Date: 11/10/2014
UtilityRelocationWorkPlanfor: / Green River PowerFacilityType: / Electric-Distribution.
- INDOT/LPAProjectInformation
DES NO.: / 1234321
Route Number: / SR 57
Location: / From 0.5 miles S of SR 64 to 0.5 miles N of SR 64
Work Type: / Intersection Improvement w/added Travel Lanes
Letting Date: / August 21, 2014
Date Work Plan Needed / May 21, 2014
Target Date for Utility to be out of conflict with INDOT Project / September 7, 2014
Intermediate Phase / Enter Target Date
Intermediate Phase / Enter Target Date
- UtilityDesignatedContact–Information
1. / Designated Contact Name: / Luke Johnson
2. / Officetelephone: / 812-371-9181
3. / Mobiletelephone: / 812-371-5522
4. / Emailaddress: /
5. / Agencyname / Green River Power
6. / Address: / 2525 Riverfront Street
7. / City,State,ZipCode: / Carlisle, IN, 47648
8. / ConstructionEmergencyContact:
Name: / Luke Johnson
Number: / 812-371-5522
- Bysigninghere,theUtilityhasdeterminedtothebestoftheirabilitythattheydonothavefacilitieswithintheprojectarea:
Luke JohnsonLuke Johnson11/14/2014
Signature of Utility RepresentativePrint Name Date
- INDOT/LPAUtilityCoordinatorContactInformation
1. / Utility Coordinator Name: / Dawn Holiday
2. / Office Telephone: / 317-232-5588
3. / Mobile Telephone: / 317-519-9336
4. / Email Address: /
5. / Agency Name: / INDOT
6. / Address: / 100 N. Senate Ave, Room N642
7. / City, State, Zip Code / Indianapolis, IN, 46204
- Describewhattypesofexistingactiveandinactivefacilitiesarepresent.
An active aerial 13 kv line runs on the east side of SR 57 south and north of the intersection. Also, an active aerial 13 kv lines run on the south side of SR 64 west and east of the intersection. Located on the utility poles along SR 57 are the facilities of Princeton Communications. Green River Power has no inactive facilities in the project area.
- Describethelocationofexistingactiveandinactivefacilities.
An active aerial 13 kv line runs on the east side of SR 57 south and north of the intersection. Also, an active aerial 13 kv lines run on the south side of SR 64 west and east of the intersection. Located on the utility poles along SR 57 are the facilities of Princeton Communications. Green River Power has no inactive facilities in the project area.
- Describewhatwillbedonewithexistingactiveandinactivefacilities.
Existing facilities will remain in place except for those areas where new facilities need to be installed. In the area of new facilities, once the new lines are installed, the old facilities will be removed. Once the under builds on our poles are relocated unneeded poles will be removed. Green River Power has no inactive facilities in the project area.
- Describethedetailsoftheproposednewfacilities.
The new facilities will be a replacement in kind for existing 13 kv lines and 45 foot poles.
- Describetheproposedlocationofthenewfacilities.
Along the east side of SR 57, south of the intersection with SR 64, four poles and one down guy will be installed. Also, along SR 64 east of the intersection one pole and one down guy will be installed.
- Bysigninghere,theUtilityhasdeterminedtothebestoftheirabilitythattheyhavefacilitieswithintheprojectareaandthefacilitiesarenotinconflictwiththeprojectbasedupontheplansreceived on 7/14/2014
Dawn HolidayDawn Holiday12/12/2014
Signature of Utility RepresentativePrint Name Date
Note: Asignaturebytheutilityrepresentativeatitem“(F)”fulfillstherequirementtocompletetherestofthisformandaffirmstheircontactinformationaboveiscorrect.
Section3: Astatementwhetherthefacilityrelocationisorisnotdependentontheacquisitionofadditionalpropertyinterestswithadescriptionofthatwork.[IAC13-3-3(c) (2) (B)]
Our relocation work is not dependent upon acquisition of additional property interests by Green River Power. Our relocation is dependent upon the acquisition of additional right of way by the State of Indiana, Department of Transportation.
Section4: AstatementwhethertheutilityisorisnotwillingtoallowtheINDOTcontractortodotherequiredworkaspartofthehighwaycontract.[IAC13-3-3(c) (3)]
Green River Power is not willing to allow the INDOT contractor to do the required work as part of the highway contract.
Section5:Fromthedatetheworkplanisapprovedbybothparties;pleaseprovidetheUtility’spre-constructionschedulinginformation.[IAC13-3-3(c) (4),IAC13-3-3(c) (5)]
A. / Theexpectedleadtimeincalendardaystoobtainrequiredpermits: / 14B. / Theexpectedleadtimeincalendardaystoobtainmaterials: / 14
C. / Theexpectedleadtimeincalendardaystoscheduleworkcrews: / 14
D. / Ifthecontractorisbeingselectedbycompetitivebidwhatisthedateof selection? / Enter Bid Date
E. / Theexpectedleadtimeincalendardaystoobtainnewpropertyinterests: / Enter Days
F. / Theearliestdatewhentheutilitycouldbegintoimplementthepre-constructionactivitiesoftheworkplan: / 04/01/2015
G. / Thetotalnumberofcalendardaysforpre-constructionactivities:(accountingforconcurrent activities) / 14
Section6: The Utility Construction Scheduling Information.[IAC13-3-3(c) (4),IAC13-3-3(c) (5)]
- Astatementwhetherthefacilityrelocationisorisnotdependentonworktobedonebyanotherutilitywithadescriptionofthatwork.[IAC13-3-3(c)(2)(A)(i)]
- UtilityA,withadescriptionoftherequiredwork.
Princeton Communications must remove their facilities before we can pull the obsolete poles.
- UtilityB,withadescriptionoftherequiredwork.
- UtilityC,withadescriptionoftherequiredwork.
- Astatementwhetherthefacilityrelocationisorisnotdependentonworktobedonebythedepartmentorthedepartment’scontractorwithadescriptionofthatwork.[IAC13-3-3(c)(2)(A)(ii)]
- WorkitemA
INDOT must have possessory rights for all right of way in the area of the proposed new installations.
- WorkitemB
INDOT must stake the right of way at 100 foot increments in the area of our proposed work.
- WorkitemC
INDOT must remove all trees, stumps and brush in the area of our proposed installations.
- HowmanycalendardaysaftertheeventsidentifiedinSec6AandBarecompletedcantheutilitybeginconstruction: 30
- Thenumberofcalendardaystocompletetherelocationwork: 30
Section7: Adrawingofsufficientdetailwithstation,offset,elevations,andscaletoshowtheproposedlocationofthefacilityrelocation,whichtakesprecedenceoverthenarrativedescriptionofthework, needs to be on INDOT Construction drawings. [IAC13-3-3(c) (6)]. Plans must be attached to this Work Plan Document.
Please see attached plans
Section8: Foreachworkplantheutilityshallincludeacostestimateforthefacilityrelocation.Forreimbursableworktheestimatewillidentifybettermentandsalvage which is not reimbursable.[IAC13-3-3(d)]
$55,000, please see attached cost estimate.
Section9: ForworktheutilityisentitledtobecompensatedbytheDepartment,theworkplanshallincludedocumentationofpropertyinterestsandcompensablelandrights.[IAC13-3-3(d)]
Our work is not reimbursable.
Section10: Theimplementationofthisapprovedworkplanisdependentupontheissuanceof:(anoticetoproceedwillbeprovidedwhenitemsinSection6areaccomplished)
Items Completed / Yes / Not ApplicableAn executed reimbursement agreement with INDOT/LPA:
A relocation permit from INDOT/LPA:
(Note: Double-click on box in Yes or NA to mark it with an “X”)
Luke Johnson Luke Johnson11/15/2014
Luke Johnson
Thefollowingsections are tobeusedbyINDOTpersonneltoreviewtheutilityrelocationworkplan.
Section11: TheDepartmentshallreviewtheworkplantoensurethatit:[IAC13-3-3(e)]
Description / Yes / No / Initials(1.a) is compatible with department permit requirements / Deh
(1.b) is compatible with the project plans / Deh
(1.c) is compatible with the construction schedule / Deh
(1.d) is compatible with other utility relocation work plans / Deh
(2.a) has reasonable relocation scheme / Deh
(2.b) has a reasonable cost for compensable work / Deh
(Note: Double-click on box under Yes or No to mark it with an “X”)
Comments on any sections (1.a – 2.b) that were marked No:
Dawn Holiday12/12/2014
Reviewer SignatureDate
Dawn Holiday
Section12: ApprovedWorkPlan.[IAC13-3-3(f)]
Dave Townsend12/18/2014
Project Manager SignatureDate
Dave Townsend
Project Manager Name Printed
1 | PageRevised 02/11/2015