Health andSafety Policy
Date of this review: 27th June 2017
Health and Safety Policy ContentsPage
1.1Health and safety policystatement...... 3
1.2Environmental statement...... 4
2.1Organisation...... 5
2.2Safety managementstructure...... 5
2.3Individual responsibilities...... 6
2.4Employersresponsibilities...... 7
2.5Employeesresponsibilities...... 8
2.6Sub-contractors/Self employedpersonnel...... 8
2.7Information foremployees...... 9
2.8Joint consultation...... 9
3.1Arrangements...... 10
3.2Abrasivewheels...... 10
3.3Accident injurystatistics...... 11
3.4Accident reportingprocedures...... 11
3.5Alcohol andDrugs...... 14
3.6Asbestos...... 14
3.7Confinedspaces...... 15
3.8Contractors...... 15
3.9Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)Assessments...... 16
3.10Control of Vibration at Work Regulations2005...... 21
3.11Disciplinaryrules...... 22
3.12Display screen equipment(DSE)...... 23
3.13Drivingvehicles...... 25
3.14Electricity...... 26
3.15Fire precautions and evacuationprocedure...... 30
3.16First aid...... 32
3.17Gascylinders...... 33
3.18Gassafety...... 34
3.19Healthsurveillance...... 34
3.20Housekeeping...... 35
3.21Information, instruction &training...... 36
3.22Maintenance and WorkEquipment...... 37
3.23Manual handling...... 38
3.24Mobiletelephones...... 40
3.25Monitoring, audit &review...... 41
3.26New and expectant mothers atwork...... 41
3.27Noise...... 42
3.28Personal protective equipment(PPE)...... 42
3.29Riskassessments...... 43
3.30Roof Work...... 44
3.31Safety of persons withdisabilities...... 45
3.32SafetySigns...... 46
3.33Safe use of ladders andstepladders...... 46
3.34Scaffolding...... 48
3.35Smoking in theworkplace...... 49
3.36Violence atwork...... 49
3.37Visits from enforcementofficers...... 50
3.38Wastedisposal...... 50
3.39Welfare...... 51
3.40Young person’s atwork...... 51
4.0 Summary...... 52
1.1Health and safety policystatement
It is the policy of PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd to ensure, so far as isreasonablypracticable,thehealth,safetyandwelfareofalloftheemployeesworkingforthecompanyorotherpersonswhomaybeaffectedbyourundertakings.PJMMechanicalElectricalLtd acknowledges that the key to successful health & safety managementrequiresan effective policy, organisation and arrangements, which reflect the commitment ofseniormanagement. To sustain that commitment we will continually measure, monitor andrevisewhere necessary an annual plan to ensure that health and safety standards areadequate.
PatrickMcKendry(alsoknownastheDirectorofSafety)willimplementthecompany’shealth and safety policy and recommend any changes to meet new circumstances.Theinstructions will then be carried out through the normal chain of management. Thecompanyrecognises that successful health and safety management contributes tosuccessfulbusiness performance and will allocate adequate finances and resourcesaccordingly.
The management of PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd looks upon the promotionofhealth and safety measures as a mutual objective for themselves and their employees atalllevels.Itistherefore;thepolicyofthemanagementtodoallthatisreasonablypracticabletopreventpersonalinjuryanddamagetoproperty.Alsothecompanyaimstoprotecteveryone, including all visitors and members of the public, insofar as they come intocontactwith the company or its activities, from any foreseeable hazard ordanger.
AllemployeeshavedutiesundertheHealthandSafetyatWorketcAct1974andtheyareinformed of their personal responsibilities to take due care for the health and safetyofthemselves and to ensure that they do not endanger other persons by their acts oromissions. They are also informed that they must co-operate with the company in orderthatitcancomplywiththelegalrequirementsplaceduponitandintheimplementationofthispolicy.
The company will ensure continued consultation with the workforce to enable allviewpointsandrecommendationstobediscussedatregularintervals.Thecompanywillensureasystematicapproachtoidentifyinghazards,assessingtherisk,determiningsuitableandsufficient control measures and informing employees of the correctprocedure.
Thecompanywillprovide,sofarasisreasonablypracticable,safeplacesandsystemsofwork, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provisionofadequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, trainingandsupervision isgiven.
The company regards all health and safety legislation as the minimum standard andexpectsmanagement to achieve their managerial targets without compromising health andsafety.
Signature: Position: - ManagingDirector
Date: -27th June 2017Review Date: - 27th July 2018
PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd recognises the need for sustainabledevelopmentand continually aim to improve the environmental effect of its activities. To achieve thiswewill:-
Establish sound environmental management by:-
Meetingorimprovinguponrelevantlegislative,regulatoryandenvironmentalcodes ofpractice.
Developing objectives that target environmental improvements andmonitorperformance by regularreview.
Considering any environmental issues in the decision-makingprocess.
Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we allrecogniseour environmental responsibilities.
Educating employees so that they carry out their activities in anenvironmentallyresponsiblemanner.
Provide for the effective use of resources by:-
Promoting waste minimisation by recycling or finding other uses ofby-productswhenever economicallyviable.
Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy and fuel throughoutthecompany’soperations.
Co-operate with:-
The communities in which weoperate.
The government, regulatory bodies and other interested parties with thesharedvision of being a good and trustedneighbour.
The company rules regarding the treatment of wasteare:
1.WasteproductsaretoberemovedfromsiteonlybyoperativesworkingonbehalfofPJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd
The company rules regarding the treatment of asbestos and hazardouswasteare:
All operatives shall on suspecting the presence of asbestos or waste deemed hazardoustohealth, immediately report it to the site supervisor and head office. No works shall becarriedout within the affected area until the area is confirmed asclear.
Signature: Position: - ManagingDirector
Date: -27thJune2017Review Date: - 27thJune2018
2.2Safety managementstructure
Section2oftheHealthandSafetyatWorketcAct1974placesadutyonemployerstoprepareawrittenhealthandsafetypolicy,whichwillgivedetailsoftheresponsibilitiesforensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees. The following list ofresponsibilitieshas been collated to ensure compliance withlegislation.
Patrick McKendry will ensure that:-
- He has a good understanding of the main requirements of the Health and SafetyatWork etc Act1974.
- All levels of management within the company fully understand the arrangementsforthe implementation of the health and safetypolicy.
- HefollowstheguidanceissuedjointlybytheHSEandtheInstituteofDirectors(indg417)
- The policy is reviewed for compliance with the objectives for health andsafety.
- Sufficient funds are made available for the requirements of health, safetyandwelfareprovisions.
- All managers and employees fully understand safe systems of work, rulesandprocedures and that suitable records arekept.
- The organisational structure is appropriate in order to manage health andsafety.
- Thesamemanagementstandardsareappliedtohealthandsafetyastoothermanagement functions.
- Health and safety is integrated into the company’s management systems.
- Regular health and safety audits and inspections are carried out in accordancewithcompany’s health and safety monitoringprocedures.
- Adequate health and safety training is provided for all employees. Thisshallcommence on induction and include any specific training regarding companyrules,safe systems of work and training required to perform their duties and workrelatedtasks.
- Qualified first aid personnel and facilities are provided to address potentialhazardswithin thecompany.
- Employeesandanyotherrelevantpersonsareinformedofthelocationoffirstaidpersonnel,facilitiesandtheimportanceofrecordingallaccidents/incidentsintheaccident book.
- Allaccidents/nearmissincidentsareinvestigatedandrecordedontheincidentrecord form and control measures implemented to prevent anyrecurrence.
- Arrangements for fire safety are implemented and that all relevant checks arecarriedout.
- Nominated competent persons complete, record and review risk andCOSHHassessmentsrelevanttotheactivitiesandhazardswithinthecompanyandthatrelevant employees are informed of the significant findings of theassessments.
- Suitableandsufficientpersonalprotectiveequipmentisprovidedforemployeesatnocost.
- Joint consultations between management and employees take place as describedinthepolicy.
- Regularhealthandsafetymeetingsareheldtoensureeffectivehealthandsafetyconsultation.
- All health and safety issues raised by employees are recorded andinvestigated.
- Any faulty work equipment identified is immediately taken out of serviceuntilrepaired orreplaced.
- Records are compiled for statutory inspections, testing, or maintenanceundertakenon all work equipment and services within thepremises.
- A system is implemented to ensure contractors have the necessary competenceandresources in order to carryout work safely on behalf of thecompany.
- Contractorsareadheringtosafetyrulesandproceduresandanyotherstatutorylegislation relevant to theirwork.
- All welfare facilities, including temperature, lighting, and ventilation levels,areadequate.
- No work is done at height if it is safe and reasonably practicable to do it other thanatheight, ensure that the work is properly planned, appropriately supervised,andcarried out in as safe a way as is reasonably practicable and plan for emergenciesrescue. Relevant procedures are detailed throughout thispolicy.
- Safe access and egress are provided and maintained in all areas withinthecompany.
- Relevant statutory signs and notices are provided and displayed inprominentpositions.
- Manual handling training is undertaken and reviewed on a 3 yearly basis orifprocess change requiresre-assessment.
- All electrical equipment is adequately maintained and regularly tested and thatonlysuitably trained and competent persons carry out electrical work. No employeeshallundertake any kind of electrical work where specialist knowledge is required inorderto avoiddanger.
As employers we have a duty to all employees, casual workers, part-time workers,trainees,visitorsandsub-contractorswhomaybeinourworkplaceorusingequipmentprovidedbythe company. Consideration must also be given to our neighbours and the generalpublic.
Management will ensure they:-
- Assess all risks to worker’s health and safety and bring the significant findings totheattention ofemployees.
- Provide safe plant and equipment that is suitablymaintained.
- Provide a safe place of work with adequate facilities and safe access andegress.
- Provide adequate training and information to all employees regardless oftheirposition within thecompany.
- Have provisions in place to guarantee that articles and substances are handledandstored in a propermanner.
- Provide health surveillance to employees where it is deemednecessary.
- Appoint competent persons to help comply with health and safetylaw.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 details two main sections which employeesarerequired to comply with. These are:-
Every employee working for the company has a duty of care under the Health and SafetyatWork etc Act 1974 Section 7 to take reasonable care of himself/herself and any otherpersonwho may be affected by his/her actions oromissions.
Inadditiontotheabove,Section8statesthatundernocircumstancesshallemployeespurposelyorrecklesslyinterfereormisuseanythingprovidedintheinterestofsafetyorwelfare, life saving equipment, signs or fire fightingequipment.
Employeesalsohaveadutytoassistandco-operatewiththeiremployersandanyotherperson to ensure all aspects of health and safety legislation are adheredto.
Employees are obliged to:-
- Always follow safety rules, avoid improvisation and comply with the healthandsafetypolicy.
- Only perform work that they are qualified toundertake.
- Always store materials and equipment in a safemanner.
- Never block emergency escaperoutes.
- Always practice safe working procedures, refrain from horseplay and reportallhazards and defectiveequipment.
- Always wear suitable clothing and Personal Protective Equipment for the taskbeingundertaken.
- Inform the manager / first aider of all accidents thatoccur.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require all employees to:-
- Utilise all items that are provided forsafety.
- Comply with all safetyinstructions.
- Report to management anything that they may consider to be of anydanger.
- Advice management of any areas where protection arrangements requirereviewing.
2.6Sub-contractors/Self employedpersonnel
Will comply with all instructions given by thecompany.
Willco-operatewiththecompanyinensuringahighstandardofhealthandsafetyonallcontractswithwhichtheyareinvolved.Ifthestandardsstipulatedbythecompanyarehigher than basic requirements, then they shall comply with the higherstandard.
- Will be made aware of the company’s health and safety policy and safetyrules.
- Will themselves be fully aware of the responsibilities and requirements placeduponthem by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and other relevantlegislation.
- Will carry out risk assessments in relation to their activities, ensure thatappropriatehealthandsafetyarrangementsareimplementedandbyadequateliaisoninformand co-operate as necessary with thecompany.
- Will ensure that they sign into reception prior to undertaking any work atthepremises.
2.7Information foremployees
Information regarding health and safety law is provided by a number of methods as follows:-
- Employees are provided with a copy of the company’s employee safetyhandbook.
- Theapprovedposter“HealthandSafetyLaw–WhatYouNeedtoKnow”willbedisplayed.Thisposterwillalwaysbekeptinalegibleconditionwiththenamesofresponsible persons entered in the appropriatespaces.
- Managementhastelephoneaccessatallreasonabletimestoasafetyconsultant(Lighthouse Risk Services LLP) who will advise on all aspects of health andsafety.
Management and employees have access to the company health and safety generalpolicythat contains all relevant information with regard to recording andmonitoring.
The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations require all employerstoconsultwiththeiremployeeswhoarenotrepresentedbysafetyrepresentativesunderthe(Safety Representatives and Safety CommitteesRegulations).
The company recognises the importance and benefits to be gained by consultation withouremployees. All information with regard to health and safety is communicated by meansofconsultation between management andemployees.
Itistheresponsibilityofthemanagingdirectortoensurethatconsultationtakesplaceingood time on matters relating to employee’s health and safety atwork.
If at any time the method of consultation becomes ineffective due to the size or nature ofthebusiness then the company would recognise the rights of employees or groups ofemployeestoelectoneormorepersonstoactastheirrepresentativeforthepurposesofsuchconsultation.
TheSafetyAdvisoralongwithotherprofessionalbodieswillinformseniormanagementofany relevant changes to health and safety. This information will be disseminated tomanagers and appropriate members ofstaff.
Ifanyvisitors/customersraiseanyconcernswithregardtohealthandsafety,thecompanywill investigate the issue and either deal with it themselves or with guidance from theSafetyAdvisor.
If required, senior management will request that the company’s external safetyconsultantswill liaise with the local enforcing authority on the company’sbehalf.
All reasonable steps will be taken by PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd to ensure,sofar as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees who work withgrindingmachines that incorporate abrasive wheels. PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltdacknowledges that safety hazards may arise when using this type ofequipment.
The company will:-
- Completeadocumentedriskassessmentfortheuseoftheequipmentandissuecopies to all employees who use theequipment.
- Sofarasisreasonablypracticable,takemeasurestoreducetherisksfoundasaresult of theassessment.
- Ensure that all equipment used for grinding operations is maintained ingoodcondition and is suitable for the task and the environment in which it isused.
If and when any employee’s raises a query relating to health and safety of abrasive wheelsitis the company’s policy to:-
- Take all necessary steps to investigate thecircumstances.
- Take corrective measures asappropriate.
- Advise the employee of the actionstaken.
Where a problem arises in the use of abrasive wheels or machinery employees areinstructed to:-
- Inform their supervisor or other responsible personimmediately.
- Inthecaseofanaccidentoremergencytakeallnecessaryactions,inaccordancewith company accidentprocedures.
Information andtraining
The company will give sufficient information, instruction and training to ensure the healthandsafetyofworkerswhouseabrasivewheels.Employeesauthorisedtofitordressabrasivewheelswillbegivenspecifictraining.Thisprovisionalsoappliestopersonsnotindirectemployment such as temporary employees and contractors. Training in the use ofabrasivewheelswillcoveraspectsofhealthandsafetylegislationingeneralandPUWER98inparticular.
Themaintypesofinjuryrelatingtotheuseofabrasivewheelsarethosethatresultfromflying particles that occur when the wheel bursts and those that are caused by the wheelandthe operative’s hand coming intocontact.
It is the company’s policy to adopt the following safety precautions in order to reduce theriskof the accident and injury:-
- Ensure that all persons who use abrasive wheels are adequately trained.
- Ensure that all grinding, cutting machines and abrasive wheels are maintainedandin good workingorder.
- Ensure that the correct types of abrasive wheel for the job are selected.
- Ensurethatgrindingwheelsarenotoperatedatexcessivespeed.Bothspindlesand the abrasive wheels will be marked with their maximum operatingspeed.
- Ensurethattrainedandcompetentpersonsmountallabrasivewheelsasfailuretomount the wheel can cause wheels to burst. All damaged wheels will be disposedofsafely.
- Ensure that guards are securely attached to the body of the grinding machinesandare strong enough to withstand the impact of flying fragments should a wheelburst.
- EnsurethatappropriatePersonalProtectiveEquipmentisavailabletoallpersonsusing abrasivewheels.
3.3Accident injurystatistics
Accidentincidenceandfrequencyratesprovideabasisforcalculatingsafetyperformanceoveraperiodoftimeandthencomparingthemwithaccidentstatisticsrecordedbyoutsidesources such as the health and safetyexecutive.
Asemployerswearerequiredbylawtokeeprecordsofallaccidents/injuriesatworkandreport specific injuries to the health and safety incident centre under the(RIDDOR)Regulations. The particular injuries that are required to be reported include fatalities,seriousinjuriestoemployees,self-employedpeopleandthegeneralpublic,alongwithincidentswhich necessitate the need for employees or self-employed people being absent fromworkfor more than sevendays.
AsaresponsibleemployerPJMMechanicalElectricalLtdwillendeavourtoreport all relevant incidents.
3.4Accident reportingprocedures
The first priority when an accident occurs is to obtain first aid treatment for all injuries, iftheincidentisseriousenoughtowarrantmedicalinterventionthecompanywilldial999andrequest anambulance/paramedic.
Whenthecasualtyhasreceivedsuitablemedical/firstaidtreatmentdetailsoftheaccidentshould be recorded in the accident book for futurereference.
In order to determine what corrective action is necessary to prevent a repetition it isessential to isolate all contributing factors. This can only be done by an investigation.Theoutcome of all investigations will be communicated to all employees who need to takeactionas a result of anaccident.
Accident investigations are carried out to establish the facts relating to theaccident/incidentnot individual’s opinions. Under no circumstances are they a mechanism to apportionblame;they are merely a management tool to prevent any possible recurrence of theincident.
InordertocomplywiththeReportingofInjuries,DiseasesandDangerousOccurrencesRegulations (RIDDOR) 2013 it is imperative that all specified accidents, reportableincidents,reportablework-relatedillness,anddangerousoccurrencesarereportedtotheenforcingauthority. It is the responsibility of the company to investigate theaccident/dangerousoccurrence and contact the national incident centre immediately when necessary. If thereisany doubt about reporting accidents or dangerous occurrences the company shouldcontactthe Safety Advisor for furtherguidance.
All accident information that is entered into the accident book must be kept for a minimumofthreeyears.
Accident procedure flowchart
Notify the FirstAider
Fill in accident record bookandremove tear off sheet and store inasafelocation
Call foremergencyservices andgetmedicalassistance
Does the injured person stayoffwork or unable to carry outtheirnormal duties for more thansevendays, starting the day aftertheinjury occurred, as a result oftheinjurysustained?
Inform the Manager thatanaccident hasoccurred
Fill in accident recordbookand remove tear offsheetand store in a safelocation
Undertakethoroughaccident investigationtoascertain why theaccidenthasoccurred
Contact the HSEincidentcentre and reporttheaccident
File copies of theF2508form from the HSEalongwith copies of theaccidentinvestigation forfuturereference
Implement anynecessarycontrol measures topreventthe incident occurringagainand respond toinstructionsbyHSE
File copies of theF2508form from the HSEalongwith copies of theaccidentinvestigation forfuturereference
3.5Alcohol andDrugs
The managing director is responsible for carrying out the company’s policy; however it istheresponsibility of all managers and supervisors to ensure that its aims are carried out inareasunder their control. This policy applies to all employees and they should have access tothefull policy and be aware of anychanges.
Company Procedure on Alcohol andDrugs
- Employeesareexpresslyforbiddentoconsumealcoholwhenatworkortobringitonto company premises without prior management permission. Any breach ofthisrulewillresultindisciplinaryactionbeingtakenthatislikelytoresultinsummarydismissal.
- Employees who misuse drugs which have not been prescribed on medicalgroundswill, in the absence of mitigating circumstances, be deemed to be committing anactof gross misconduct and will thus render themselves subject to thecompaniesdisciplinaryprocedures.Thisalsoappliestoemployeesbelievedtobebuyingorselling drugs or in possession of unlawful (i.e. un-prescribed)drugs.
- If an employee is known to be or strongly suspected of being intoxicated byalcoholor drugs during working hours, the manager/supervisor or nominated deputyshouldmakearrangementsfortheemployeetobeescortedfromthecompanypremisesimmediately, pending furtherinvestigation.
- Managers/supervisors who feel an employee’s unsatisfactory performance maybedrugoralcoholrelatedwillatthefirstinstanceassesstheabilityofthatpersontoworksafelyandactaccordingly.Thenatureofworktheydowillbeasignificantfactorinthisassessmentandmayresultinthepersonbeingremovedfromtheworkplace in the interests ofsafety.
ItshouldbemadeclearthatPJMMechanicalElectricalLtdisawarethataperson suffering from these problems will be dealt withfairly.
PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd realise that:-
- Absence for treatment and rehabilitation will be regarded as normalsickness.
- That relapses mayoccur.
- The policy will be monitored with consultation with employees andsafetyrepresentatives.
PJMMechanicalElectricalLtdwillensurethatitsemployeesareawareofthedangersofasbestosmaterialsandwillprovideasbestosawarenesstrainingasrequiredintheControlofAsbestosRegulations(2012)inorderthatemployeesmayrecognisesuchmaterials.Ifthepresenceofasbestosmaterialsissuspectedataworksite,theemployeewillstopworkandseekadvicefromtheDirectorofSafetyortheSafetyAdvisor.Theworksite will be secured to prevent entry and suitable warningsposted.
PJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd does not work with any form ofasbestoscontainingmaterials.
InorderthatPJMMechanicalElectricalLtdcomplieswiththeConfinedSpaceRegulationsthecompanywillundertakesuitableandsufficientassessmentsfortheworkactivitiesbeingundertaken.Ifpossiblemechanicalmeanswillbeusedtoavoidenteringconfinedspaces,however,duetothenatureoftheworkundertakenbythecompany,thismay be unavoidable and a well-defined safe system of work will beimplemented.
- Safe access andegress.
- Use of breathingapparatus.
- Gasmonitoring.
- Accident and emergencyprocedures.
Allworkthatisundertakeninconfinedspaceswillbecontrolledthroughapermittoworksystemwhereacompetentpersoninspectstheworkingareatoensurethatthenecessarysafety precautions are inplace.
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, places a duty on PJM Mechanical &ElectricalLtdaswellasthecontractorsthatitemploys,toprotectthehealth,safetyandwelfareofemployees,contractors,visitorsandanyoneelsewhomaybeaffectedwhencontractors are working at the companypremises.
Inordertoensurethatcompetentcontractorsareappointed,PJMMechanicalElectricalLtd will scrutinise all sub-contract companies who undertake minor work byissuingquestionnaires which must be returned along with other relevant health andsafetyinformation e.g. safety policy, method statements, risk assessments etc. before any workiscommenced.Whenthisactionhasbeencompletedthecontractorswillbeplacedonanapproved list for futureconsideration.
Allworkthatisundertakenbysub-contractorswillbesupervisedonaday-to-daybasisinorder that health and safety standards are monitored. The overall performance ofcontractorswillbereviewedonaregularbasis.IndividualcontractorswhosestandardsdonotmeetthoseofPJMMechanicalElectricalLtdwillberemovedfromtheapprovedlist.
Afteracontractorhasundertakenwork,themanagerwillcheckthattheworkhasbeencompleted satisfactorily and the area has been left in a safe condition ensuring all debrisandtools have beenremoved.
Allelectricalequipmentthatisbroughtontothepremisesbycontractorsmustbesuitablymarked and hold the appropriate test certificates. Where electrical equipment is suppliedbyPJM Mechanical & Electrical Ltd for use by contractors the equipment will betestedat least annually by a competentperson.