School Leadership Team Minutes

Friday, March 7, 2014

What do we need to consider to make a choice?

Question as to how much money is available for a sensory room

V Todd stated that the PTO had indicated that they would fund project with grants and by raising community funds

Discussion about what all students means

S Abraham asked,should it really be all students, or just aggressive students?

C Altman suggested changing wording from “all” to “any” to indicate that it would be for use by students when they need it, not necessarily schedule

V Todd read examples of elementary school norms

Students are required to receive instruction in all content areas for specific amounts of times per day and per year

C Yancey stated that there is a requirement for natural lighting and ventilation requirements

Also, mats and materials should be placed so that they can’t slide on the floor and pose safety concerns

V Todd stated that disinfectants need to be stored in close proximity

V Todd stated that there is a requirement of 50 square feet per child

Look at objectives, and decide which are “musts” and which are “wants”

Encompasses all ages: W

Accessible for use by any Metro student: W

Follows developmental day requirements: M

Follows health department regulations: M

Fire department rules: M

Allows metro maintain 5 star rating: M

Meets needs of students’ five senses: W

Follows nonnegotiables: M

Provides variety of sensory activities: W

**removed the list option about IEP delivery, due to the fact that IEPs are legally required to be followed

Meets educational standards (curriculum): M

**removed duplicate (meets educational ratios)

Sink: M

Schedule posted: M

Training for teachers and staff: W

Durable materials: W

Safety of materials: M

Lighting at 10 feet: M

Materials and equipment developmentally appropriate: M

Child hazards (disinfectants) must be kept locked: M

Staffing requirements: M

Increase education; address student needs when education has stopped: W

Not to exceed PTO and community funds (50-100,000). Presently, PTO has 30000 to start the project, pending a concrete budget: W

Fully funded by PTO generated funds: M

Ventilation requirements: M

Natural lighting controlled by blinds: M

**Question concerning natural lighting: is natural light required for every single room? C Yancey confirmed that yes, it is required and it can be controlled by blinds

No play areas in front of door: M

Mats and rugs don’t slide: M

Meets minimum size requirement per child: M

Follows CMS guidelines: M

Next Step: Options

Bin of materials for each classroom

Bin of materials taken to “timeout” room

Sensory space in each classroom

Separate Sensory Room

Compare Options to Musts

Bin of sensory materials for classroom use

Meets all musts

Bin of materials taken to timeout rooms

Does not meet some of the health department requirements for the room, so this option was eliminated

Sensory space in each classroom

Meets all musts

Separate Room

Discussion of whether or not there is an available room-no viable spaces came up

Discussion of ratio: if teacher or staff brings one student to room, that classroom would be out of ratio

Does not meet all musts

Combination of all of the above

Does not meet all musts

Next step will be to rate the wants between options A and C

Next SLT regular meeting scheduled for March 24th.

Members present: Talia Chapman, Sheila Abraham, Amber Martinez, Alison Preslipsky, Diwana Griffin, Lori West, Delilah Cole, Valerie Todd, Cathy Yancey,

Guests: Kristine Lofton, Tracie-Lynn Zakas, Gloria Graham, Christy Altman

Minutes prepared by Amber Martinez