DET Verifier Training and Certification– HOBL8871
Sect. 01: Fri., June 7
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Corbett Lunsford
Location: Richland Campus; Room: TBA
Cost: $250
Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET)and blower door testing training
to improve energy efficiency in homes.
Description: This one-day course is designed by the IL Assoc. of Energy Raters (IAER) to introduce the skills necessary to become a Duct and Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier, certified to perform the diagnostic testing required for new homes by the 2012 IL Energy Code. If you've been thinking about getting BPI (Building Performance Institute) or HERS (Home Energy Rating System) **Certified but can't yet make the investment, this DET Verifier certification can be your bridge into offering home performance testing services.
After successful completion of this course, you will be able to test the leakage of a building envelope and duct system, and evaluate the results as measured against Illinois code requirements.
Introduction to Residential Scale Wind Systems – GRN5002
Sect. 01: Fri., June 21
Time: 9:00-5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Ben Newton
Location: Richland Campus; Room: TBA
Cost: $25
The workshop will define wind energy, describe how residential wind energy systems work, and provide a basis for making informed decisions about the design, sizing, and sitting of wind energy systems.
Introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar) Systems – GRN5003
Sect. 01: Sat., June 22
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Ben Newton
Location: Richland Campus; Room: TBA
Cost: $25
This 8-hour course uses a combination of lecture and classroom activities to teach the basics of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Participants will learn how PV systems work, diagram the four PV system types, describe and identify components, understand the best application and limitations of each system type, define the solar window, make energy efficiency recommendations, estimate system loads, and understand the basics of PV site assessment.
Renewable Energy
Introduction to Photovoltaic (Solar) Systems – GRN5003
Requirements: Online webinar. This online course uses a combination of lecture and online classroom activities to teach the basics of photovoltaic (PV) systems
Sect. 01: July 7 - July 27
Time: One hour live webinar once a week for 3 weeks
(Handouts for course will be sent to your email)
Instructor: Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Location: Online
Cost: $40
This online course uses a combination of lecture and online classroom activities to teach the basics of photovoltaic (PV) systems. Participants will learn how PV systems work, diagram the four PV system types, describe and identify components, understand the best application and limitations of each system type, define the solar window, make energy efficiency recommendations, estimate system loads, and understand the basics of PV site assessment. For each module of this course, you will be expected to work through the materials at your own pace within the time allotted for each module. You will: Watch the presentation, read the topic resources, complete the assignment,take the module survey or quiz, and attend a live webinar where you can get reviews and extra help from the instructor.
At the end of the course, you will be expected to take the exit survey and quiz for this course. Successful completion of the course will entail that all modules have been completed. Only successful completion can allow you to move on to the upper level courses.
Webinars will be scheduled via a Doodle poll. The times that work for the most amount of participants will be selected. All webinars will be recorded and can be viewed after the webinar has occurred for those who cannot make the assigned webinar time.
Photovoltaics Site Assessor – GRN5006
Prerequisite: Introduction to PV GRN5003
Requirements: This course will cover site assessment tools, system sizing, system recommendation, energy efficiency recommendation, load analysis, array placement options, solar resource analysis, cost estimates, site assessment report, web based performance calculators, and installer and equipment recommendation.
Sect. 01: August 2
Time: 9:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Instructor: Clay Sterling; MREA
Location: Richland Campus; Room: TBA
Cost: $40
This course will cover site assessment tools, system sizing, system recommendation, energy efficiency recommendation, load analysis, array placement options, solar resource analysis, cost estimates, site assessment report, web based performance calculators, and installer and equipment recommendation.