Lactation Clinical Skills Day
History Taking and Assessment Tool
- Basic Information:
- Name of mom and baby, age of baby
- Reason for call or presenting concern/issue
- Birth Information, gestational age, Gravida Para (G/P), birth weight, discharge weight, last weight
- Obtain weight before a feeding, with a dry diaper on baby
- Take weight of baby after a feeding, with same diaper; do not change diapers between pre and post feed weights.
- Feeding Information:
- “Tell me about baby’s feedings”- how often, how long, any bottles and how much per bottle, when was last feeding.
- Output – wet and dirty diapers, amount, consistency, color
- Baby’s behavior – wakes self to feed, sleepy baby, short feedings, long feedings, fussy baby, “good” baby.
- Head to Toe assessment of mom:
- Overall, how does mom look, how is her health, breastfeeding history, birth story
- Breasts assessment, this can be done at the time you are observing a feeding at the breast, any breast changes during the pregnancy, injuries, surgeries,
- Medication, vitamins, herbs, supplements used by mom; any birth control given/using
- Post partum bleeding – amount and type of flow, clots, menses returned
- Head to Toe assessment of baby:
- Overall, how does baby look: skin color, tone, hydration, fat pads, any known health issues
- Watch mom latch baby and feed baby.
- Assess positioning and latch and how that impacts baby’s ability to suck/swallow or actively eat at the breast.
- Upper body evaluation of baby: Cranial bones, facial symmetry, ability to move head from side to side, muscle tone of arms and neck area
- Oral assessment: Rooting, lips, tongue, roof of mouth, ability and desire to suck
SOAP – This is a way to chart, yet it is also a way to collect information and draw a conclusion about the feeding issue.
S:Subject Information – Things mom tells you
O:Objective Information – Things you observe
A:Assessment or analysis of the information you have observed and collected. Draw a conclusion and share it with mom. Tell her what is going on; give her a name for the issue.
P:Plan, what is the plan to address the issue. Use the Feeding Plan tool so mom has a written document of the plan.
May 2016