January 2015
1. Introduction
2. Resources
3. Projects
4. Partnership Delivery
5. Governance & Monitoring
6. PSICT Strategy Action Plan
Public Service Delivery Redesign
Digital Service Innovation
Value for Money
7. Contacts
Reference: PS ICT Strategy (version 1.7) click here
1. Introduction
The Public Services ICT Strategy[1] was agreed at the April 2012 PSICT Board meeting. Its purpose is to outline the ambitions of the Public Services ICT Board and to support the aims of the National ICT Strategy, ‘Planting the Flag’, and the Government Digital Strategy, as well as the local public agencies response to other associated strategies and plans. It is an overarching strategy for transformation under which individual public sector ICT plans sit.
This document is the second annual review of ‘The Public Services ICT Action Plan’. It provides an update of the progress made on the agreed key projects that enable greater efficiencies and savings through increasing opportunities for the sharing of services and resources, facilitating collaborative and remote working, developing common infrastructures and standards, joint procurement, and improving customer access.
The PSICT Action Plan is flexible enough to cater for individual public service requirements and pressures whilst being a firm starting point for further collaboration. It highlights a number of programmes associated with each priority theme:-
- Public Service Delivery Redesign
- Customer Service Innovation- following changes at national level this has been extended in ambition to include back office, open data and information governance. As a result it has been renamed Digital Service Innovation.
- Value For Money
- Influence
The programme areas are disaggregated into smaller yet strategic projects that are identified to meet the needs of each priority. The projects are cross cutting and are delivered by various public sector organisations both individually and collectively, in some cases in partnership with the private sector, as well as the HE sector through the Kent IT Alliance, but always for the benefit of the citizens and businesses of Kent.
Many of the remaining original projects outlined are still anticipated to bring major benefits to both the public sector ICT infrastructure and the way in which services are delivered in the future. New or updated projects are annotated accordingly but where the intention is for them still to be delivered it will be to the same standards as the original projects. However please note that all technology based projects that are developed within a partnership context are subject to change. Not proceeding is often a reflection of structural, financial and organisational transformation and change across the partner organisations.
One of the key changes in the Action Plan is the introduction of more digital based projects that reflect the ever increasing move towards customer self-service and supporting partners’ ability to provide secure, responsive and cohesive responses to public and organisational needs.
2. Resources
Resources for projects are identified and agreed as part of the initial planning process. Deploying funded internal resources continues and has been used to good effect especially as part of the Portal Review and the Disaster Recovery and Back Up as a Service project.
Ongoing investment in the Kent IT Alliance has offered partners additional opportunities to resource projects. Now in its second season, a programme of student placements, Master classes and joint support for the sixth Transformed by you event with University of Kent continues to offer good value to all participants.
3. Projects
The purpose of this Review is to highlight the progress made on the agreed projects.
Whilst several projects have already been completed others have changed direction or may not proceed due to new issues. The revised Plan continues to reflect a realistic picture of activity and partner requirements.
4. Partnership Delivery
The PSICT Action Plan Review has been produced with input from Kent Connects’ Partners, Kent Public Services Network members and others within the public sector.
Additional information regarding timescales and costs is also included.
5. Governance & Monitoring
Progress on delivery has been regularly monitored through the existing governance mechanisms. This 2nd Annual Review report has also been formally discussed and approved via the agreed channels.
1) Updates from related governance Board will be fed through the Strategic Projects Board
2) Support groups exist in Digital Service Innovation but will be jointly resourced. It shouldbe noted that the PS ICT Board will work closely with other Boards/Groups that support the priorities/programmes and the projects outlined in the PSICT Plan. Where gaps exist, the PS ICT Board will commission and oversee the new groups.
6. PSICT Strategy Action Plan
PSICT Strategy Action PlanPriority Theme / Programmes / Projects / Benefits / Agency / Progress / Cost / Date
Public Service Delivery Redesign / Information Governance / Review, consolidate and promote Information Storage and Sharing Standards / Modern technology infrastructure; improved information and knowledge management; consistent and rapid response to customer; enquiries; increased ability to share information between partner agencies. / Kent Connects / KM Information Governance Group / Completed by 3MBA students / Restricted to MBA student expenses / Completed Dec 2013 - Closed
Infrastructure Standards and Enterprise Architecture Governance / Review, consolidate and promote Infrastructure and Enterprise Architecture Standards / Deliver consistent strategic direction and provide ability to exploit the wider public sector technology network within a secure environment / Kent Connects / Completed by the Task & Finish Group / Nil – partner resources only / Completed August 2013 - Closed
PSICT Strategy Action Plan
Priority Theme / Programmes / Projects / Benefits / Status / Agency / Progress / Cost / Date
Digital Service Innovation / Priority 1 Channel Optimisation Project / Top task Analysis, Define, Redesign, Deliver / Modern technology infrastructure; improved information and knowledge management; consistent and rapid response to customer; enquiries; increased ability to share information between partner agencies. / Completed - Development in support of Kent E -citizen / Kent Customer Services Group / Kent Channel Migration Team (3) established in June 13. Undertaking work on behalf of partners. Initial tasks completed. New commissioning programme established / Initial funding approx. £250k / Dec.2014
Priority 2 Assisted Digital / a) "Maidstone pilot: Libraries Gateway, RSL, MBC"
b) Potential Interreg Bid with Maidstone, Tunbridge Wells, ST Omer and Ostended
C) Welfare reform action plan / Improve accessibility to services; promotes channel shift / Completed and closed .Development in support of Kent E -citizen / Kent Customer Services Group / a) Libraries completed Maidstone have now developed a Customer Service Model
b) Funding not received
c) Assisted Digital Strategy for Kent. Gateway initiative on-going although offer may change overtime. / n/a / Dec. 2014
Kent E - Citizen / Provide single web portal that will enable partners to repurpose and syndicate web content / Improved accessibility to services; promotes channel shift / Yr2. Deferred / Kent Connects/Kent Customer Service Group / No progress. Following discussion at December 2014 PSICT Board meeting it was agreed to remove project until further progress at a national level
Several partners have now purchased the same system ( Squizz) and are looking at opportunities to consolidate resources and future procurement.
National outcomes from Government Digital Services will probably reduce need for single portal as originally envisaged / None at this stage / Dec. 2014
Citizen Account / Consistent approach to customer information handling / Citizen Account – deferred
Customer Information System – deferred
CQMS – Deferred although unlikely to proceed at this stage / Kent Connects/Kent Customer Service Group / Citizen Account –To be delivered at a national level
Customer Information System – dependant on alignment of shared CRM’s .
Consolidated QMS – Dependant on shared CRM . Unlikely to proceed on a joint basis / Not identified at this stage / Dec.2014
Customer Information system
Consolidated Queue Management System
Priority 3 Identity Management / Digital identity Assurance IDA / Public Agencies will know that the person accessing their website/service is:
1) a real person
2)Qualifies due to geographical
3) qualifies due to eligibility criteria / Development in support of Identity Management
DIA – closed until national projects are established / Kent Customer Services Group
LG IDA Group / Partners have been working with Government Digital Service. Individual ID’s will proceed at a national rather than local level. / Not identified at this stage / Dec. 2014
Identity Management / Master Data management Strategy
Information Governance as a Service (IGaaS) / A more informed customer; single view of the customer; targeted service delivery based on customer insight information: improved marketing and communication using customer profiling
Identify potential channel shift and quality improvements to service delivery.
Agreement to fund a proposal to develop a collaborative working model on information governance for partners to support information security and IG. / Yr 3
Q1 – Yr3 / Kent Connects/Kent Customer Service Group
Kent Connects/Information Governance Board. / Partners are still interested in taking forward albeit on a smaller scale. Whilst user profiling and related channel shifting is now offered by the Channel Migration Team it is agreed that potential joint opportunities exist for sharing of good practice.
Business case to be returned to SPB in March 2014 / Not identified at this stage
£10k / Dec. 2014
Dec. 2014
Priority - These programmes will provide a strategic approach to cross agency customer data management.
Projects Delivered by – see Route Map for individual deadlines.
Resources –The Kent Customer Services Group (chaired by David Edwards ) in conjunction ( on some projects) with the Information Governance Board continues to lead on this theme, but will work closely with the PSICT Board/Kent Connects to bring the ICT elements of the projects to fruition.
PSICT Strategy Action Plan
Priority Theme / Programmes / Projects / Benefits / Status / Agency / Progress / Cost / Date
Value for Money / Shared Service Delivery / Kent GIS Service / A leaner, more efficient public sector, high quality commissioning of both internal and external service provision; further savings accrued by exploiting collaborative working opportunities / Action completed and closed / KCC and Tunbridge Wells / GIS shared service partnership has been established. New opportunities are being reviewed / No funding by Kent Connects / Dec .2014
Hardware and Software rationalisation / Unified Communications Deliver Data Storage and Hosting Strategy for the region
(Cloud Computing Strategy)
Disaster Recovery and Backup as a Service (DRBaaS) / Significant cost savings and increased productivity- initiated via KCC with expectation of sharing service to partners and potentially across wider public sector.
Significant savings through the innovative use of existing partner resources and services. / Actual
Actual / Kent Connects
Kent Connects / Unified Communications delivered by KCC. Opportunities for sharing service.
Data Storage Hosting – two research projects completed to look at opportunities across the Partnership. A further review will be completed by January 2015 with a view to establish investment requirements for a more consolidated Data Storage offering.
Led by MKIP the Kent Connects Data Recovery and Back Up as a service project will be completed by February 2015. Eight partners initially involved. / £10k for research
£144,500– to be returned by users over a five year period. / November 2014
February 2015
Delivery of remote, mobile and flexible working systems that are secure and meet the requirements of the Public Sector agencies / Employee Authentication service / Improved date sharing via secure public sector networks; approved and nationally - accredited secure network / Completed / Kent Connects / Service available to all partners. Currently used by Kent Fire & Rescue / £4,500 over 3 years / Completed - November 2012
Project Martini/PSN Edu Roam / Actual
Action completed. closed / KPSN
KPSN / PSN Edu Roam now in pilot phase. Offers similar outcomes as the original Project Martini. / Funding via KPSN / November 2014
Project Heineken / KPSN has made its infrastructure available to BDUK which is seen as the solution for this service. It is subsequently up to the BDUK supplier to decide whether or not they wish to use the KPSN Infrastructure to meet the needs of improving broadband services across the region. / No funding from Kent Connects / Dec. 2014
Continuous Service Innovation & Improvement / Fit for purpose (F4P) / Ongoing development of products and services. Ensures sustainability of investment. Collaborative resourcing and funding that facilities choice and quality / Yr. 2/3 / Kent Connects / All / New projects for this review period include a. Upgrade of the Kent Connects Portal and alignment of the Managed Market Place- Completed Dec 2014
b. The 6thTransformed by you event in East Kent- Completed
c. Greater support for training and upskilling
e. Joined the national WARP programme to improve security awareness and reduce security risks across the partnership / £46,000
£100 (from Kent Connects)
£6,000 / Dec. 2014
November 2014
On going
On going
Priority - These programmes will provide and maintain value for money solutions. Specific approaches (e.g. Federated Active Directory) are dependent on outcomes from Public Service Delivery Redesign.
Engagement with the MMP and Eduroam are key priorities
Resources - It is anticipated that the projects outlined above may require external input and support particularly at implementation and maintenance stages
PSICT Strategy Action Plan
Priority Theme / Programmes / Projects / Benefits / Status / Agency / Progress / Cost / Date
Influence / Use the joint Communications and Marketing Strategy to ensure that promotion of continued improvement through collaborative public service delivery / Transformed by you
Kent Connects Developer Forum
Kent Connects Innovation Catalogue / Access to the latest broadband technology and recognised by national and international bodies as an innovative region that implements cutting edge ICT solutions for the benefit of its communities. Reputation as a deliverer of excellent service will provide access opportunities to external funding streams / On going / Kent Connects / Promotion of local developers and digital entrepreneurs via the Transformed by you initiative. 2013 winner at the West Kent event went on to secure a further £100k investment and orders from other local authorities. The East Kent event in partnership with University of Kent looked to have a similar impact Widened engagement with local developers through attendance at meet ups and establishingthe Kent Connects Developer Forum / £10k
£100 / Nov 2014
Dec. 2014
Ongoing collaborative working through KITA allows greater transparency between the public and the University sectors. / Kent Connects – three Kent Universities / 2 student placements
3Master classes
Support for EK Tby
Winners of the SOCITM’S Digital Innovation Award 2014 / £28K / Dec. 2014
Engagement with other partnerships where the use of technology supports joint ambitions / N/A / Ongoing
By working collaboratively across the public sector in Kent, we believe that the programmes and associated projects will be continue to influence both policy and strategic direction in service delivery and design Collaborators include:
Central government
Third sector
Community Groups
7. Contact
For further information about the Public Services ICT Board or Kent Connects, please contact:-
Carol Patrick
Head of ICT Partnerships
For information about the Kent Public Services Network, please contact:-
Jeff Wallbank
KPSN Development Manager
Or view the Kent Connects site on or KPSN site on
Kent Connects Partners
Ashford Borough Council
Canterbury City Council
Dartford Borough Council
Dover District Council
Gravesham Borough Council
Kent County Council
Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Kent Police
Maidstone Borough Council
Medway Council
South East Commissioning Support Unit
Sevenoaks District Council
Shepway District Council
Swale Borough Council
Thanet District Council
Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
[1] Public Services ICT Strategy – April 2012.