 / 1883/09/11 / Gas Travelling Store / Letter offering to supply a Travelling Store holder, tank and all fittings complete for £320.
Accept Pintsch & Co offer, Delivery to St Rollox (Loco & Stores) (the first travelling gas tank? )
/1-28 / 876 / 1883/09/18 / Gas Travelling Store / Letter from Mr Drummond. Purchase the tank @ £240. (was St Rollox going to supply the underframe)
/1-28 / 1282 / 1883/12/11 / Mineral Engines / Mr Drummonds letter asking for 20 Mineral Engines the same as those presently being delivered by Neilson.
Recommend that 20 Engines be got from Neilson (L&Stores)
/1-28 / 1654 / 1884/03/04 / Mineral Wagons / Referring to Board Minute 22 May 1883, it is shown by the Plant Statement to 31 Jan. 1884, that the whole of the Wagons worn out had been replaced out of Revenue. Consequently the cost of the 911wagons delivered by Contractors is chargeable against Capital, the wagons being in addition to stock. (BoD)
/5-11 / 14 / 1884/03/04 / Running Sheds / Recommend work put in hand on Running Sheds at Dundee & Greenock
/1-28 / 1749 / 1884/04/14 / Exhaust Steam for Warming Carriages / Mr Thompson to communicate with LNWR Coy and endeavour to arrange for the apparatus being tried on the WCJS also to fit up one on the Edinburgh and one on the North Districts. (BoD)
/1-29 / 1884/09/23 / Prison Van / Build 1 Prison Van (Traffic)
/5-11 / 689
22 / 1884/12/021884/12/16 / Pug Engines / 10 Pug Engines for working mineral traffic at Stobcross and General Terminus Docks.
D Drummond to produce drawing and estimate
/1-29 / 740 / Pug Engines / Submitted specification
/1-29 / 824 / 1884/12/30 / Pug Engines / Build 10 Pug Engines as replacements (BoD)
/1-29 / 1885/01/27 / Wagon 28826 / Wagon burned with ashes, render account with Gas Co. (Finance)
/5-11 / 25 / 1885/03/04 / Vacuum Brakes / 5 additional Covered Carriage Trucks and 20 Fish Vans to be fitted with vacuum brake pipe as well as Westinghouse Brake
/1-29 / 1117 / 1885/03/17 / New Plant / Referring to Traffic Committee Minute of 3rd (1039, no details given) Order 30 meat Vans and postpone consideration of remainder (BoD)
/1-29 / 1198 / 1885/04/07 / New Plant / Resolved to authorise arrangements being made for the increase of Rolling Stock on account of Capital during the half year to an amount of £50,000 and remit to Traffic Committee (BoD)
/5-11 / 1207
26 / 1885/04/14 / New Plant / 10, Passenger Brake Vans;
10, 3rd class Carriages with Brake;
20, Dead Meat Vans;
15, Goods & Mineral Brake Vans;
100, Rail Wagons;
400, Goods Wagons;
100, Swivel Bar Wagons;
100, Round Timber or Bar Iron Wagons.
Mr Drummond was directed to report cost. (Traffic)
/1-29 / 1208 / 1885/04/14 / New Plant / Plant as above with instruction to ascertain cost and notify BoD (Loco & Stores)
/1-29 / 1212 / New Plant / Letter submitted setting out cost
/1-29 / Dredger “Caledonian”
/1-30 / 336 / 1885/10/20 / Permanent Way / Resolve to adopt the 90lb rail for the districts where the Traffic is heavy and to adopt the proposal to increase the length of each rail to 32feet, also to adopt the proposal to use steel bolts and fish plates.
Resolved further to test half a mile in the north and in the south with steel sleepers. (BoD)
/5-11 / 485
28 / 1885/12/09 / Steam Cranes / Two 15 ton Steam Travelling Cranes proposed, Mr Drummond to get tenders for two15 or 20 ton Cranes from well known makers (Loco & Stores)
/1-30 / 576 / 1885/12/29 / New Engines / Opened tenders for 2 new Engines.
Accept Neilson’s offer for 1 @ £2600 and Dubs for 1 @ £2600 for Exhibition purposes (CR 123 and CR 124)
/1-30 / 751 / 1886/02/02 / Steam Cranes / Cowan & Sheldon’s tender to supply 2 15ton steam Breakdown Cranes on the 20ton frame as per Mr Drummond’s letter of 23rd (Loco & Stores)
/5-11 / 34 / 1887/02/18 / Gas / Price accepted for Gas Works at Perth
/5-11 / 35 / 1887/03/30 / Dual Brakes / Dual brakes to be fitted on:
10 Horse Boxes – new (added by same hand as **);
37, Carriage Trucks;
12, Milk Trucks;
75, Fish Trucks;
1, Corpse Box
with note "The best stock only to be fitted" ** D.D.
/5-11 / 1181
36 / 1887/09/20 / Rolling Stock Renewals / At the end of each half year the Locomotive Superintendent to prepare statement of renewals of working stock and cost estimate. / P'copy 1
/5-11 / 1199
37 / 1887/10/04 / Rolling Stock / Rolling Stock for half year ending 31 January 1888.(Traffic)
Authorise construction of stock as per statement (no details as to what was included in statement)