Grandfather Academy
Advisory Council Minutes
June 6, 2014
The Grandfather Academy Advisory Council met on the Hayes campus in Banner Elk at 10:30 AM on June 6, 2014. Proper notice had been given to comply with the North Carolina Open Meeting Law.
Trustees Present:
Mary Jo Brubaker, Stephanie Knowles, and Elizabeth Ralston by phone
Others Present:
Frank Rosato
Stephanie Knowles opened the meeting with prayer.
Welcome and agenda review:
Mary Jo Brubaker welcomed everyone and the agenda was reviewed and accepted.
Nominating Committee:
Elizabeth Ralston informed the advisory that she would not be able to attend the meetings as often because has moved farther away. Mary Jo Brubaker is going to speak with Susan Stratton (GA librarian) about becoming a member of the advisory. Stephanie Knowles is going to discuss the possibility of Pastor Tee Gateway and his wife Catherine coming onboard.
Declaration of Other Business:
Mary Jo Brubaker asked about the denial for the Barium Springs Charter School. Frank Rosato and Stephanie Knowles explained that Grandfather Academy was in the process of having their charter amended to add Barium Springs. Combining the two schools will give them an ADM of around 100 clients between both schools. Stephanie Knowles said that this would give us an opportunity to use our model.
Grandfather Academy Advisory Council
June 6, 2014
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Mission Statement:
The mission statement was read aloud by Frank Rosato: To provide special education opportunities for students who have been estranged by emotional, sexual or other abuse.
2013-2014 School Year Update:
Frank Rosato gave a recap of the school year.
) Tina Shook a teacher of almost 18 years passed away.
) A math teacher was hired. EOG math scores should go up.
) Not much change in WRAT scores
) Maintenance staff are getting certified in different areas to provide vocational opportunities to the children.
) New handbooks were created for parents.
Omnibus Motion
· Minutes of September 2013
· Audit 2012-2013
· 2014-15 Budget
· School Calendar
Elizabeth Ralston asked for a motion to be moved on the Omnibus Motion and Mary Jo Brubaker seconded the motion. All were in favor of accepting the omnibus motion as stated.
Other Business:
Frank Rosato told the advisory that a new program called “Welcome to the Real World” is going to be implemented by the Independent Living Coordinator Melissa Darcy. Stephanie Knowles reported that a member from BB&T bank is going to spend a day working with the children teaching them the basics to banking.
Grandfather Academy Advisory Council
June 6, 2014
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Mary Jo Brubaker commented that the Grandfather Home Centennial training “Darkness to Light” was a huge success. She also mentioned having the grant writer check into the Bill and Melinda Gates fund for GED courses for children aging out of the programs.
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
No date and time were set. Would like to bring in nominees before Homes for Children meeting on September 29th. Stephanie Knowles will work on a date.
Adjourn :
Elizabeth Ralston made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Stephanie Knowles seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Signature Date