TO: All Chess Coaches, Parents and Players
The purpose of this circular is to provide information with regards to the qualifying tournament, which will be held on 910 March2018at Brebner Primary School, 31 Deale Road, Bayswater, Bloemfontein.
- Please encourage players to participate in this tournament.
- You are referred to circular 1/2018 for detail regarding requirements and rules for 2017.
- Mangaung Metro players must participate in at least three of the following tournaments to qualify for the Inter Provincial tournament, with will take place on 4 - 5 May 2018 hosted byNorthern Cape.
13 - 14 October 2017 / Bloemfontein
19 - 20 January 2018 / Bloemfontein
2 - 3 February 2018 / Bloemfontein
9 - 10 March 2018 / Bloemfontein
- The entry fee for this tournament will be R110.00. A discounted fee of R85.00 will be applicable for schools; clubs or groups playersaffiliated with the institution and enter ten or more players.
Please take note that group entries for ten and more players will only qualify for the discount fee of R85.00 per player if:
- The Group entry form is used, and
- One payment per groupis made
If players pay individually it will be regarded as an individual entry and R110 is payable.
FAX: 086514 0749
- The logistical arrangements for this tournamentare as follow:
Please note that this tournament is open to all players. Schools are requested to encourage their players to participate.
Entries will close on Thursday, 8 March 2017 at 12:00. Players must ensure that they submit complete entry forms. If a school or a coach handles the entry forms on behalf of the players they may use the group entry form.
No exceptions will be made! NO ENTRIES will be accepted on Friday!!!!
Entry fees can be deposited into the account of Chess Free State (ABSA Brandwag, 4061586564,)till Thursday, 8 March 2017, please add players detail in reference column.
If entry fees (only individual fees) are not deposited by Thursday, 8 March 2017, it must be paid during registration (conformation of participation) (15:30 – 16:30) on Friday, 9 March 2017. All players who didn’t meet the due date for payment or didn’t pay at all must either show proof of electronic payment or pay during registration.
Registration will only be between 15:30 and 16:30 on Friday. All players who arrive after 16:30 will only be assisted between 18:00 – 18:30, which implies that these players will only part take from round 2.
Players who have deposited their entry fee by Thursday, 8 March 2017MUST also register on Friday. However, they (and only they!) will be allowed to do so by confirming their details and ticking off their name on the player lists between 16:30 and 16:45. If they can not be present by then, they can also confirm participation by SMS to 0829400735 between 15:00 and 16:45.
Players, who have not either registered between 15:30 and 16:30 or confirmed participation by ticking off their names by 16:45, will NOT be drawn for the first round, even though entry fees were paid earlier.
All players must be seated by 17:15; first round will start at 17:30, sharp.
- The following documents are hereby attached:
- Entry form [individuals]
- Entry form for groups
- Entry forms must be forwarded to Ben de Winnaar, email address: or fax numbers 0865140749. The contact number of the secretary is 0829400735 for any further enquiries.
- I wish you all success for this tournament.
- Players who wish to challenge themselves can enter in any higher group or in the open section.
B. de Winnaar
5 March2018
Toernooi / Tournament: Vrystaat Kwalifiserende Toernooi / Free State Qualifying Tournament
The entry fee for this tournament will be R110.00
Toernooi Datum / Tournament Date: ______
Van / Surname:______
Volle Name / Full Names: ______
Noemnaam / Preferred name: ______
Geboortedatum / Date of birth: ______/ ______/ ______
ID No: ______(Moet voltooi word / Must be completed)
Naam van skool of klub / Name of school or club______
Groep / Group (Merk / Mark) F E D C B A
Group / Groep F) 0 rating & first time players to U10 (2009 or 2010 U10)
E) 1 – 600 rating & players to U12 (2007 or 2008 U12)
D) 601 – 810 rating (Only up to U14 players 2005 or 2006)
C) 790 – 1110 rating (Only up to U16 players 2003 or 2004)
B) 1111 – 1400 rating & first time players U18 (2001 or 2002 U18)
A) >= 1401 rating & Adults
Betaling / Payment
Dui asb die wyse van betaling aan / Please indicate the method of payment
Internet oorplasingDirekte inbetalingKontant by toernooi
Internet transferDirect depositCash at tournament
E-pos/E-mail (Please furnish even if P/A)______
Huis / HomeTel:______
Sel – Ma / Cell – Mother:______
Sel – Pa / Cell – Father :______
Sel – Speler / Cell – Player:______
Faks / Fax:______
Entry forms must be forwarded to email address: or fax number 0865140749. The contact number of the secretary is 0829400735 for any further enquiries.
Toernooi / Tournament: Vrystaat Kwalifiserende Toernooi / Free State Qualifying Tournament
A discount fee of R85,00 will be applicable for schools or groups that enter ten or more players.
Toernooi datum / Tournaments date:
Naam van skool of klub / Name of school or club______
Van en voorletters / Surname and initials / Volle Name / Full Names / M/F / ID No / Groep / Group / Kontak nommer/ Contact numberGroup / Groep F) 0 rating & first time players to U10 (2009 or 2010 U10)
E) 1 – 600 rating & players to U12 (2007 or 2008 U12)
D) 601 – 810 rating (Only up to U14 players 2005 or 2006)
C) 790 – 1110 rating (Only up to U16 players 2004 or 2003)
B) 1111 – 1400 rating & first time players U18 (2001 or 2002 U18)
A) >= 1401 rating & Adults
Dui asb die wyse van betaling aan / Please indicate the method of payment
Internet oorplasingDirekte inbetalingKontant by toernooi
Internet transferDirect depositCash at tournament
Contact detail:
Contact person:______
Telefoon nr / Telephone no:______
Sel / Cell:______
Entry forms must be forwarded to email address: or fax number 0865140749. The contact number of the secretary is 0829400735 for any further enquiries.
Tipe toernooi / Type of tournament / Vrystaat Kwalifiserende ToernooiFree State Qualifying Tournament
Waar/Where / Brebner Primary School Hall in , 31 Deale Road Bloemfontein
Wanneer/When / 9 March – 10 March 2018
Arbiters / Mr B. de Winnaar, A de Wet & Me. Nel
Speeltempo/Rate of play / 60/60 + 2 sec (60 min. per speler/player)
Rondtes kan verminder word na gelang van aantal inskrywings per ouderdomsgroep/
Rounds could be reduced subject to number of entries in each age group
Pryse/Prizes / Eerste drie plekke per ouderdomsgroep
First three places per age group
Prysgeld onderhewig aan getal inskrywings
Prize money subject to number of entries
Vrydag/FridayRegistrasie/registration15:00 – 16:30
Voorlopige loting / provisional draw16:45
Finale loting / final draw17:00
Deelnemers neem plekke in / players to be seated17:15
Rondte/Round 117:30 - 19:30
Rondte/Round 219:45 - 21:45
Saterdag/SaterdayRondte/Round 308:00 - 10:00
Rondte/Round 410:15 - 12:15
Rondte/Round 512:30 - 14:30
Prysuitdeling/Prize giving15 min after last game
Tel: 0829400735 Fax: 0865140749 E-mail: