Olivia Harriett Hughes

(This is my college junior/senior graduation banquet picture.

I was the queen!)

Olivia - A Continuation of the Hughes Legecy

A novel by: Larry W. Storm © 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author or publisher, except in the cases of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.



Printed in the United States of America. "Make America Great Again."
Table of Contents

Chapter Number/Title / Page #
Chapter 1 - Olivia's Introduction...... / 6
Chapter 2 - Vacation in Kentucky...... / 8
Chapter 3 - New Water Tanks...... / 12
Chapter 4 - New Rail Service...... / 17
Chapter 5 - New Rail Service Planning...... / 21
Chapter 6 - Westward Hoe...... / 30
Chapter 7 - A New Reunion...... / 55
Chapter 8 - Back to Work in Omaha...... / 68
Chapter 9 - The Proposal...... / 83
Chapter 10 - Back to Work...... / 85
Chapter 11 - Wedding Bells...... / 93
Chapter 12 - New Plan and Back Home...... / 106
Chapter 13 - Come Together...... / 118


The author would like to thank the following:

  • First, I want to thank my deceased wife. We shared our lives together for over forty years. She passed in April, 2017. In my first book, "My Name is O'l Sammie she did the corrections for my bad grammar and misused of verbs and pronouns.
  • Secondly, is my best friend Ritchie Calkins at church. He also is a camera operator. He did the copy editing for this and two other books I've written. He only gets paid in pennies. He saves wheat pennies for his grandkids.
  • And finally, my lady friend Penny who gives the feminine slant and interactions that only a female can do. I say, "Thank You."


This book begins where the last one left off, "Ol' Sammy Revisited".

Chapter 1 – Olivia's Introduction

My name is Olivia Harriett Hughes. I am almost twenty years old. I graduated from the University of Kentucky with a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering. I am writing this book to carry on what my father, Samuel Lewis Hughes and my cousin Gloria had done in documenting the legacy of the Hughes family. I lost my mother and dad last year. I missed them terribly, but, I know that are with God and are at peace. I now live in Omaha and have a job with the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. Wilson gave me the job upon learning of his Vice-President's retirement. I work on the twelfth floor of the Union Pacific Headquarters Building and have the same office my dad had. I still, from time to time, visit my parent's grave and leave flowers and pray over them. I am most thankful I had parents like I did. Most people don't or didn't experience the loving, nurturing, giving and supportive parents I had over the years.

During my upcoming vacation, I plan to visit my childhood home in Kentucky. I also will see some of my professors I had in school. My aunt Ruth and her husband Mathew haven't any plans for the house I grew up in. They are being patient and hoping I'll move back home someday. Maybe with a husband. The Hughes family is a closely knit family. We love being around each other and keeping up with what we are doing and who we have met. My cousin Gloria came and visited me here a few weeks ago. She had never seen where her uncle, my dad, had worked. She stayed with me in my apartment for five days. I introduced her to Mr. Wilson and Dolly. She said they were delightful people. She even told them, "I'm so glad you showed my uncle the kindness and love you did. I really appreciate it." I think Mr. Wilson and Dolly were taken back a bit by that statement.

Gloria and I had dinner out at some of the more famous restaurants here in town. We only cooked dinner two times while she was here. We went dancing at a nightclub but didn't drink any spirits. Gloria and I bonded during those five days. I think we will become good friends.

I have vacation coming up in a month and I will travel home. My last vacation I stayed here so I could get used to the street layouts and the night spots in Omaha. I only took a week's worth then, but, I still have two weeks left.

It now, Saturday, March 16th, 1985. My vacation begins on Monday, March 31st. I have the car that mom and dad bought me for my graduation. It's a 1984 Lincoln Town car. It has all the bells and whistles and I seldom have any trouble with it.

Chapter 2 – Vacation in Kentucky

I drove back to Mill Springs for my vacation. I arrived at six-thirty pm after fourteen and a half hours of driving. I drove up to Ruth's and Mathew's house and knocked on the back door. I had called them before I left and they were expecting me. Ruth answered the door. She said as she hugged me, "I'm so glad to see you. So, how have you been?" I said as we walked into the kitchen, "I've been just fine. My job is a challenge but I really enjoy it. Mr. Wilson and Dolly are such nice people." She said, "How was your time with Gloria and what all did you two do?" "We mostly just hung out went to dinner most of the time. We went to a nightclub, but, we didn't drink any alcohol though. We fixed dinner only twice at my apartment while she was there. I think we will be good friends some day." Ruth said, "Please stay for dinner. I'm fixing Samuel's favorite. It's his grandmother's fried chicken." "Dad told me about that. Don't you add something spicy to it?" "Yes, I add a little cayenne pepper to it. Mathew likes it." I said, "I am allergic to anything spicy." "I'll leave that out. Mathew and I put clean sheets and blankets on your bed in your old room at the farmhouse. I think you'll be comfortable." "Thank you Aunt Ruth." Ruth said, "You're most welcome. Say, are you dating anyone?" "Yes. I met a man who I went to school with. He has his doctorate as well in electrical engineering. He works for the City of Omaha Public Works. He is their head electrical engineer. Nothing serious though. His name is Mark. His family is from Mt. Vernon. They were farmers but made enough money to send him to school. He is so kind and understanding. We've been out a few times. I'm not seeing anyone else though. With my work schedule, I just don't have the time. After work, I'm so tired. So, we go out on Saturdays and to his church, then mine, on Sunday mornings. He too is a Baptist. He's quite handsome. He is taller than me. He stands five foot eight inches tall. He has a nice build and he works out three times a week. His hobby, like dads, is woodworking. He has his own home and has a workshop in the garage. He has a cat name Sylvester. He is a tabby that just showed up one day while he was working in his shop. Mark told me he likes making all of his Christmas gifts every year. Last Christmas, he turned pepper grinders on his lath for all the ladies in his family. He is quite talented at it. Listen Aunt Ruth. Do I have enough time to go and see dad and mom's gravesite?" "Yes. Dinner won't be ready for almost another two hours. I knew you would want to go so I bought some flowers while at the grocery this morning. They are sitting on the back porch table where I do my canning." "How much did they cost and I'll repay you." "Not a problem. Mathew makes good money at the bank. It's on the house. Beside, they'll be from me and Mathew as well. It's a large bunch of flowers. You'll have to save the vase from the flowers I left there last month. I try to keep fresh flowers on the grave most of the time." "Thank you. I'll be leaving now." "Okay. Dinner will be at 8 o'clock. It's now almost six thirty. I'll see you when you get back." "Do you need any help? I'm a pretty good cook." "No. I have it under control. Bye Olivia." "Bye Aunt Ruth."

So, I got the flowers and left in my car. The cemetery is only five minutes away. I drove up and the gates were closed. The sign said they close at 6 pm on Saturdays but would reopen at 9 am on Sundays. I suppose I'll have to go tomorrow after church.

So, I drove back to Aunt Ruth home. Ruth said, "Back so soon?" "Yes. They're closed." "Oh. I forgot. They close at six on Saturdays. I don't know why they do that. It doesn't make any sense. You, I and Mathew will have to go tomorrow after church." I said, "Do you need any help in the kitchen?" "No. Why don't you go and see your cousins. All three of them live here in town. I'll write down their address. Let's call them to make sure that are home." She called and the twins, Missy and Shannon were home, but, the boy, Joseph, wasn't. Ruth gave me their address and I visited the twins for the next hour or so. I was good to see them. I hadn't seen them since the funeral; a little over a year ago. We got caught up on everything for the last year or so. Then, I drove back. As I was walking into the kitchen Ruth said, "Olivia. Get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready in a minute." We had dinner after Mathew said the blessing. We got caught up on everything as well. I told them more about Mark and Mr. Wilson and Dolly. It was a good evening and good to see them and the twins again. Ruth told me to be back here at 8 o'clock for breakfast. At nine pm I dismissed myself and went to dad's and mom's house and retired for the evening. I suppose now the house is mine. At least, that's what was in the will.

I slept peacefully until seven-thirty and awoke. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my clean church clothes and went to their house for breakfast. We ate with me telling them more about Mark. Apparently, I didn't tell them what Mark's last name was. So, I said, "It's Curry." We ate breakfast. I had what my dad always had. It was two eggs, over easy, hash browns and sausage with apple juice and water. I never did get accustomed to drinking coffee. We ate and then we left for church. We rode in their car since all of us were going to the same church and to the cemetery together. We finished church and the cemetery thing and went back and had left over fried chicken and potato salad for lunch.

For the next week we just spent time together getting caught up on our lives. One night we ate dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in Somerset. It was good but not as I had remembered it when I was a teenager. We talked mostly, watch TV and I read the Somerset newspaper. Ruth had saved the last two months of newspapers so I could catch up on local events. Every morning, before he would go to work, I'd call Mark to see how he was doing. And, for the first time yesterday, as were signing off, he said, "I love you." I thought it was too soon. I like him a lot. But, no "I love you" yet. Maybe later. I spent the next week with them. I visited the gravesite two more times. I told Ruth and Mathew I was going back to Lexington to see some of my friends and professors. I did and then returned to Omaha on Saturday, March 23, 1985. I wanted to be back to work on Monday because I wanted to save the last week of my vacation in case of an emergency. Mark and I went out that evening and then to my church Sunday morning. I never brought up the "I love you" thing and Mark didn't say it again. I suppose since I didn't reciprocate he felt, as I do, "It's too soon."

Chapter 3 – New Water Tanks

When I showed up early for work on Monday Mr. Wilson said, "I thought you were going to take two weeks." I said, "I want to save the last week in case of an emergency." He said, "Smart. Just like your dad. He was like that."

The other day Mr. Wilson asked me to find something in the archives. The thing he was looking for was the one-hundred thousand gallon water tank. Apparently, there was a design flaw because all eight, located from here to Seattle were leaking after eight years of service. Crews couldn't find out what was causing the leaks. One foreman said they were leaking from the vertical seems but, it didn't happen all the time. Mr. Wilson told me the tanks won't be used much longer due to diesel engines taking over. Steam engines are a "dying breed."

The archives are located in the basement of the headquarters building. While looking, I found some of dad's old handwritten notes from his journey to Seattle with Willie Lewis. Over the years dad spoke highly of Willie. The writings were his "Daily Activity Logs". They had some funny stories in there and they were a delight to read. I learned things I'd never heard dad speak about. About the time the foreman, a Mr. Cunningham, for the construction company built a snow plow from old street signs. And, another story about how Mr. Lewis had the two of them going to the wrong church. Willie apparently had taken them to a Catholic church.

I spend the better part of the morning finding what Mr. Wilson was looking for. Once I found the plans I went to his office. Upon entering, Mr. Wilson said, "Please lay the plans on that table and let's go over them. After a couple of hours of looking at them, examining each part of the tank, nothing became apparent as to the problem. So, Mr. Wilson called the fabricator. A mister Trumbo with Northwest Distributors was the manufacturer. Mr. Wilson asked him, "What kind of wood did you use in building the tanks and where did you get it?" He said, "It was some species from South America that he got on sale from the supplier for half the normal cost. It was, however, flat sawn." Mr. Wilson said, "That's the problem. You never should accept lumber that is flat sawn when it's exposed to the weather. It can expand and contract as much as fifteen percent over the course of a year. That's why all of the eight tanks are leaking. Mr. Trumbo. You should have known that!" "Sir. I am just the purchaser. My company didn't tell me what it was going to be used for, just how many board feet they needed." Mr. Wilson said, "I expect for Northwest Distributors to remake these tanks. All eight of them." "I'll have to check with my boss, the company president, and I'll call you back either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I think he is in a meeting for most of the afternoon." "Okay. Please get back with me." "Yes sir. I will as soon as I find out something. Bye, Mr. Wilson." "Bye, Mr. Trumbo." They hung up. Mr. Wilson then turned to me, and, taking a book from his bookcase, he handed it to me. The title was "The Art of Milling Lumber." He said, "Here. Read this. It will tell you everything about a saw mill and how the lumber is milled. It'll be a good read for you. Since we don't have much else going on this afternoon, now would be a good time to start reading." So, I got a cup of tea; just like mother liked; and returned to my desk to read the book. It took me three and a half hours to read it, cover to cover. I no sooner closed the book and place it on my desk than Mr. Wilson came in my open office door. He said, "The owner of the fabricating company is going to remake the tanks with no charge. And, that's they way it should be. I would like for you to supervise and watch their crew fabricate each tank. They only have one crew that will start here in Omaha and then work their way west to Seattle. You'll be driving with the company car. I'll have Dolly cut you a check for your lodging, food and fuel for you trip. They want to begin the day after tomorrow. So, tomorrow afternoon, say after lunch, you get the money, hotel reservation list and keys from Dolly and go home and pack. I'll see you here Friday next for work. Please send me your "Daily Activity Reports" via facsimile." I said, "Yes sir Mr. Wilson. Will do."

I spent the remainder of the day cleaning up the mess I made in the archives. And, Thursday I worked on some schedule changes for the freight service. That took most of the morning. I got the money, reservation list and car keys from Dolly and left to go home and pack for my trip. It was Thursday, March 28th, 1985. Once I got home, I called Mark and told him of my plans. I call him most every day after dinner before retiring for the night. I also faxed the "Daily Activity Reports" every evening to Dolly so she could give them to Mr. Wilson. Mark said, "I'll miss you this weekend. But, we can get together when you get back." I replied, "Yes. I'll miss you also. But, it's only a little over a week and I'll be back." We said our good byes and I hung up the phone. I packed and had a modest dinner and retired at 9 o'clock.