Accounting (1994 – No. 10) <Answers>


Debtors (BS)
Suspense / 810 / 810


Trading – credit sales / 290 / 290


Mr Cheng (BS – Debtors)
Suspense / 2,880 / 2,880


Trading – returns inwards
Mr Ko (BS – Debtors) / 430 / 430
Mr Kok (BS – Creditors)
Trading – purchases / 430 / 430


Creditor (BS)
Suspense / 80 / 80


Trading – closing stock
Stock (BS) / 720 / 720


Trading – credit sales
Debtors (BS) / 350 / 350
Drawings (BS)
Trading – purchases / 350 / 350


Fixed assets
Stock (BS) / 2,500 / 2,500
Profit & loss – depreciation
Provision for depreciation (BS) / 500 / 500


Debtors control (= Total debtors)

(1) Balance b/d 6,550 (5) Returns inwards omitted 430

(3) Sales undercast 290 (8) Drawings as credit sale 350

Balance c/d 6,060

6,840 6,840

List of debtor total in the sales ledger:

$ $

Unadjusted debtors’ total 3,150

Add: (2) A debtor’s balance omitted 810

(4) Credit sales wrongly credited

(1,260 + 1,620) 2,880 3,690


Less: (5) Return inward omitted 430

(7) Drawings entered as credit sales 350 780

Adjusted debtors’ total 6,060



Trial balance difference 1,480 (2) Debtors balance omitted 810

(3) Sales undercast 290 (4) Debtors – credit sales 2,880

(6) Creditors – petty cash 80

3,770 3,770

Trading and profit and loss

(7) Closing stock overcast 720 Unadjusted net profit 4,025

(9) Depreciation omitted 500 (3) Sales undercast 290

(8) Credit sales 350 (8) Purchases 350

Adjusted net profit 3,095

4,375 4,375

Balance sheet as at 31 March 1994

Fixed assets at cost Capital 53,000

Less: Accumulated 87,500 Add: Net profit 3,095

Depreciation 38,000 56,095

49,500 Less: Drawings 1,460

Current assets: 54,635

Stock 3,060 Current liabilities:

Debtors 6,060 Creditors 2,120

Petty cash 70 9,190 Bank overdraft 1,935 4,055

58,690 58,690

Accounting (1993 – No. 8) <Answers>

(1) Working: (i) depreciation of machinery by reducing balance

= (80,000 – [20,000 – 8,000]) x 10% = 6,800

機器折舊錯誤撥備 $8,000, 其實應為 $6,800.

ie, over-provision = 8,000 – 6,800 = 1,200

Working: (ii) depreciation of fixtures by reducing balance

= (75,000 – [35,000 – 15,000]) x 20% = 11,000

傢俱折舊錯誤撥備 $15,000, 其實應為 $11,000.

ie, over-provision = 15,000 – 11,000 = 4,000

(2) Working: stock value 應為 250 units x $10.20 = $2,550

現錯記為250 units x $1.20 = $300

ie, undercast by: 2,550 – 300 = 2,250

(3)先利用debtors 計算 ”疑帳撥備”, 即: $4,150 x 8% = $332;

再利用 debtors 餘額計算 ”折扣撥備”, 即: {$4,150 –$332} x 2% = $76

(4) 先更正 accrual (負債) $120 ; 然後補做 prepayment(資產).

(5) 雖未付款, 但仍應視為費用/損失, 同時作負債撥備

Trading and profit and loss

(3) Provision for bad debt Unadjusted net profit

(3) Drovision for dis allowed (1) Depreciation overcast

(5) Insurance claim (2) Closing stock undercast

Adjusted net profit (4) Prepayment as accrual

Balance sheet as at 31 March 1994

$ $ $ $

Fixed assets: Capital

Plant & machinery Add: Net profit

Less: Acc Depr

Fixtures & fittings Less: Drawings

Less: Acc Depr

Current assets:

Stock Current liabilities:


Provision for B.D. Creditors

Provision for D.A.

Prepayment Insurance

Bank Payable __

Accounting (1993 – No. 8) <Answers>


Provision for depreciation – machinery (BS)
<累積撥備 –負債>
Profit & loss – depreciation for machinery
<該年度撥備 –費用> / 1,200 / 1,200
Provision for depreciation – fixtures (BS)
Profit & loss – depreciation for fixtures / 4,000 / 4,000


Stock (BS) <未售出存款 –資產>
Trading – closing stock <未售出存款 –收入> / 2,250 / 2,250


Profit & loss – provision for bad debts
<該年度撥備 –費用>
Provision for bad debts (BS)
<累積撥備 –負債> / 332 / 332
Profit & loss – provision for discount allowed
Provision for discount allowed (BS) / 76 / 76


Accrual (BS) <尚欠費用 –負債>
Profit & loss – expenses <該年度費用> / 120 / 120
Prepayment (BS) <預繳費用 –資產>
Profit & loss – expenses <該年度費用> / 120 / 120


Profit & loss – insurance claim <應付費用>
Insurance claim (BS) <尚欠費用 –負債> / 2,250 / 2,250

Trading and profit and loss

(3) Provision for bad debt 332 Unadjusted net profit 29,000

(3) provision for discount allowed 76 (1) Depreciation (1200 + 4000) 5,200

(5) Insurance claim 7,500 (2) Closing stock 2,250

Adjusted net profit 28,782 (4) Prepayment as accrual 240

36,690 36,690

Balance sheet as at 31 March 1994

Fixed assets: Capital 90,000

Plant & machinery 80,000 Add: Net profit 28,782

Less: Acc Depr 18,800

(20000 – 1200)

Fixtures & fittings 75,000 Less: Drawings 7,400

Less: Acc Depr 31,000

(35000 – 4000)

Current assets:

Stock (8200 + 2250) Current liabilities:

Debtors 4,150 Creditors 3,340

Less Provision BD (332) Insurance claim 7,500

Provision DA (76)

Prepayment 120

Bank 2,650 Accrual (120 –120) 0

Accounting (1992 SE – No. 5) <correction of errors>

(A) Some errors may cause the 2 sides of thetrial balance to disagree


In that case, the final accounts (報表) cannot be prepared.

A suspense account is used to make the trial balance agree.

It is a temporary (暫記) account. When all the errors are corrected,

it is written off (撇清).

(1) 折舊多撥備 $500

Profit & loss – depreciation – machinery
Provision for depreciation – machinery (BS) / 500 / 500

(2) 呆帳撥備 = 1% x $15,000(debtors) = $1,500

Profit & loss – provision for bad debts
Provision for bad debts (BS) / 1,500 / 1,500

(3) 貨物已賣出, 錯作存款處理, 因此存款是多記了, 要扣回。

500元是售價, 化成來價是 $500 ÷ 125% = $400

存款是以來價 cost 來記錄的, 因此要扣回 400元 (記多了的存貨金額)

Trading – closing stock
Stock (BS) / 400 / 400

(4) 尚欠利息 =$20,000 x 6% x 6/12 = $600

Profit & loss – loan interest
Accrued loan interest (BS) / 600 / 600

(5) Bank charge $50 had not been recorded.

Profit & loss – bank charge
Bank (BS) / 50 / 50

Trading and profit and loss

(1) Depreciation for machinery 500 Unadjusted net profit 7,000

(2) Provision for bad debts 1,500

(3) Closing stock 400

(4) Loan interest 600

(5) Bank charge 50

Adjusted net profit 5,300

7,000 7,000

Accounting (1992 – No. 9) <correction of errors>

(a) 題目原有 (5), 已在課程之外, 故取消。

(1) 應在 debtor帳左方記錄 $7,667, 卻錯在右方記錄 $6,767.

Debtors (BS) (7667 + 6767)
Suspense / 14,434 / 14,434


(a) 變賣資產, 不等於售貨, 要開設 disposal account 處理, 先取消該汽車的來價

Disposal of motor vehicle
Motor vehicles (BS) / 50,000 / 50,000

(b) 再取消該汽車的累積折舊

Provision for depreciation of motor vehicle
Disposal of motor vehicle / 10,000 / 10,000

(c) 只得回 $35,000 現金, 最後可計算 loss on disposal 為 $5,000

Bank (BS)
Disposal of motor vehicle / 35,000 / 35,000

(d) 現金, 最後可計算 loss on disposal 為 $5,000

Profit & loss – loss on disposal
Disposal of motor vehicle / 5,000 / 5,000

現時, 簿記員只作了以下錯誤的記錄 –請與 (c) 比較 :

Sales / 35,000 / 35,000

因此, 須補回 (a), (b) 及 (d), 另外 (c) 要更正如下:

Trading – sales (錯記了, 並非售貨收入)
Disposal of motor vehicle (補做) / 35,000 / 35,000

* 亦可以 不寫出 disposal account, 綜合結果為

(b) Provision for depreciation of motor vehicle
(c) Trading – sales
(d) Profit & loss – loss on disposal
(a) Motor vehicles (BS) / 10,000
5,000 / 50,000

(3) returns inwards 應記在左方, 現時左方多記了 $1,500, 因此更正如下:

Trading – return inwards / 1,500 / 1,500

closing stock 少記了 $23,500, 因此更正如下:

Stock (BS)
Trading – closing stock / 35,000 / 35,000

(4) 買入電腦時已打算轉售圖利, 因此須作進貨 purchase 處理, 不可視作資產

Trading – purchases
Office equipment (BS) / 16,500 / 16,500

此外, 漏記在 cash bank, 因此要補回

Cash book / Bank (BS) / 16,500 / 16,500


Trading and profit and loss

(2) Sales 35,000 Unadjusted net profit 31,200

(2) Loss on disposal 5,000 (3) Returns inwards 1,500

(4) Purchases 16,500 (2) Closing stock 23,500

Adjusted net loss 300

56,500 56,500


(3) Returns inwards 1,500 Trial balance difference 1,866

(4) Bank 16,500 (1) Debtors 14,434

Balance c/d (尚有錯誤未更正) 1,700

28,000 28,000


Balance sheet as at 31 March 1992

Fixed assets: Capital:

Office equipment 78,500 Balance as 1.4.1991 53,210

Less: Acc Depr 11,400 67,100 Add: Net profit 300

Motor vehicles 103,300 52,910

Less: Acc Depr 44,268 59,032 Less: Drawings 20,000

126,132 32,910

Current assets: Long-term liabilities

Stock 63,450 Loan 100,000

Debtors 35,134 Current liabilities

Prepaid rent 5,000 Creditors 93,306

Bank 5,800 109,384 Accruals 11,000 104,306

Suspense 1,700 1,866

230,582 237,216

Accounting (1991 – No. 3) <correction of errors>


(1) 保險公司願賠 $72,000 而未賠, 漏記了, 故要補記)

Insurance claim receivable / Other debtor (BS)
Profit & loss – stock loss / 72,000 / 72,000

(2) 將待售存貨變作自用資產 –應在 purchases 帳扣除

Office equipment / Computer (BS)
Trading – purchases / 30,000 / 30,000

而且年終要25% 折舊撥備, 但只計 4個月 撥備

Profit & loss – provision for depreciation
Provision for depreciation – equipment (BS) / 2,500 / 2,500

(3) 先更正錯誤 – $10,350 debited to advertising and credited to sales

Trading – sales
Profit & loss – advertising (廣告費) / 10,350 / 10,350

其次, 捐贈存貨應在 purchase 帳以來價扣除,

題目指出: 來價 x 115% = 3,450; 因此, 每部 printer 來價 = $3,000

Profit & loss – donation (損贈開支)
Trading – purchases (3 x $3,000) / 9,000 / 9,000


Trading and profit and loss

(2) Depreciation – computer 2,500 Unadjusted net profit 160,000

Adjusted net profit 259,500 (1) Stock loss 72,000

262,000 262,000

Accounting (1989 – No. 9) <correction of errors>


(1) Returns outwards 漏記了, 因此要補回

Profit & loss – returns outwards / 3,540 / 3,540

(2) $5,100 應記作資產, 現錯記為費用, 因此要更正

Office equipment – typewriter (BS)
Profit & loss – office expenses / 5,100 / 5,100

(3) closing stock 多記了 $880.

Trading – closing stock
Stock (BS) / 880 / 880

(4) Discounts received $2,600, 應記在右方, 卻錯記在左方

Profit & loss – discounts received / 5,200 / 5,200

(5) Credit sales $173 完全漏記了, 因此要補回

Trade debtors (BS)
Trading – credit sales / 173 / 173

(6) $7,390 new furniture 漏記了, (但不用計折舊)

Office equipment (BS)
Suspense / 7,390 / 7,390

(7) wages 多記了 $360.

Profit & loss – wages / 360 / 360

(8) A bank overdraft (透支, 應作負債) of $1,080 had been included in

the trial balance as a debt balance.

Trial balance (不是帳項, 故不用改 journal) / 2,160

(9) credit purchase $3,020完全漏記了, 因此要補回

Trading – purchases
Trade creditors (BS) / 3,000 / 3,000

(10) $540 還債給 Mr Mo, 錯記為 $450. 即少記了 $90, 要補回

Mr Mo (BS)
Suspense / 90 / 90



(1) Returns outwards 3,540 Trial balance difference 3,780

(4) Discount received 5,200 (6) Office furniture 7,390

(7) Wages 360 (10) Mr Mo (540 – 450) 90

(8) Bank (1080 x 2) 2,160

11,260 11,260


Trading and profit and loss

(3) Sales 880 Unadjusted net profit 297,200

(9) Loss on disposal 3,020 (1) Returns outwards 3,540

Adjusted net profit 307,633 (2) Office expenses 5,100

(4) Discount received 5,200

(5) Sales 173

(7) Wages 360

311,573 311,573

Accounting (1988 – No. 4) <correction of errors>

At the end of the accounting years, a book-keeper discovered that the net

total of the balances extracted from the purchases ledger, which was

$87,345, did not agree with the balance shown by the purchases ledger

control account. The following errors were found, and after adjustments

had been made, the books balanced.

(1) An item of $683, being purchases from A. Wong had been posted from

the purchases day book to the credit of L. Wong’s account.

(2) Credit balances on the purchases ledger amounting to $329, and debit

balances amounting to $583 had been omitted from the list of balances.

(3) The purchase day book had been undercast by $217.

(4) Goods costing $1,386 had been returned to P.Tam and his account debited

for the goods returned to him, but no other entry had been made.


(a) Give the journal entries necessary to correct these errors.

(b) Calculate the balance of the purchases ledger control account:

<i> after the corrections, and <ii> before the corrections.

Accounting (1987 – No. 10) <correction of errors>

A trial balance extracted at 31 January 1987 failed to agree and a suspense

account was opened to balance it off. The balance sheet below was drawn up

Balance sheet as at 31 January 1987

$ $ $

Fixed assets

Machinery 40,000

Less provision for depreciation 16,000 24,000

Other furniture 14,000

Less provision for depreciation 6,300 7,700


Current assets:

Stock 12,500

Trade debtors 8,500

Other debtors 4,100

Cash 3,800


Less Current liabilities

Creditors 9,100

Suspense 5,300 14,400 14,500


Financed by:

Share capital 46,200

An inspection of the ledgers was made, and the following was discovered:

(1) The closing stock includes $1,050 goods received as samples.

(2) Office furniture of $800 returned to the supplier has been recorded

in the return outwards account. (要更正折舊撥備)

(3) A debt of $150 already written off in the previous (前年已撇作壞帳)

has been collected in the current year (應另開收入帳 bad debt recovery

處理, 記在右方). The only entry made for this transaction was debited

cash account and credited trade debtors account.

(4) A payment of $67 for repairs had been correctly entered in the cash

book, but has been recorded in the repairs account as $76.

(5) A machine purchased for the company’s use costing $1,200 had been

debited to the purchases account. (自用資產, 並非購入存貨; 要計折舊)

(6)The balance of one of the suppliers was $2,850 in credit, but this was

carried down as $2,500 on the debit side of the list of creditors. The

total debit balance of the list was included in the other debtors account.

(7) Goods amounting to $620 returned to a suppler have not been recorded.

(8) A balance of $59 has been omitted from the list of trade debtors.

Required: <20 marks

(a) Prepare journal entries (narrations are not required) to correct the

above, Their effect on the profit and loss account should also be

incorporated. (Assume that the company depreciated its machinery and

office furniture by the straight line method at 20% and 15%

respectively; full year’s depreciation will be charged at purchase.)

(b) Prepare a statement showing the revised net profit for the year.

Accounting (1986 – No. 3) <correction of errors>

(A) State the kinds of errors which do not affect the agreement of trial

balance totals.

(Double entry複式會計在入帳時, 若 Dr entry 與 Cr entry 不符, 會令試算

表的 Dr total 與 Cr total 也不相符, 改正時會涉及 suspense account,


(1) 錯記在同類型帳戶之內 errors of commission

(2) 錯記在不同類型帳戶之內 errors of principles

(3) 金額左右方都同樣記錯了 errors of original entries

(4) 左方錯記在右方, 同時右方又錯記在左方 complete reversal of entries

(5) 完全漏計 (左右方都同時漏記了) complete omission

(6) 其實出現了兩項不同的錯誤, 只不過, 左方的錯誤與右方的錯誤剛好互相抵

銷了 compensating errors

(B) A trial balance prepared from the ledger of Tin On Company as at 31

December 1985 failed to agree, and the difference was posted to a

suspense account. In each January 1986, the following errors were

discovered, which resulted in the suspense account being cleared.)

(1) The total of the returns outwards book $150 had not been posted to the


(2) A sal of goods of $98 to Mr Fung had been posted to his account as

$89, the other posting being correct.

(3) Outstanding (尚欠) telephone expenses in the sum (數目) of $126, had

not yet been recorded.

(4) The debit balance of $250 on Mr Lo’s account had been omitted from the

trial balance.

(5) $500 received from sales of office equipment had been entered in the

sales account.

(6) Bank charge of $20 entered in the cash book had not been posted to

the bank charges account.

Required: <7 marks

Prepare journal entries (narrations are not required) to correct the errors.